Minutes 1942/01/20
January 20,1942.
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor l'iIayor George G.I.:Iilias,Jr.
Present: Councilmen George A.Martin,Jack Rogers,Jrunes Battersby,
Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth. Absent:CounciLmen George M.Mason.
The Mayor now disousses the moving of certain fire equipment from
the fire station to the corporation yard on East Sixth Street,during
blackouts or air raid alarms.It is agreed that the Seagrave Ilumping
engine and the Chevrolet hose car be moved to the corporation yard
during blackouts or air raid alarms and that the American-LaFrance
~ pumping engine remain at the fire station.
The Mayor announces the results of a telephone check-up on a try-
out of two 3 horsepower sirens, on the night of January 19th. It is
the consensus of opinion among the councilmen t bat the 3 horsepower
siren is inadequate and that the siren (3 H.P.) ordered from E.D.
on approval,
Bullard Company, 275 fiighth Street, San Francisco,jbe returned,
as it does not have sufficient power and volume and is otherwise
l<otion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman I\ogers and
carried that a 7i horsepower B. & M. siren,220 Volt, 3 Phase motor,
be purchased froLl the American Fire Equipment Company, Los Angeles,
for $425.00 f.o.b. Los Angeles.
The Clerk is instructed to read a letter from Llrs .Talbert Josselyn
relative to making certain repairs on her building,located at 19
North Monterey Street, which was recently damaged by fire.
The Mayor now calls on the Building Inspector to report on his
investigation of the damage done by fire to the property of Mrs.
Talbert Jossep;yn. tI'he Building Insepctor rej)Orts that the building
was fifty per cent damaged by fire.
I.lot ion by Counc ilman Heiner, sec onded by Gounc ilman hlart in and
carried that the build ing of IJlrs. Talbert Josselyn, 10 ca ted at 19
l'lorth l;:onterey Street, be ordered denolished as provided in Section
102 of the Uniform Building Code.
hIT. William ~erner now appears before the Council to discuss the
the securing of defense contracts for the Be Ge Mfg.Company and asks
that the Council pass a resolution urging that defense contracts be
awarded to the local plant and that a copy of the resolution be
forwarded to Congressman John Z.Anderson.
RESOLUTION NO.135 is presented and read.
Mati on by C;ouncilman Martin, seconded by Counc ilman Heiner that
RESOLUTION NO.135 be adopted:
!!. E SOL !! T I O!i N 0 135
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of
the City of Gilroy, at regular session assembled, that:
WHEREAS, the Be Ge Manufacturing Co. has for many
years last past been engaged in the building of light and heavy
machinery in the City of Gilroy, and is well equipped to engage
in defense industry contracts, and~
WHEREAS, said Be Ge Manufacturing Co. enjoys the
confidence. and esteem of this Body, and the citizenry in general
of this Community;
shall be given every consideration in its efforts to secure
defense contracts, and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED" that the City of Gilroy,
and the surrounding territory is ideally situated for defense
work and industry" and particularly, your attention is invited
to the fact that it is the crossroad of Central California, the
gateway to the San Jpaquin Valley, Los Angeles to the South, and
San Francisco to the North, and the Monterey Bay Area to the west,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is directed
to those interested in governmental affairs, having to do with the
letting of defense contracts, and in particular to Honorable
John Z. Anderson, Congressman" of the 8th Congressional Idstrict.
ADOPTED AND PASSED this 20th day of January, 1942, by
the following votes:
AYES: Councilmen: Jack Rogers, James Battersby,
George A. Martin, George M. Mason"
Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth.
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
G. Q. (2w
~-City Clerk
Adjourned ~3Ub.1ect to the call
of the chair.