Minutes 1940/09/03 580 Gilroy,Calitornia. September 3,1940. This regular monthly meeting ot the Common Council is oalled to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,Jr. Present: Councilmen: George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Jack Rogers, Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth. Absent: Councilmen: James Battersby. Minutes ot the meetings ot August 5th,19th and 23rd,1940, are read and approved. The Mayor states that ~tter of a ditference between the garbage tranch1se holders and Mrs.Janet Phillips, relative to oharge tor garbage service, has been settled. The Clerk is instructed to write to Mr.Gordon Chappell and ask '" him to attend the next regular meeting ot the Common Council, Oot- ober ?th, or the first special meeting of the month, it such speoial meeting is held, to discuss a oertain gasoline storage tank located on his property at 440 North Monterey Street. ,- 581 The matter of the condition of a house located on South Church Street on property owned by Hattie J.Cole, P.O.Box 93, Delano, California, is discussed. The Clerk is instruoted to communicate with Hattie J.Cole calling her attention to the oondition of the building looated on her prop- perty, that it is oonsidered a fire hazard and a nusiance and must be removed from the property. b#.. The matter of an exoavation next to the Post Office on West~Street, property owned by the Gilroy Lodge of Improved Order of Redmen, is disoussed the Mayor stating that the Postmaster had made a com- plaint. The Clerk is instructed to write to the Improved Order of Redmen, Gilroy Lodge, and ask tham if it is possible for them to fill in this excavation and offering the cooperation of the city in the work. A communication is read from Logan & Frazer, auditors, stating that the audit of the city books had been completed and everjthing had been found in order and offering to renew their prvious oontraot fer aUditing services. Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried that the firm of Logan and Frazer, oertified public account- ants, Amerioan Trust Building, San Jose,California, be retained to audit the oity's books for the fisoal ye~r July 1,1940 to June 30, 194~ at a cost of $200.00 for the fisoal year, payable $50.00 quar- terlyat the end of each quarterly audit, the final report to be submitted at the end of the fiscal year. The City Engineer reports that he has discussed the oondition of the orossings at Leavesley Road,Sixth,Lewis and Martin streets with an" engineer of the Southern Paoifio Company and that plans and prOfiles will be drawn for the proposed improvement. The chairman of the Water Committee is instructed to proceed with neoessary the gathering of datatand oostS/for correoting the drainage oondition at the reservoir and present this information at the next meeting of the Council. '" Reports of the oity offioers are presented and read. Motion by Counoilman Rogers, seconded by Counoilman Wentworth and carried that the reports be aoopted as read and placed on file. Motion by Councilman Heiner, seoonded by Councilman Mason and oarried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered _ drawn on the Treasurer. 582 Adjourned sUbjeot to the call of the ohair. . a.%(0M(. 01 ty 0 erk. '"