Minutes 1943/09/28 '724 G~lroy,Ca11torn1a. S.ptembe~ 28t1943. This resular adjourned Dl8ati. at the COJaon Counc 11 ia called &0 order by His Honor MaYOI\ Georp O.lIili.s ,Jr. Present :Coul1oilmen Georse J..Mart1ntOeorce LMason,James Battersb,., J.R.Wentworth,Dav1d V.Stout. Ab..nt:Oounoilmen Net He1ner. Mot10nb7 Counoilman Batt.~8b7t aeoonded by Counol~ ..ntworth am carried that the sum at tlO ,000.00 be withdrawn from the Water J'UDd and the proceeds thereot be used to purohase War Savings Bonds; that suoh bonds be ot the type ,)aloa .a Serw :"G"; that said banda be in denominat1ons Of the faoe value .acb 0''',000.00. 1 Adjourned subject to the oall of the ohair. ~.G. ~~ C tf Ole;rlt. t 725