Minutes 1942/06/01
Gilroy, California.
.rune 1,1942.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,.Tr.
Present:Councl1men George A.Martin,George M.Mason,.Tack Rogers,James
Battersby ,Na t He iner,.T .H. Wentwo rth. Absent: Councilme n Nom.
Minutes of the meetings of May 5th and M~y 11th are read and approved.
A communication is read from Chesbro and Eustice outlining a program
of reduced insurance rates for city property which is retroactive as
June 1,1941.
A comrnunicat10n is read from the Division Engineer of the War
Depirtment relative to the opening of Dowdy Street from Second
street to the Bodfish Mill Road.
Motion by Councilman 1mrtin, seconded by Councilman Wentworth
that a resolutioh be drawn that the city subordinate its r1ghts2on
the extension of Dowdy street to any lease agreement between any
governmental authority and the Gilroy School Board and the r"layor
and City Clerk are authorized to sign same.
Repo rts 0 l' the City offi cers are IX' ese nted and read.
Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Battersby
and carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as eead
and placed on file.
Motion by Councilman Battersby, seconded by Councilman Wentworth
and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on:. the Treasurer.
The Mayor now presents Councilman Rogers with a gift and thanks
him for his many years of service to the city.
Councilman Rogers responds stating that it has been a pleasure
to be on the board.
Motion by Councilman Battersby, seconded b:y Councilman Heiner
and carried that this meeting adjourn sine die.
The Ma~r now welcomes Councilman David V.stout.
The Mayor no\'! 0 rders a roll call:
Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,James Battersby,
Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. Absent: Councilmen None.
The Mayor announces that he has called a meeting for Monday,July
8th at which time Council COIDrrlittees will be appointed and vacancies
on city boards or cOlnmissions will be filled.
The Mayor now discusses the need for a telephone extension for the
Clerk's office ani explains that th e request has been made due to
incr~ase in calls fCJI: the Rationing Board and tIle Defense Council.
ins tallation.
Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Battersby^that
the city's annual donation to the GilrCW Community Chest in the
amoun t 0 l' $200.00, be made,
Counc ilman Heiner now presents an Application for Building Permit
signed by .T.P.Steinmetz ani Son, said application being for the
erection of a corrugated iron, steel frame lavatory building anI
storage shed to replace the present wooden structure condemned by
tlE Health Dep:l.rtment, said building to be located in the rear of
of 1\0.23 North I/lonterey Street. No objection is made ani the permit
is gra nt ed.
Councilman Heiner now presents ami Application for Buildirg Permit
signed by Berniece Werner, said application being for the placing
a new foundation for the north wall and stuccoing the north wall of
her building located at No.2? North Monterey Street. No objection is
made and the permi t is granted.
The matter of blocking the openings left by the razing of the build-
ing owned by Florence Josselyn and the building owned by Pasquale
La Macchia, is now discussed. The City Attorney advises that a temp-
orary permit can be issued for this purpose, due to the present emer-
The Mayor now requests the heads of the various departments to
prepare their annual vacation schedules. The matter of split vacations
is discussed and it is the unanimous opinion that vacations should be
a straight two weeks.
The City Attorney announces that he has examined the official bonds
of city officials required to post bonds and had found them in ar:der.
Mr.Edward Naughton now appears before the Council to discuss the
Use Permit granted by the Council to Byers Bros. on property owned by
them an[ more particularly known as a portion of Lot 3, BlOCk 4 North
Range 1 West. l~.Naughton requests the Clerk to read the motion made
by the Council in granting the Use Permit to Byers Bros.in Minutes:
Book NO.3, pages 654 and 655. 1tr.Naughton now requests the Clerk to
read the second paragraph of Section 19 of Ordinance No.422.
Mr.NaueJ1ton states that Byers Bros.have violated the Use Permit
grffilted by the Council and requests that the permit be cancelled,and,
also requests that the provisions of Ordinance No.422,section 19,be
The Mayor annoum es that the decis ion on thi s matter will be made
at a meeting of the Council to be held Monday night, June 8th, and
requests all council members to view the property under discussion
before that date.
Mr.Naughton inf\oil1'l8.l,the. Council that Byers Bros .n~;li4o:; an open motor
located on their property near gasoline tanks and oil drums and states
that this 00 ndi tion has caused has wife am himself considerable
The Mayor requests the City Inspector to make an inspeotion of
tlB prem1 ses complained of and particularly the motor and 1nf-
lammable liquids.
City Marshal A.G.Goodrich now appears before the Council and thanks
them for salary raise voted<.by the Council for his 0 ffice.
City Inspector C.J.Weppener states that approximately 75% of the
vacant lots have been disoed to reduce fire hazard and the balanee
are unoared for. The Mayor requests Inspectcr Weppener to make and
investigation of the uncared for lots am report at the meeting of
.he Council to be held July 8th.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
~, ~,~~
Ci ty Clerk.