Minutes 1943/09/07 721 Gilroy,Oalitorn1a. September 'tl~43. This resular monthly meeting ot the Common Coun01l i8 oalled to order by His Honor Mayor George C.M1lias,Jr. . Present:Coun011men George A.Mart1n,George M.Mason,James Battersby, David V.Stout. Absen~:Ooun01lm.nl&t Heiaer,J.H.Wentworth. Minute. of the meetings of August 2nd and l7tb,1943 are read and approved. A oommun1cation is read trom the Coast Counties Gas & Eleotric Company stat1ng that they are willing to assume oomplete oost ot maintenance ot tbe IOnterey Street eleotrolier eyst.. as ot May 722 17,1943. A oommunioation 1s read from the Coast Counties Gas & E1ectrio Company wlth reference to the payment ot the City Attorney's tee. 4urlng the negot1ations for a new franchis., the communioation setting forth four reason. why the oompany believes it should. not pay thes. fe,8. The Mayor now d1sousses, with the Chair.man of the Gilroy Citf Planning Commission, the matter ot calling a meeting ot the commission to disouss certain hous1ng oonditions. Motion by Counoilman Battersby, seconded by Counoilman Stout and carrie. that the offer ot the Coast Counties Ga. and Eleotrio Oompany to assume oomplete cost ot maintenance of the Monterey Street eleotrolier system while it is maintained in its present locat10n on the street and effective as ot May 1',1943 , also the oampany's otfer to refund the sam ot $96.80 palO. by the oity tor repairing damaged eleotrollers. be aocepted. fte.,matt.. ot the payment ot the Oi ty Attorney'. tees for . .ervioes durlng the negotiation tor a new tranohlse by the Coaat Oounties Gas and Electrio Company, i8 now disoussed. The Clerk is instruoted to write to Mr.Chas.Snyder, oounsel for the company, and arrange a meeting with him tor the Mayor aDd Oity Attor~y. , The Mayor now discusses a request from Mr.Mike Filioe,manager of the San Martin Winery,with referenoe to the oity providing them with any extra fire equipment on hand in the event ot a tire at the winery. The Clerk i. instructed to write a letter tor the MaJor and advise J4r.F1lice tba' the oity would be willing to send any extra fire fighting equipment on band. at the time, in the event, ota, tire at the winery. A oommunication 18 rea4 from the Salinea Ohamber of Commeroe i~ -...I ~ ~ with referenee to the fQrmation ot a district Chamber ot Commeroe. ThIs letter is referred to the President ot the Gilroy Chamber of ~ COIDme rc e . ...J Applications tor liquor lice.. transfers 11K-11I'Seph Harrigan, d.b.a.Beet Auto Court; John Giaoh1no,d..b.a.Hecker Pass iU;' ; and an 'pplication tor an On-Sale Beer licens8 from Charlea E. Leach,d.b.a. WilloW8 Restaurant, are presented. No objection is is made. 72~~ r: w Motion by Counoilman Martin, seoonde4 by Counoilman Mason and oarried tha~ the sum of $200.00 be donated to the Gilroy Community Center. A Memorandum ot Agreement tor Acouaulation ot 1/4 Gent Gas Tax for Streets ot Major ImportaDJe, i8 presented and read. RESOLUTION NI.142 is presented and read. Motion by Counoilman Battersby, seconded by Councilman Stout that RESOLUTION NO.142 be adopted: RESOLUTION N.o. US BESOLUTION OJ' THE OOMMON OOUNCIL or TBB OITTOI' GIlBOY APPROVING Ml140RANDUM OF .AGRlDUIlM.' FOB AOOUJIULA'l'ION or 1/4 OENT GAS TAX ALLOCATED rOR STREETS OJ' MAJOR IMPOIiTANCB. 1lBEBEAS, a memorandum ot agreement ha. been presented to be entered into with the State of California tor aocu- mulation ot the 1/4 cent gas tax tor the tisoal yeal' 1944 allocated tor streets ot major importanoe other than state highways in the City ot Gilroy; and WHEREAS, the Common Council has heard read said agree- Dl8nt in full ano. is tamiliar .i th the. oontents thereot; - THEREFORE, BE I'1' RESOLVED by the Common Counc 11 ot the C1 ty ot Gilroy that, under the proYis ions ot Section 200 of the Streets and Highways Code, the 1/4 cent gas tax ! allooated for streets ot major importance other than state highways be accumulated for.tuture expenditure, and tha~ sa id agreement be and the same is herebJ ap})roved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are direoted to sian the same on behalt ot said City, said ~re.aent to be bind1n8 upon the City upon its exeoution by the authorized offioials o tthe State. .-. ADOPTED and PASSED this 7th day ot September, 1943. AYES: Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,James Battersby,David V~Stout. Councilmen None. NOES~ ABSENT: Counoilmen Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth. ~'e May . ~~~~ ATTE:~7~~ i~i Motion by Counoilman Battersby, seconded by Councilman Stout and U carried that the sum ot tlO,OOO.OO be withdrawn trom the Water Fund and the proceeds thereot be used tor the purchase ot War Savings Bonds; that such bonds be ot the type known a8 Ser1e. "G" Bonds; that said bonds be in denominations of the faoe value eaoh ot .~,OOO.OO. The Mayor now instructs the City Inspector to trim the palm trees in tront ot Lucchesa Bros.che..e factory on Martin street; instruots the Clerk to notity the Poundmaster of the complaint made in rwgard tQ dogs at large on Martin street and instructs the C1i.)' Inspeotor 1724 to investigate a cQmplaint made in regard to a vacant lot at the corner of Ka~tin and Alexander streets. Reporta 0'1 the City Officers are presented ani read. Motion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Battersby and oarried that. the reports ot 01ty officers be accepted as rea4 and pl aced on rile. The City Attorney reports that he haa reoeived no replytrom papers served on Mr.Joquln Oliveria, 197 South Eigleberry Street, with reference to moving a certain building on hi. property which was constructed without seouring a building permit, said building being on the right-or-way of a proposed al1e.. The City Attorney i. in- struoted to oommence lesal prooeedings in this matter. The Olerk i8 instruoted to noti1'y any applicants that apply tor a permit to hold a dance for the Mexican people be intomed that there is one dance tor the Mexican people being held on Sunday nights And the Counoil does not 1'avor granti1'lC p'-:ram,sturther permi ta tor this type 01' danoe. Motion by Oounoilman Stout, seoonded by Counoilman Mason and oarried that Tra1'fio Offioer Norman Goodrioh be retained a. an extra Night Offioer tor the present emergenoy and that 116.pensation tor his servioes in this oapaoity be baaed on the salary pald the regular Night O1'tioers. The Traffio Otticer is authorized to have the oity motoroyole overhauled. Motion by Counoilman Battersby, seoonded by Counoilman stout and oarried that billa as presentet b, allowed and warranta ordered drawn on the Trealurer. Adjourned subjeot to the call 01' the Ohair. G\~J2~ Oi tyClerk. .'