Minutes 1940/10/07
Gilroy. California.
Ootober 7.1940.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Counoil is called to
order by His Honor bayor George C.Milias,Jr.
Present:Opunoilmen: George A.Martin,George M.1~son,Jaok Rogers,
James Battersby,Nat Heiner. Absent:Counoilmen: K.H.Wentworth.
Minutes of the meetings of September 3rd,16th and 1?th,1940 are
read and approved.
A communication is read from Mrs.Ethel Tremaine thanking the ~vor
and Council for qppoin~/her to the office of City Treasurer to fill
the unexpired term of her late husband,Paul H.Tremaine.
A oommunication is read from the Gilroy City Planning Commission
advising the Council that they recommend no permit be granted to
make further extensions to a building in the rear of 380 North Hanna
Street and further that they reoommend no further exeeptions be
granted to the zoning Ordinanoe.
A oommunication is read from the Board of Supervisors stating
that Resolution No.120,relative to health inspection of the city
by the County Health Department, had been filed.
Applioations for the position of caretaker for the Munioipal
Audi torium from Henry Castro and J. M. Silva are read and ordered
plaoed on tile.
The City Attorney is instructed to investigate the disposition
made by the Board of Supervisors of Resolution No.120 and to appear
before the Board of Supervisors if neoessary.
A cownunication is read from the Division of Highways relative to
re-locating and replaoing oertain traffic signs within the state
highway:::limi ts of the city.
Motion by Councilman ~Jartin,seconded by Counoilman Rogers and
carried that the Division of Highways be given permission to re-
sign the oity under the 1/4~ Gas Tax Fund.
The Clerk is instructed to write to the Division if Highways r,
and suggest that the "25 Mile" zones be marked on the pavement in ,-.J
the same Banner as has been done in Morgan Hill.
Councilman Heiner,Bhairman of the Fire Committee, reports that
Engineer Chas.Shields has agreed to take a reduction in salary of
$5.00 per month and that the relief driver had agreed to a salary
of $30.00 per month.
Motion by Councilman Battersby,seoonded by Counoilman Rogers and
. I
carried that the salary of Chas.Shields be $130.00 per month and
the salary of John Lee, relief driver, be $30.00, both effeotive as
of September 1,1940.
A oommunication is read from Oliver Brown, superintendent of
scl1ools,relative to the oity equipment being used on oontemplated
VI.P.A. work~at the high sohool grounds.
The Mayor states that he had discussed the oontents of the letter
I~ with l~.Brown.
A oommunioation is read from Oliver Brown,superintendent of Sohools
relative to the condition of the gusters on the streets adjoining the
Jordan School.
The Mayor requests the Superintendent of Streets to make the
repairs as requested.
Counoilman Mason reports that the drainage work at the reservoir
is progressing.
Counoilman Heiner reports that the Annual Firemens Banquet will be
held Monday evening,October 14th, at the Hotel Milias and that all
volunteer firemen and oity employees are invited to attend.
The matter of a complaint on the accumulation of trash in the alley
at the rear of the Doug.Fulton place on North Rosanna street is
presented. No aotion is taken.
The Mayor announoes that the Municipal Auditorium will be dedioated,
Sunday,November 3rd.
It is unanimously agreed that the Mayor appoint a oommittee to
have charge of the dedication and that the secretary of the Chamber
of Commerce will assist the oommittee.
Captain Cecil Carlyle,oommanding officer of the local National Guard
unit, appears before the Counoil and states that the lease for the
Municipal Auditorium had not been signed,due to the fact that the
Guard Company would be oalled int 0 servi'ce for one year, shortJ.Yjafter
Ranuary 1st, and asks to rent the Auditorium Building on a month to
month basis for $?5.00 per month and asks that the company be per-
mitted to use the storage vault in the building for state property
during the time the company is in oamp.
Motion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman Battersby and
carried that the local National Guard Company rent the Municipal
Auditorium on a month to month basis at $?5.00 per month;that the
Guard Company be granted the use of the vault for a storeroom,al1
the original stipulations in the lease,signed by the City, to hold.
The matter of a new truok for the Water Department is discussed.
_"The Water Co:mmi ttee is instruoted to gather data on the kind and
type of truck: desired and submit that information to the Council.
The bond of City Treasurer Ethel Tremaine is presented.
Motion by Councilman Rogers,seconded by Counoilman Battersby and
carried that the bond of City Treasurer Ethel Tremaine be acoepted.
Architects Certificate No.5, in the amount of $4,237.50, dated
October 3,1940, to George C.Renz, for work completed Gn the oonst-
ruction of the Municipal Auditorimll, is presented.
Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Rogers and
carried that the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, assignee of Goorge
C.Renz,contractor, be given the fifth payment of $4,237.50 on the
Munioipal Auditorium contract, as approved by the architect under
the date of October 3,1940.
Reports of the City Officers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Battersby~seconded by Councilman Rogers and
carried that the reports of the city officers be acoepted as read
and plaoe~ on file.
Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Rogers and
carried that the bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the ohair.
Ci ty Clerk.