Minutes 1941/04/07
I 606
April 7,1941.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common counoil is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,Jr.
Present: Councilmen: George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,
J.H.Wentworth. Absent: Councilmen:Jack Rogers, James Battersby.
Minutes of the meeting of March 3rd,l941 are read and approved.
A oommunication is read from the Electrical Products Corporation
regarding a renewal of agreement for the upkeep of the "GILROY"
signs at the north and south entrances to the oity.
Motion by Councilman Martin, seoonded by Councilman Heiner and
carried that the city enter into an agreement with the Electrical
Products Corporation with a 36 months contraot at the rate of $10.50
IE r month, for the upke~:p and maintenance of the "GILROY" signs.
Mr.George Mattis, engineer with the Division of Highways, now
appears before the Council to discuss the widening of North Monterey
Street between the North City Limits and Leavesley Road for the
purpose of eliminating a jog whioh will occur when the new addition
to Highway lOl is completed. Mr. Mattis suggests that the City
Engineer handle this matter through the Gas Tax money.
The Mayor instructs ~~.Mattis to have anl agreement drawn up
and forward it to the Council for action.
Mr.Edward Foulkes, representing Foster & Klelser, now appears
be fore the. Counc il to discuss the erection to two sign baardscan
the property of Mary Gurries, North Monterey street.
Motion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that Foster & Kleiser be granted a permit to erect two signs
on the Mary Gurries property, North Monterey Street, in accordance
with the drawings presented.
The Mayor announces he has appointed to.;membership on the Gilroy
Recreation Commission, the following:
E.J.Fabbri,George M.Mason,Byron Brown,Mrs.Gearge A.Mart1n,Dr.
Russell Crane,T.H.Underwood,Oliver Brown,Vernon Gwinn,Mrs.Henry
Sch111ing,Ormond Rector, O.A.Fabing,Honorary member L.W.Wheeler,
Ex-officio member George C.Milias.Jr.
An Agreement with the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County
for the purchase of tax del incpent land by the city, is presented.
This matter is referred to the City Attorney for investigation.
Two bids for fire hose are now presented.
Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by CounCilman Wentworth and
carried that the city purchase 300 feet of It inch Battleship BEard
double jacket
/fire hose from the Pioneer Rubber Mills, price ?5~ per foot,F.m.B.
Gilroy, 2% discount-60days.
Motion by CounCilman Martin, seoonded by Councilman l~son and
carried that the sum of $50.00 be donated to the Gilroy Volunteer
Fire Department.
Councilman Heiner tnqutressabout the sale of the Old Septic Tank
property, Old Gilroy and East Streets, stating that Mr.Joe Leonardini
was interested in purchasing a portion of the property. This matter
is laid over until a later date.
Poundmaster .r.G.Glover is instructed to impound all dogs running
at large in the vdcin1ty of First and E1gleberry streets.
Reports of the C1 ty Officers are presented and read.
. (,MDt ion by Couno ilman Heiner, sec onded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the reports be accepted as read and placed on file.
The Mayor announces that the committee appointed to view the
property o:from Third and Fourth streets, between Monterey and
Eigleberry streets, for the proposed opening of an alley, will have
a report ready for the next meeting of the Council.
The matter of the improvement of Miller Slough,in the rear of
the Filice & Perrelli Cannery, is discussed. It is unanimously
agreed that the city contribute $175.00 toward the proposed work.
Motion by Councilman ~~son, seconded by Councilman Nartin and
carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
City Cle k.