Minutes 1940/11/04
November 4,1940.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor MayoIli' George C.Milias,Jr.
Present: Councilmen: George A.Martin,George M.1mson,Jack Rogers,
James Battersby,Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth. Absent Counoilmen: None.
Minutes of the meetings of October 7th and 2lst,1940, are read
and approved.
A communication is read from the Business and Professional
Womens Club thanking the Mayor and Council for their cooperation
and assistance in making the cO~llunity Halloween Party a success.
A communioation is read from the Community Center asking for the
oity's annual donation to the Community Center.
A communicat ion is read from the Iv:!a.sons and Odd Fellows Cemetery'
Association asking for a refund of 25% on water bills paid by them
since the last refund was made.
A communication is read from George C.Renz quoting a cost of
$160.00 for installation of a new 6 inch concrete floor in the
firehouse, portion of the floor to be removed and replaced being
16' x 40'.
The cowrrunication from the Business and Professional Womens Club
is ordered placed on file.
The Clerk is instructed to advise the Community Center that the
city's annual donation to the Community Center will be made at the
usual time.
Motion by Councilman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Wentworth
and carried that the floor at the firehouse be repaired by re-
placing a seotion 16' x 40' with a six inch floor at an estimated
cost not to exceed $160.00 for labor and materials.
The matter of replacing a fire plug at Fifth and Rosanna Streets
with a new type plug and moving the old plug to the Fourth Street
water line extension, is discussed. This matter is placed in the
hands of the Fire Committee to investigate and report.
Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman N~son and
carried that the Masons and Odd Fellows Cemetery Association be
granted 25% of the amount paid for water last year.
The Clerk is ordered to bill George C.Renz and Gordon E.Chappell
at 30~ per yard for dirt moved from Railroad Street to their prop-
erty on North Monterey Street.
Councilman Mason reports that work at the reservoir is progressing
Mayor Milias reports that the Adjutant General of the State of
California has signed the lease for the Wheeler Civic Auditorium
and the Clerk is instructed to obtain a copy of the lease from
Captain Cecil Carlyle.
The conditidn1s several streets is discussed and the Chairman
of the Street Coramittee states that he will make an inspection at
A cOIUfnunication is read from B.M. Klink making appli cat ion for a-n
extension of water line on the south side of Fourth Street between
Princevalle street and Miller Avenue. A map of the proposed extension
accompanied the communication.
The matter of the proposed extension of the water line on Fourth
Street is 91aced in the hands of the Water Committee with the under-
standing that the new line should be laid to the satisfaction of
-I the Vfater Committee arrl that I{lrs.J" .M.Radin be reimbursed for one-
half the cost of the line on the north side of Fourth street, from
Princevalle Street to the end of the line on the north side of
li'ourth street.
Councilman Rogers discusses the condition of the pump at the
Sewer Farm and a ditch on the same property. The Sewer Committee
is instructed to proceed with the improvement of the ditch at a
cost of ~350.00.
Motion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Heiner and
carried that the Sewer Committee be granted the authority to repair
the pump at the Sewer Farm.
Councilman Mason reports on investigation of various types of
trucks for the V!ater Department. Councilman Mason is instructed to
proveed with the drawing up of specifications for a truck for use
of the Yiater Department.
The l'iIayor now presents a flag given to the city by Mrs.Eall.S..
Schrader for use at the Vilieeler Civic Auditorium. The Clerk is in-
structed to vlrite a letter of thanks to Mrs.Schrader.
It is unanimously agreed that the Auditorimfi Building Committee
should ascertain the cost of plans for landscaping the grounds
adjoining jhe Wheeler Civic Auditorimfi and report their findings
to the Counc il.
'l'he Mayor di scusses the Iililler Slough impr avement.
The City Engineer estimates 12,500 cu.yds. of dirttto be moved in
the Luprovement of Miller Slough. The City Engineer is im tructed to
call lLIr.lvlcQ,ueen of the VT.P.A. and discuss tm cost of this project.
The City Engineer reports that an engineer from the Southern
Pacific Company has discussed improvement of grade crossings within
the city liIp.its.
Reports of City offi~ers are read.
Motion by Councilman Hogers, seconded by Councilman Vientworth
and carried that the reports of the city officers be accepted as
read and placed on file.
lilltion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Battersby
and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
AdUourned subject to the
call 0 f the chair.
Ci ty Clerk.