Minutes 1940/12/02 , 591 Gilroy, Cal i fo rnia. · December 2,1940. This regular monthly meeting of the Conmon Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,Jr. Present:Councibuen: George A.1~rtin,George M.L~son,Jack Rogers, Nat Reiner,J.H.Wentworth. Absent:CounciL~en: James Battersby. Llinutes 0 f the meetings of November 4th and November 15th,1940, are read and approved. This being the time specified in a public notice calling for bids for a three-quarter ton pickup truck for the Water Department, four bids are presented and read: W.B.C.Chevrolet Company-$570.79;Byers Brothers-~534.00;Gilroy IJotors- $600.00;G.N.Brodersen-$601.72. Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Reiner and carried that Byers Brothers bid of $534.00 be accepted their bid being the lowest and best bid. This being the time specified in a public notice calling for bids for Fleet Insurance and Non-ownership Automobile Insurance, two bids are presented and read: r-' i Chesbro and Eustice-Fleet PolicY-;ip432. 55; Non-owners hip policy- ~15.47; August Piedmont-Fleet Insurance-$505.95;Non-ownership policy-$11.60. hlotion by Counc ilman Rogers, seconded by Counc ilman Vientvlorth and carried that Chesbro and Eustice be awarded the Fleet Insurance on their bid of ~432.55 and the Non-owIillrship policy on their bid of 1~15.47. Mr.V.J.Wilt appears before the Council and asks that an opinion be given on Ordinance No.401A relative to Transient Merchants. The City Attorney advises ~~.Wilt that the sale he is conducting does 'not come within the soope of Ordinance No.40lA. A cO$uunication is read from George C.Renz,contractor,asking that the I\otice of Completion for the Viheeler Civic Auditorium be rec- orded. This cO$uunication is approved by Binder and Curtis,architects. RE20LUTION NO. 138 is presented and read. Mot ion by Councilman Hogl3rs, sec onded by Counci lrnan \'ientworth that RESOLUTION NO.128 be adopted: 592 RES 0 L UTI 0 N N O. 128 BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, that said City of Gilroy hereby accepts the Notice of Completion hereto attached and consents to the recorda- tion thereof. Passed, approved and adopted this 2nd day of December, 1940, at a Regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. AYES: GEORGE A. MARTIN GEORGE M. MAS ON NAT HEINER J. H. WENTWORTH JACK ROGERS ABSENT: JAMES BATTERSBY NOES: - NONE {I Attest: G.~.~ Ci ty lerk Architects:jertificate No.6 in the amount of ;,;3,975.90, dated l~ovember 27,1940, to G.eorge C. Renz, for work completed on the con- struction of ',',heeler Civic Auditorium, is presented. Motion by Counc ilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Hogers and carried that the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, assignee of George C.Renz, contrector, be given the sixth pa;yment of \~3,975.90 on the Vlheeler Civic Auditorium contract, as approved by the architect under the date 0 f November 27,1940. The TJIayor now presents tb e archi teots estimate of cost for let tering ~ for the 'iiheeler Civic Auditorium. Mot ion by Counci Iman I,'~artin, sec onded by Counc ilman Ire iner and carried that architects proposal No.1-cast bronze letters,chrome plated-cost $1913. "lO-be accepted and installed on the 1,":heeler Civic Aud i toriura build ing. Renorts of:jity Officers are pref;ented and. read. ..,. 593 I,:otion by :;ouncilman Hogers, seconded by Counci Iman He iner and carried that the re;JO rts of the City Officers be accepted as read and placed on file. The Clerk is instructed to send letters to the following oil co- mpanies asking for bids to furnish the Ci ty 0 f Gilroy wi th first ~rade gasoline for the period .January 15,1941 to January l4,1942,bids to be opened ,JilrlUary 6,1941: E:tarilard Oil C0r:11)an:, of~alif()l1nia,iJnion Oil CompanJ! of California, Tide V,:ater Associated eil CC':'I,l.~any,Richfield Oil Corporation,Seaside Oil Company,Shell Oil Company,Inc.,General Petroleum Corporation of California,The Texas Company,Gilmore Oil Company,McCune's COLIDlercial Service. The Mayor now discusses the purchase of an. adding machine for the joint use of the Water Department and the Clerk's office. lJoti on by Counc ilman He iner, sec onded by Counc ilman lilason and. carried that a Monroe Adding Machine be purchasedfor ;,~200.00, the cost of the machine to be divided equally between the Water Depart- ment and the General Fund. Councilman Mas on discusses the location of a fire hydrant at the corner of Eonterey and Old Gilroy streets. Thi smatter is referred to the Fire Corn:mi ttee for investigation. The City Engineer reports that the work on Miller Slough is about one-half completed and the cost to the city for moving the necessary dirt is approximately ten cents per yard. A COI@lunioation is read from the Southern Pacific Company stating that a survey had been made of the condition of the crossings within the city,that they would arrange,in the near future, to repair these crossings for a distance of two feet outside the rails and suggested that the city take care of the repairs to the remainder of the street. ./ The Clerk is instruct ed to advise the Southern Pacific COmnaYiY that due to a former understanding by the Council with the COI~,~ the time permission was given to raise the track grade,no elllpense should be assumed by the City fn placing the crossings in proper condition. A comI:lunication is read from the California L1etal Enameling Co. quoting a cost of $7.75 each,plus freight, for school crossing signs approved by the Division of Highways. This matter is placed in the hands of the street Committee for action. Motion by Counc ilman Rogers, [}econded by Counc ilman Heiner and carri ed that bills as presented by allowed and warrants ordered drawn 594 on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.Q,~<Y?C Ci ty Clerk. f;