Minutes 1942/02/02
February 2,1942.
T This regular montllly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor L1~'or George C.Milias,Jr.
Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,George LI.Llason,Nat Heiner,
J. H. V/entworth. Absent: Counc ilmen Jac k Hogers , James Batters by.
Minutes of the meetings of January 5th and 20th,1942, are read
and approved.
Motion by Councilman wason, seconded by Councibnan Heiner and
carried that Leon Thomas be appointed Police Judge for the period
January 15,1942 to January 15,1943 at a salary of $75.00 per month.
A communication is read from Logan & Frazer, city auditors, stating
that the book and records of account of the city had been exronined
for the period ending December 31,19.111, and everythirg was found in
good order.
A report from Thoa.Gruev;ell,inspector for the Santa Clara County
Health Depal'tment, relative to the condition of the property of G.
Perez,334 Lewis Street, is presented and read.The Building Inspector
is instructed to report to Mr. Chavez, conplainant, that nothing can
be done with the property at present as it is unoccupied.
'The monthly report of the Santa Clara County Health DelE rtment is
prese nted and cr dered placed on file.
A com.munication from the Gilroy Gity Plannir€; Commission is read.
This cailluunication stated that the GOLu~ission had grmlted a Use
Permit to Byers Brothers, to use a portion of the rear of a portion
of Lot 3,Block.11 North, Range 1 \'iest far: the construction of a storage
shed and setting forth the reasons for their action in this matter.
The l':Iayor states that the rnatter of l:x.Joe Leonardini leasing a
portion of the Old Septic Tank property, Old Gilroy and East streets,
had been settled to the satisfaction of Mr. Leonardini anI lvir.George
C.Renz, present lessee of the property; that LIr.Leonardini had agreed
the accepted a lease on a strip 60 feet in depth from Old Gilroy street
by the width 0 l' the lot on the Old Gilroy street side 0 l' the propertyj.
1Ir. Benz to lease the balance of the property.
'l'he I!layor states that the 7i II.P. siren ordered from the ,.,tuuerican
;.l. ..
Fire Equipment Co. had become loot in transit but it was expcetd
that it would arrive on :E'ebruary 3rd.
Lot ion by Gounc ilman He iner, sec onded lly Counc ilman "'entwort h
and carried that the Gilroy Defense Council be authorized the
to purchase 2000 prmnted letterheads.
Councilman Heiner reports that he has had two offers to paint
the Seagrave pumping engine-one frOlu Byers Bros. ;~50. 00 ani one
from Culwell Chevrolet Company-;,;;75.00.
V:otion by Council:U'lan Martin, seconded by Councilman r!entworth
and carri ed that Byers Brothers be aivarded the wor k 0 l' paint ing
the Seagrave pumping engine for the quoted price of ;;50.00.
The I\~ayor now discusses the excavation next to t he PeE t Office
building on property oVlned by the Improved Order at Redmen, stating
that the po stal inspectors had co mpla ined of t his matter. The Mayor
also sta tes that the Redmen were holding a meetirg in the na ar
future to di scuss this matter.
The Mayor now reads a communication from 1.ir.Sydney S..Tohnson,
attorney, represent ing the original parties complain~ng against 'the
granting of a Use Permit to Byers Brothers to use a portion of Lot
3,Block 4 North, Range 1 'Vest for the erection at' a storage building,
requesting that certain conditions be met before the permit was
1'1 nally granted.
lvIr.Ed.Naughton now appear's before the Council to discuss the grant-
of the Use Permit to Byers Brothers.
IJotion by Counc ilman Wentworth, sec onded by Counc ilrnan Heiner
and carried the t the action 0 l' the Gilroy City Planning Commission
in granting a Use Permit to Byers Brothers, be confirmed.
Motion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman \/entworth ani
carried that Byers Brothers be granted a Use Permit to erect a build-
ing on the rear 50 feet of a portion of Lot 3,Block 4 Nortrutl Range
1 West;providing that the present fenceGbe removed to a point 50
feet from the rear portion of the lot, the front part of the lot
not to be used for the storage of rubbish and trash and ,that no
driveway be placed on the property; that the property remain purely
residential;that the proposed building be used for storage purposes
only and that no gasoline or inflmnmable liquids be stared in the
proposed building.
Councilman Mason discusses the need for steel pipe to make re~irs
to the pipeline from the dam to the reservoir. The matter of the
purchase of this pipe is left in the hands of the Water Committee.
The ~ater Superintendent reports on damage to a fire plug at the
northeast co rner of Eigh t & Eigl eb erry street s. It is unanimously
agxeed that the matter 0 l' collecting ifar, this damage be pJa ced in
the hands of the City Attorney for action.
Mr.Ed.Naughton now appears before tte Council to discuss tha
number 0 l' ace ide nts that 0 c cur at the int ersect ion of Third and
Eigleberry streets. Councilman lilartin is instructed to investigate
th is matter.
Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Heiner and
carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
Reports 0 l' the City Officers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the reports of the city officers be accepted as read and
placed on file.
The Mayor sta testhat the manager of the Strand Theatre desires to
mail their monthly program and has asked permission to use the list
of city water customers to obtain a mailing list. There is no objection
to this proceedure, providing, they will not sell this list to anyone
and it will be used soley in~o:,t:m.eir own business.
Adjourned subject to the call
of the cha ir.