Minutes 1941/06/02 612 Gilroy.Ca111brnia. June 2,1941. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor 1'yor George C.M1lias.Jr. Etesent:Councilmen: George A.Martin,George M.1~son,James Battersby.J.H.Wentworth. Absent: Councilmen Jack Rogers,Nat Heiner. Minutes of the meetings of May 5th and May 16th,l94l are read and approved. An application for a building permit by the Shell Oil Co.,Inc. 61a to erecta.service station at the northwest corner of Fourth and Monterey streets,along with plans, is presented. ~.L~n",?olland, agent for the Shell Oil Co. ,Inc., noVl appears before the Council to discuss the plans and specifications. The plans and specifications have been approved by the Chairman of the Gilroy City Planning Commission. No objection being made it is the unanimous opinion that the - permi t be granted. A petition, signed by 16 property owners, to open an alley from Seventh Street to Eighth Street,between Eigleberry and Church streets, 1s presented. The City Engineer is instructed to proceed with obtaining the necessary data to make up descriptions of land to be donated for the alley and present the same to the City Attorney to draw up the proper deeds. ORDINANCE NO. 434 is presented and read. AN ORDINANCE CREATING A LOCAL DEFENSE COUNCIL AND PRESCRIBING ITS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. ~ot10n by Councilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Battersby ~ that ORDINANCE NO.434 be adopted. Roll call on the motion: AYES: Councilmen:George A.t~rt1n,George M.Mason,Jrones Battersby, J.E.Wentworth. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen:J"ack Rogers,Nat Heiner. The matter of busses parking on Old Gilroy Street between Monterey Street and the Railroad tracks, is discussed. The City Attorney advises that $igns "No Parking Between These Signs", will have to be placed at the proper places on the sidewalk. The Street Committee is instructed to proceed with the purchasing of the necessary signs and painting the curb. The ~ayor now discusses the burning of grass on lots owned by ~ private individuals. Mr.E.E.Eustice, representing Chesbro & Eustice, now appears before the Council to discuss the advantages of a Third Party Liability insurance policy, stating that the c1 ty would be protected bycsuch e policy in the event of damage mesulting from the fire department's grass burning activities. The protection would be from $25.00 to $10,000.00, the c1ty to pay any damage below the amount of $25.00; 614 the premium for three years amounting to $100.00. The Mayor now discusses the need for an inspector for the city, thereby eliminating the necessity for Councilmen to make insepctions of fire hazarda,etc. Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman l~son and carried that the city purchase a Third Party Liability Insurance Policy from Chesbro B,; Eustice,for one year, said policy to p:l7otect the city in its grass burning activities. Motion by Councilman, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that a Resolution be drawn to pay Mr.L.W.Wheeler $4,000.00 principal and semi-annual interest of $135.00, on the the $6,000.00 note held by Mr.Wheeler and that the note be renewed for $2,000.00. The 1~yor discusses the condition of several Railroad crossings and the street in the vicinity of the depot stating that he believed the rmlroad company was preparing to do the necessary work. The City Engineer reports that the city has no claim to the land, which would be a continuation of East Seventh Street, beyond East Street. The b~yor reports that the stagnant water in Miller Slough has been oiled to control the mosquitoes. The Clerk iB instructed to write to l~.Will Bettencourt,ohair.man of the I.D.E.S. Pentecostal celebration coramittee, and ascertain what action he has taken w~th respect to a carnival for the celebrat ion. A communication from theJ:'State Division of Water Resources, is read, stating that the application of the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District to appropriate water from the Uvas Creek has been cancelled without prejudice at the request of the applicant. An application for a building permit ,Miss.Ruth Forsyth,petitioner, is presented said application being for extensive alterations to her property located at 211 North Monterey Street. It is the unanimous opinion of the Council that the building p3 rmit be presented to the Chairman of the Planning Commission and if approved by him to be presented to:cthe Chairman of the Fire Department Committee and if approved by him the permit be granted. Councilman 1~son discusses the possible shortage of material and s~pplies for the water department and suggests the purchase of ~ 111111111 IIIIlIIl ... IIIIlIIl ... 615 of 1000 feet of 4 inch cast iron pipe and 100 feet of 6 inch cast tubing iron pipe, :3 rolls of copper/ and ~ sets of corporation cocks. The purchas.e of this material is left in the hands of the water committee with power to act. Councilman Martin is instructed to ascertain from Mr.George C . c Renz if he desires to re-lease the Old Septic Tank property at Old Gilroy and East streets. water Councilman Mason discusses the use of an old/pipe line laid by the Penninsula Paving Company on South Monterey Road, application having been made by Berry & Conrotto to tap into this line. The city Attorney .~ecQmmends that a revocable permit be given to Berry & Conrotto to use this water line. The annual vacation schedule for city employees is presented. . Motion by Councilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman ~artin and carried that the vacation schedule be accepted as presented. Reports of the city officers are read. Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Battersby and carried that the reports be accepted as read and placed on file. c Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Wentworth andcarried that bills as ~esented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. The Mayor now declares t he Council to be in executive session. The Council now discusses the personnell for the Gilroy Defense Council to be formed under the provisions of Ordinance No.4:34. The following names are approved by the Mayor and Council: Mayor George C.Milias,Jr.,Ex-Officio chairman,P.A.Cox,Vice- ChairmanjJames S.Byers,Counsellor;Kirby L.McAtee,SecretaryjDr. Elmer J.Chesbro,Jack Hines,Firest Rycraft,J.E.Ayer,H.S.Hersman, Oliver Brown,E.E.Eustice,Elmer Weymouth,1trs.Henry Schilling,Mrs. Jerome Chappell,Rev.Keith Munro,Judge Leon Thomas,A.G.Goodrich, Anderson Browne,George A.1~rtin,James Battersby,Carl Schulz,Peter Fil1ipelli,R.M.Martin,John B.Scherrer. 616 RES 0 L UTI 0 N N 0 132 ---------- BE IT ET:SOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, that said City of Gilroy P&y to 1. W. Wheeler, Four Thousand and nO/lOO U:A,OOO.OO) Dollars principal and One Hundred 'rbirty-Fi ve and nO/lOO U~135 .00) Dol18.rs interest, b"r reason of the execut:1on by the said ,l <I C:t t~r of a certain promissory note in the SULl of Six Thousand and nO/lOO (~6,000.OO) Dollars; that said City of' Gilroy, b;;:r and through its :iIayor and Oi ty Clerk, execute and deliver to the said L. W. Wheeler, a new promissory note in the sum of Two ThOUSAnd and nO/lOO (;;:2,000.00) Dollars, to be dated ,June 4th, 1941, due one (1) year after date, to bear interest at four and one-half per centum (4!%) per annum, payable semi-annually. Passed, approved and adopted th:ts second day of June, 1841, at 8 regular meetj_ng of the Common Council of the 8ity of Gilro~r. .P. YES: Councilmen: George A.Martin,George M.Mason, James Battersby,J.H.Wentworth. '!"....f'f...,C" l'! ").'~IW : Councilmen: None .D..ESEl...T: Councilmen: Jack Rogers ,Nat Heiner. (l Attest: cg; ~~~ Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. d. Q.@~ City Clerk. 'I,