Minutes 1943/06/14
Gilroy, California.
J-une. 14,1943.
This regular adjourned meeting of the Conmon Counci is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,Jr.
Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,James. Battersby,
NaD Heiner, J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. Absent:Councilmen-None.
The City Insepctor reports on his investigation of the Atkinson
property, located south of the Twin Palms Motel property, in resard
to the complaint made by the proprietor of the Motel property about
livest6ek being kept on the Atkinson property and states that there
is considerable stench and filth on the property.
Councilman stout states that he investigated the source of the
complaint along with the City Inspector an4 verifies the findings of
the inspector.
~he City Clerk is instructed to advise ror.Atkinson that the keeping
a:! the livestock on his property is in violation of Qrdinance NO.422,
that no Use Permit has been granted by the Gilroy City Planning
Commission and that he' be given ten days in which to move the live-
stock trom the property.
The City Attorney states that the insurance company will require
no exemption in the event the city re-employs Mr.Joseph Wal~h as
Night Officer.
Motion-by Councilman BatterSby, seconded by Councilman Stout and
carried that Jo-,seph Walsh be re-employed as Night Officer as. of
'July lst,1943, and George Easton be employed as relief officer as
of July lst,1943, both to serve at the pleasure of the Council, the
salary of Mr.Wal.sh to be $1'10.00 per month and Mr.Easton to be paid
an the same basis as Mr.Wal.sh,for the days worked-the per day pay to
be on the basis of 26 working days per month.
The City Attorney states that he believes that the alley between
7th and 8th streets, betwwen Eigleberry and Church' streets has bee"n
dedicated. The City Engineer states that from his investigation he
believes the alJ.ey was dedicated when the block was laid aut.
Motion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the City Attorney be authorized to serve legal notice
on J4r.J.V.Oliveria, 197 South Eigleberry Street, in regard to
opening t.he;,(1:\p~ing of an alley from 7th Street to 8th Street, between
Eigleberry and Church streets.
Councilman Mason reports on the request for water service for the
American Womens Voluntary Service war bond boot.h at the corner of
5th and Monterey streets.
Motion by Councilman BatterSby, seconded by Councilman .kie.iner and
carried that water service be installed at the American Womens
Voluntary Services bond booth at t he corner of 5th and Monterey Ittreets.
The matter of the salary of Gabriel Filice is now discussed. No
action is taken.
The matter of a proposed alley from 3rd Street 1.0 4th Street,
between Monterey and Eigi,.eberry streets, is discussed. It is unan-
imously agreed that the matter of appraisal of the property of' the
Estate of John Frechou be referred to the committee appointed by the
Mayor t.o make the origiJJi8l appraisal.
The Mayor now discusses a request from Hazel Lestrade, owner of
a vacant piece of property located on the west side of Eigleberry
Street in Lot 5, Block 3 North, Range 2 West, to waive the 7$
penalty for redemption on the delinquent taxes on her property. The
Clerk is instructed to to advise her that the Council does not favor
such proceedure as other would be entitled to the same consideration.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
\J C!.. ~~
City CIe .