Minutes 1943/06/07 c 707 Gilroy, California. Jane 7,.1943. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,Jr. Pr$sent:Councilmen George M.Mason,James Battersby,Nat Heiner,J.H. Wentworth. Absent:Councilmen George A.Martin,David V.Stout. Minutes o-r the meetings of Kay 3rd and 14th,1943 are read and approved. A c~unication from the proprietor of the Twin Pa1ms Motel,protesting against certain livestock being kept on property aQJoiDtng the Motel property, ia presented and read. The monthly report. of the Hea1t.h Department is presented and read and ordered placed on file. 'Fhe matter of the protest from the proprietor o-r the Twin Palms [ Mc>tel is turned over to the City Inspector for investigation with instructions to report his findings at the next meeting of the Council. The matter Qf the re-employment of Joseph Walsh as Night Off'icer is discussed. The City Attorney is instructed to communicate wit.h the insurance company in regard to .. waiver in the event Mr.Walsh is re-emp1oyed. Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Mason and carried a siren be purchased from Harold Lane; for the sum of $25.00.and loaned to John Doherty during the present war emergency. The Mayor discusses certain conditions existing on lower Monterey street relative to men eligible to work,loiteriDg on the street and being drunk. The Mayor instructs that the City Marshal be. notified to. make a thorough investigation and the habitual loafers be brought into the Police Court. .. Councilman Mason presents a list of uncollectible water accounts. Motion by Councilman N~son ,seconded by Councilman Battersby and carried that the sum. of $56..40 in uncollectible water accounts be writ.ten off. 708 Uncollectable Accounts June 30, 1943. Name Robert Bates - Res. Robert Bates - Parlors B. L. Mort Guido Barrozzi F. Garcia W. L. Frazier O. T. Norton S. M. Paris Tony Galvan A. Repetto (disputed Acc't) J. A. Donahue Virgil Bane Pete Estrada A. Balanesi (disputed acc1t) A. Jaro Bonito Selim Jim Chew '].'eodore Ybanies Superior Cleaners Juck's Inn Amoun 1 :~ · 50 2q Totals '/ 70 , 50 ~ 05 35 15 ,. 50 c 50 · 50 25 25 , 50 75 70 ~ ~~ 5~ 40 I I ~- ,De.posi t ; l~~t ,L05$ 31 00 3100 3 00 I I I 3i 00 I I 3J 00 3 00 ; I . I I I Zi 00 3100 31 00 ,\ '0 ,)1 v ".' 0.... ,)1 v 3 OQ I . I 361 00 I I I )..--0;- 'J..o~o2 ,40 I The: matter of a bill from the San J'ose Abstract and 'l'itle Insuranc-e Company for searching titles on property an both sides of a proposed alley, from 7th street to 8th Street, between Eigleberry and Cl1urch Streets, is discussed. The bill is referred to the City Attorney to check with the abstract company. 'l'he maItrt.er of t he proposed alle.y from 7th Street to 8th Street is now discussed. City Engineer Hanna discusses the proposed alley and reads a letter from the San. Jose Abstract. and 'l'itle Insurance Company on this subject. The City Engineer is instructed to check with the City Attorney to ascertain if all deeds along the proposed alley are in hand. The City Engineer pres~ts an application ttddresse.dL"to:.ther..llinsitm of Highways for work on State Highways within the city limits. Motion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that the' City Engineer be instructed to sign :jhe forms presented by the Division of Highways to enter into a contract for maintenance of Stat~ Highways and accumulation of funds for Streets of Major Importance for the next biennium. i l - '70n :Mr.Clare Carlyle, representing Gilroy Post of the American Legion, now appears before the Council to discuss a resolution barring Japanese from California. The City Attorney is instructed to prepare the resolution as suggested by the American Legion and present it to the Council. ., Councilman Mason discusses a request from the American Womens Voluntary Services of Gil.roy to mppq ~eir bond booth at the corner of' 5th & Monterey streets, with water. This matter is placed in the hands of the Water Conunittee for in- vestigation. The bill G.f the City Attorney for services in connection with the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company franchise, is discussed. The Clerk is instructed to bil1 the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company for the cost of advertising for the franchise and for the City Attorney's services. Motion by Councilman Battersby, seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that bills as presented be all.owed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Reports of' the City officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Battersby, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that reports of city officers ~e accepted as read and placed on file. Adjourned busbject to the call of' the chair. (1. G..,(Q~ City Cl k. .'