Minutes 1941/01/13 I 598 Gilroy, California. Jan_arr 13,1941. This regular adjourned meeting of t he Common Counoil is oalled to order by His Honor :M.ay'or George C.Milia.,.Tr. Present:Counoilmen: George A.Mart1n,George K.Mason,Jaok Rogers, James Bat'tersby,J .H. Wentworth. Absen't: Councilmen: Hat Heiner. Architects Certifioate No.7 in 'the .-ount of $14,OOO.OO,dated January 10,1941, to George C.Renz, tor work oompleted on the oon- struction 0 f Wheeler Civ1c A.uc11 torium, is presented. Motion by Bouncilman Martin, seoonded by Counoilman Ragens aDd oarried that the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, assignee of George . . C.Renz, contraotor, be given the seventh pa,ment 01' $14,000.00 on the Wheeler Civio Auditorium cont~aot, as approved by the ar- chitects under date of January 10,1941. Mot ion by counoilman Martin, sec onded by Couno Uman MaIO nand carr1ed tha't B.Barshinger & Son be paid the sum ot $440.3~ for 225 steel folding ohair. t'or\'lheelar Civic Auditorium. The Mayer 00. di sousses tbe purohase of gasoline trom tbe City by t1:B Gilroy Rural Fire Departmen't. This matter il referred to the Fire Comm1ttee for disoussion with the oil compan1es. Mr.George C.Renz now appears before the Counoil to disouss the purohase 01' the old septio tank property, looatee at the northeast corner of Old Gilroy and East streets. This ,matter 1s placed in the hands of the Finanoe Committee and the Building ,and Grounds Committee for investigation and report. Mr.Elmer Weymouth now appears before the Counoil 'to d1scuss the program planned tor the first contingent of drat'tees leaving Gilroy, January 22n4 and asksfor a donation 01' $~O.OO 'to plU'ohase appropriate gifts for the fourteen draf'tees. Motion by Counoilman Martin, seconded by Counoilman Rogers and carried the sum of $50.00 be appropriated to the oommittee handling ~ ~ 59n the program for the draftees farewell party, to be used in purohasing a suitable gift for each 01' the draftees. Counoilman Rogers reports that a request has been made by Mr. Buzziniefor a street lite on Chestnut street and that he will make an investi88tion. The matter of an alley from First Street to Second street, between MOnterey and Eigleberry streets, is discussed. The City Attorney is instructed to ascertain the status of a right of way for the city through the propettT ~ffeatej. The Mayor now declares the Council to be in executive session. Mr.E.E.Eustiee,representing the insurance fir.m Qt Chesbro & Eustice, G.B.Rodeok and A.W.Brown, now appears before the Council to explain the entire set-t.p of fire insurance on city property_ Mr.George H.8m1th now appears before the Counoil to disouss the fire division of thelinsurance business between the five looal agents and particularly the division of the insuranoe on the Wheeler Civic Auditorium. The Council now disousses the fire insurance eet-up on the various city properties and the division of the fire insurame business among the five looal agents. It is the unamb10us opinion of the Council that the division of the oity's tire insurance aIIDng the five looal agents remain as it is at the present t 1me. Adjourned subject to the oall 0 f the cha ir. ~.~.~ C ty C erk. f,