Minutes 1943/11/16 T I 727 Gilroy,California. November l6,lg43. This regular adjourned -meeting of the CODlnon Counoil is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,Jr. Present:Courlollmen George M.Mason,James Battersby,Nat Heiner, J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout. Absent:Counoilmen George A.Martin. The Mayor states that the purpose of this meeting is to appoint a general ohairman or ooordinator for the Gilroy Rat1on1ng Board to replaoe Rodney Esohanburg who 1s res1gning because o-r ill health. 728 Rodney Esohenburg,general chairman of the Rationing Board, now appears before the Counoil,.h8.1li.ka::the Maror and Counoil tor their oooperation:>in the past and suggests that the one appointed as general ohairman be a member of the rationing board with previous experienoe on one of the panels. He suggests the appointment of Jack Hines or Forest Ryoratt. E.J.Fabbri,ohalrman of the Gasoline Panel, Jack Hines,ohairman of the Food Panel and Dr.Russell Crane ,member of the Price Panel are oalled upon bV the Mayor to appear betore the Counoil and express his views on the matter of ohairman. It 1s unanimously agreed that eaoh ohairman discuss the matter of ohairman with his respeotive panel and submit the name to the Council. Motion by Counoilman Heiner, seoonded by Councilman Battersby and oarried that the City Clerk write a letter of thanks to Rodney Esohanburg for his good service and hard work as chairman of the Gilroy Rationing Board. Postmaster R.M.Martin now appears before the Council to call their attention to acts of vandalism perpetrated in the lobby of the post office after olosing hours. ~he Mayor then directed the Polioe Committee to inIbrm the Night Officers to watch the Post Office and endeavor to apprehend those respons:lble. Counoilman :aeiner discusses the matter of a full time man to act as relief driver for both the City and Rural fire departments. The oha irman 0 f the 11'i 1'8 Comm1 ttee is direoted to 10.ok.1 tor a sui ta ble an and present his name at the next meeting of the Council. AdUourned subjeot to the oall of the chair. M~ Deputy Oi y C ark. .'