Minutes 1942/04/07
April 7, H~42.
This regular monthly meeting of the Comrnon Council is called to
o~er by His Honor Mayo! George C.Milias,Jr.,
Present:Councilmen George M.~ason,.Tack Rogers,Nat Heiner,.T.H.
Wentworth. Absent:Councilmen George A.1!lartin,.Tames Battersby.
Minutes of the meetings of March 2nd and 23rd are read and approved.
A COL1munication is read fram the California State Automobile Assoc-
iation calling attention to the possible shortage of metals for street
signs and urging the purchase of extra signs, now. This matter is
referred to the chairman 0 f the Street Committee and the Superintendent
of Streets.
A communication is read fram the Glens Falls Indemnity Company re-
questing information as to the expected date of oompletion o~ the
Armory Building. The Nla.yor instruct s the Clerk to advise the Glens
Falls Indemnity Company that the W.P.Fuller Company had agreed to
funn1sh the paint to repaint the building and the ,
will give the word as to when this work will be done.
The monthly health report is presented.
Applications for change of liquor licenses from DeLorenzo,Rooney
and Brownleee and De Lorenzo, are presented. No objection is made.
Mr.Kirby McAtee, chairman of the Grounds Committe', Gilroy Gymk-
hana Association, now appears before the Council to ask the City'S
assistance in cleaning weeds from the gDounds.
Motion by CounCilman Heiner, seconded by Counoi~nan Rogers and
carried that the cleaning of weeds from the Gymkhana field be
turned over to the Superintendent of Streets.
Councilman Heiner presents Application for Building Permit,NS
No.269, signed by Pasquale LaMacohia, said permit calling for the
repla ci ng 0 f the front of hi s building at 34 North Mont ere y Street,
to its former condition.
Motion by CounCilman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Mason and
carried that the Application for Building Permit, NS NO.269,tto v:;
by Pasquale LaMacchia,
/repai1"; the 1 front of his building, 34 North Monterey Street, to
to makeit.:.coh,foJrm,.wttli ,its:coriginal condition, be denied, for the
reason that the damage is in excess of 50% of the value of the entire
wooden building.
Reports of the city officers are presented and read.
Motion by Counoilman Wentworth, seconded by Counoilman Rogers and
carried that the reports of the City officers be accepted as read
and placed on file.
The Mayor now presents a report in regardt to certain conditions
in the following places: Tony'S aka Dolores Place,63 So.Monterey
street;Frank Avelar's,?l So.Monterey street;Swiss Hotel,85 So.
Monterey Street;A.Durango Cafe,95 So.Monterey street and I~nila
Pool Hall, South Monterey street. Proprietors or representatives
of proprietors present are asked by the 1~yor to pperate their
places in a businesslike manner, that the city licenses that have
been ordered withheld by the Council for 30 days, will be issued
upon a showing of improvement in conditions con~lained of.
r~otion by Councilman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
City Clerk.