Minutes 1941/07/07
July 7,1941.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Counoil is called to
to order by His Honor Mayor George C.M11ias,Jr.
Present:councilmen:George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Jack Rogers,
James Battersby,Nat Heiner. Absent : Councilmen: J.H.Wentworth.
Minutes of the meetings of June 2nd,l6th,24th and 30th,1941, are
read and approved.
,'" ~
A communication is read from The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
Company relative to moving certain of their poles on North Monterey
Street, between Welburn Avenue and the North City Limits, this being
necessary due to the widening of North Monterey Street between the
North City Limits and Leavesley Road.
A drawing,accompanying the lette;,showing the proposed new looat-
ion far the poles, reveals that the placing 0 f the poles as indicated
would interfere with a oity water main and the Clerk is instructed
to communicate this fact to the telephone company and ask that they
send a representative to consult with the City Engineer and the
Chairman or the Water Committee.
A communication is read from Mr.George C.Renz asking that the City
lease the Old Septio Tank property, Old Gilr~y and East Streets, to
him for a period of five years. This matter is laid over until July
A ~ommunication is read from Mr. Clinton P.Stone asking if the city
would be interested in p1ll.rchasing the Stone property, oppositel;the
~~eeler Civic Auditorium, as a future site for a Civic Center. The
Cler k is instructed to advi sa Iif.r. Stone that the City is not interest-
ed in purchasing this property at the present time.
A communication is read from Attorney General Earl Warren asking
that the city send a representative to the Fifth Annual California
rrechlilical rtlsti tute of Peace Officers t Training to be held at the
University of California, July 28th to August 9th,194l. This ~tter
is laid on the table.
A communication is read from tm local committee of the United
Service Orginaztions asking that the oity make a contribution to
this drive. This matter is held over pending an investigation by
tl:B Mayor as to what other cities are doing in this respect.
The application of Fire Chief Jack Ramezane for the position of
Building Inspector, is presented and read. The application is order-
ed placed on file.
The resignation of Night Officer Richard Brem is presented and
Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Rogers and
carried that the nesignation of Night Officer Richard Brem be
Motion by Councilman,Mason, seconded by Councilman Battersby and
oarried that the Clerk be instruoted to advertise meetings of the
Board of Equalization to be held Friday,July aeth,Monday,July 21st
and Wednesday,July 23rd, from 7:30 P.M. to 8 P.M., in the office of
the City Clerk,City Hall, Gilroy,California.
Imr.Saiohe Fujimoto now appears before the Council to discuss the
erection of a building in the rear of his service station building
on the West side of South Monterey Street,north of Eighth Street. ..
As no permit was obtained for the erection 0 f thi s build ing and _
the materials used in its construction do not conform to the fire
ordinance, the matter is taken under advisement by the Council.
Former Mayor Elmer J.Chesbro, member of the Auditorium Building
Committee in charge of grounds, now appears before the Council and
states that the work on the grounds has been completed. He extends
the.thanks0of. the committee and himself to Water Superinterdent
Leland Eustice and Superintendent of streets C.J.Weppener, for their
fine cooperation in making this project successful.
Mayor Milias comraends the~grounds committee for their fine work
and extends a v0te of thanks to them on behalf of himself and members
of the Council.
Motion by Councilman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Heiner and
carried that the sum of $10.00 be donated to the local I.D.E.S.
CounCil, the amount paid by a concessionaire for a license during
the recent celebration.
The City Attorney reports that he was unable to reach an agree-
ment was their heirs of the Estate of James Fisher with ~eference
to obtaining the necessary land to open an alley from Third to
Fourth street, between Monterey and Eigleberry streets.
The City Attorney states that a condelnnation suit for the necess-
ary land to open the proposed alley would cost from $250.00 to $500.00.
The Mayor 8tates that he will contact Mr.John Frechou, one of the
owners of property along the proposed alley, and endeavor to have
The matter of drainage on North Forest Street is discussed and the
City Engineer is instructed to obtain the necessary data and costs
for bringing storm water across I.O.O.F.Avenue at Forest Street.
Councilman ~~son presents a list of uncollectible water accounts
in the amount of $261.75 and asks that they be cancelled.
himm attend a Council meeting July 10th.
Motion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Heiner and
carried that uncollectibe water accounts in the amount of $26l.75
be written of as of June 30,1941.
~.t~t ~
. _}\T.mA..;o.
r' . . ,_"e."._.... . ._.. _.._
12-29 Green, E. A.
1"-29 Peres, Frank
15~16 Trevett, D. K.
16-19 Bryoe, .... D.
.~d.i .Arm1nini, Joe
19-21 Almajuela, G. B.
ao..2S 'lay Cong
2'1."'1 Walker, E. M.
It-~ Moniz, M. R.
_B~.2S Poletti, s.
30-14 Bush, Dale
, -26 Lawton, Mrs. Eliza
15..15 Edwards, Mrs. NeVille
9. -23 Cozzitorto, Raphael
--$0-15 Doore, Mrs. Ethel
20-25 Gonzales, V.
1 -11 Spofford, Mrs.
21-21 Fowler, Robt. (Rink)
2a-2~ Division of Highways
.1.4 -5 Hannigan, Fred
86-33 Meiers, Chas.
~2-2i Ortini, Rose
~1-30 Re.ve, E.
2 -11 Beed, Mrs. M. W.
16_~.~. Bo:r;ba, F.
12-29 Ybarra, Jessie
21-33 MOXley, R. A.
~1-38 Gilroy Legion
33 -2 Silveira, Daniel
e -23 Barbousa, ~s._
9 -10 lIoxle,., R. A. i:
20-11 Gilroy Bowling Alleys
18-33 Martin, Mrs. M. D.
21-20 Fowler. Robt. ·
....Ab.21.li f s BO.11erD.rQ~e
22-2a Twitchell, loe
SO-I Burgett, R.
32-1$ Oberthler, Gus
June 30, 1941.
. .JY~~_t~...02J.u~~~Q. at
, 85 S. Hanna
39 S. Hanna
31 N. Ohurch
l65 s. Churoh
126 S. Monterey
145 S. Monterey
50 W. Seventh st.
168 S. Alexander
Murray Ave.
1415. FOrest St.
Hot Springs Rd.
133 Third st.
25 N. Ohuroh
227 R. Monterey
Hot. Springs Rd.
249 S. Eigleberry
128 N. Hanna st.
276 R. Monterey
102 N. Chesnut
405E. Seventh
188 East Sixth
17l S. Eigleberry
Bodfish Rd.
410 Third st.
S. Eig1eberry
85 S. Hanna
rt.O.O.F. Ave.
Fifth & Eigleberry
141 S. Chesnut
2e$N. Eigleberry
415 N. Monterey
36 S. Monterey
89 W. Sixth st.
264 N. Monterey
27QW, Monterey
115 N. Chesnut
148 East St.
10th St.
$ 3 45
7 80
2 45
16 70
3 00
a 75
2 50
6 75
.16 35,
1 35
1 25
26 40
1 25
3 75
51 35
20 00
7 70
7 40
2 50
7 55
1 25
1 00
5 00
1 25
2 90
1 25
1 25
36 50
3 75
2 50
10 20.
t26l 75
P~~2!!,t '. ,.
I :
) I
, , !
3 00
3 00
3 00
5 00'
3 QO
The matter of the building erected by Saiche Fujimoto, in the rear
of his service station building on South Monterey Street is now dis-
Motion by Councilman Battersby that Saiche Fujimoto be instruoted
to tear down the building erected without>a permit.
This motion failed for want of a second.
It is the unanimous opinion that Saiche Fujimoto be advised by
letter that the present building he has erected cannot be used as
it is at present and that he must make application for a building
permit for this additional building.
The Street Department is instructed to proceed with the erection
of two signs-UNO PARKING BETWEEN SIGNS"- on the souths1de of Old
Gilroy ,Street" 'c between Monterey Street and Ra ilroad alley.
~eports of City offioers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Mason and
carried that the reports be accepted as read and placed on file.
The annual re port of the Gilroy Free Public Library is presented
ani read.
Motion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Heiner and
carried that the library report be accepted as read and plaoed on
Motion by Councilman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Heiner am
carried tru1t bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
Adjourned subject to the
call 0 f the cha ir.
Ci ty C e r .