Minutes 1941/01/05
January 5,1942.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C:.Milias,Jr.
Present:Councilmen:George A.Martin,George M.~mson,James Battersby,
.T .H. 'i'ientworth. Absent: Councilmen .Tack Rogers, Nat Heiner.
Minutes of the meetings of December 1,10,15,18 and 29, 1941 are read
and approved.
A corrL"unicat ion is rea<\; from the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce thanking
the Mayor and Council for the donation of $200.00 to take care of
operating expenses for their organization.
This being the time specified in letters sent to ten oil companies
to open bids for the city's gasoline requirements for the period
January 15,1942 to Jaunary 15,1943, seven bids are presented and
Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Counc ilman Mason and
carr ied that the. gasoline requirements for the city for the period
January 15,1942 to Jaunary 15,1943 be apportioned among six cam.panies
bidding,Seaside Oil Company,Richfleld Oil Cor"lX'ration,Gilmore Oil
Company,Shell Oil Co.,Inc.,Standard Oil Company of California and
Tide Water Associated Oil Company the purchase price to the city
being $.1122 per gallon.
The names of the successful bidders are now placed in a hat and
drawn to determine the order in which companies will make deliveries.
The order of delivery is determined as follows:Seaside Oil Company,
2.Hichfield 011 Corporation;3. Gilmore Oil Compar~';4. Shell Oil
Company, Inc. ;5. Standard Oil Company of Calif. ;6. 'ride ','later
Associated Oil Company.
A communication from the Federal Communications Commission grant-
ing a Radio Station Construction Permit, is presented and read.
The monthly health report is presented.and ordered placed on file.
The IvIayor noVl dis cusses the amount of pay 1'0 I' those men who have
been reservoir guards.
It is unanimously agreed that each man serving as a guard Should
receive the sum of $5.00 per day.
Councilman Battersby inquires as to the calling of doctors to
give sobriety tests. The Mayor states that he will investigate this
Reports of the City officers are presented and read.
11, Mot ion by Councilman Martin, see onded by Counc ilman Battersby and
carried that the reports be accepted as read and placed on file.
Councilman Mason states that he has investigated several matters
concerni~s an auxilliary water supply.
The Mayor reports that some difficulty is being experienced in
securing an air raid warning siren but that definite information
should be forthcoming within a few days.
The r..r;ayor renorts that the U.S. O. is planning entertainment for
the soldiers now quarterltd in Viheeler Civic Auditorium.
A oro08sal to rent a portion of the Old Septic Tank oronerty,Old
..!.... - ,..;,. _.,..1.. ......
Gilroy and East Streets, fran Joe Leonardini, is ];resented and read.
It is agreed to present the proposition to Mr.Leonardini to allow
him to lease a 60 foot strip on East Street by 60 feet deep on Old
Gilroy street the rear line of the piece on Old Gilroy street to
run ~arrallel to Old Gilroy Street, the rent to be v55.OO per year.
and that Mr.George C.Renz, present lessee of a portion of the prop-
erty, be given a lease on the remaining portion of the property.
Eotion by Councilman Llartin, seconded by '::ouncilman Yisntworth and
carried that bills as presented be allowed and 'warrants ordered
draviYl on the Tr easurer.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
Ci ty Clerk.