Minutes 1940/09/16
Gilroy, California,
September 16,1940.
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Mili8.s,Jr.
Present: Counc ilmen: Geor8B A.Martin,George M.Mason,Jao~ Rogers,
James Battersby,Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth. Absent:Counci1men:None.
Architects Certificate NO.4, in the amount of $8,998.00, dated
September 6,1940. to George C.Renz, for work oompleted on the
construction of the Munioipal Auditorium, is presented.
Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by councilman Heiner and
carried that the Glens FaUs Indemnity Company, assignee of George
C.Renz, oontractor, be given the tourth payment ot $8,998.00 on
the Munioipal Auditorium contract, as approved by the architeot
under the date of September 6,1940.
The oertt.f1ed statement ot Oity Engiheer,W.J'.Hamaa that t4e work
ot improviJ;l.g Railroad Street has been completed,bt:'L~O.Karstedt,
oontractor, is presented.
Motion by Counoilman Martin, seoonded by CounCilman Rogers and
oarried that L.C.Karstedt, oontractor, be allowed ?5~ -$6,525.35,
ot the total amount of his oontract-$S,700.47-tor the improvement
ot Railroad Street a8 submitted in the certitied statement of the
City Engineer.
Motion by Counoilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Martin and
oarried that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a
Notice ot Completion of work on Railroad Street, it necessary.
Liquor Lioense Applications of Aloha Club, Gilroy Food Market and
Jaok's Restaurant are presented. No objeotion is made.
Councilman Heiner presents an estimate of cost ot installing a
Barcol door at the Fire House;the quoted p~ice being $l?7.00 in-
stalled-quotation does not include painting and removing the old
Motion by Councilman Rogers,seconded by Counoilman Martin and
carried that a Barcol door be installed at the tire house at a
cost of $1?7.00,prioe inoludingsales tax.
Counoilman Mason presents plans and estimates tor installing drain
tile at the reservoir.
This matter is plaoed with the Water Committee with power to act.
Counoilman Mason disousses the condition 0' the pipe line between
the dam and the reservoir stating that the line is in need of repairs
in several plaoes.
This matter is plaoed in the hands of the Water Committee with power
to act.
The matter of the oondition of the Water Departmen's piokup truok
is disouss~d. This matter is laid on the table for the present.
Jerome Chappell, representing Gordon Chappell, now appears before
the oounoil 'to disouss the use of a certain gasoline storage tank
located on the property of Gordon Chappell, 440 North Monterey Street.
l~.Chappelllstates that Gordon Chappell is willing to do any reason-
able thing to make the storage tank come within the scope of the
ordinanoe governing installation of gasoline storage tanks.
It is unanimously agreed that with the placing of a 5 or six inoh
slab of conorete over the top of the tank that the tank be allowed
to stay in its present place and when this work is completed it shall
be inspeoted by the Superintendent of Streets and Sewers.
Motion by Counoilman Mason,seoonded by Counoilman Battersby and
oarried that Counoilman J.H.Wentworth be granted a leave of absenoe
from the state for a period of thirty days,commencing October 1,1940.
Adjourned subject to the
oal1 of the chair.
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City C erk