Minutes 1944/01/03
.January 3,1944.
Thi s regula r mont hly meeting of the Cornmon Counc 11 is called to
order By His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,.Jr.
Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,.James Battersby,
Nat Heiner,.J.H.Wentworth. Absent:Councilmen David V.Stout.
Mindtes of the meetings of December 6th and 13th,1943, are read
and approved.
A oommunication is read from Colonel George Simpson,commanding
officer of the 125th Infantry, thanking the city for tJ:e $200.00
donated to the Cjristmas ~rty fund of the men stationed in this
A oommunication is read from George C.Renz, Contractor, offering
to acoept the sum of $700.00 of the $985.00 due him from the Audit-
orium contract, the $285.00 diff~rence to be used to paint the
The water analysis report is read and ordered placed on file.
The Clerk is instructed to write to Mr.E.N.Curtis, of Binder
and Curtis, arohitects for the Auditorium building, and ask that
he stop in Gilroy on his next trip and examine the paint job on
the outside of the Auditorium building.
Applications for Aloholic Beverage Lioense for Alfred Ubrick,
d.b.a. GilrQy Bottling Works, are presented. No obJection is made.
This being the time speoified in notices sent to the several oil
companies asking for bids on the city's gasoline requirements for
the period, .January 15,1944 to .January 15,1945, the Clerk is instruo~e
to prooeed with the opening of the bids presented.
A oom;lunication is read from the Tide Water Associated 011 Company
stating that they were unable to present a bid due to government
requirements. A similar cO~ilunication is read from tJ:e Standard Oil
Oompany of Callfornia.
The bid of the Seaside Oil Company, offering to furnish the city's
gasoline requirements at $.14 per gallon, is read.
Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Mason and
carrled that the Seaside Oil Company's bld of $.14 per gallon to:::
furnlsh the city's gasollne requirements for the period .January 15,
1944 to .January 15,1945, be acoepted and the Clerk instructed to
sign the contract.
The Mayor now discusses the many complaints made to him about
dogs running at large in the city.
It is unanimously agreed that an advvertisement be placed in the
Gilroy Dlspatoh warning all dog owners to keep their dogs confined
to yard and the ~oundmaster to be instruoted to start on .January
10,194&, to piok up all dogs found running at large in the oity.
Motion by Councilman Battersby, seconded by Counoilman Martin
and oarried that the sum of $10,000.00 be withdrawn from the Water
Fund and prooeeds thereof to be used to purchase War Savings Bonds;
that suoh bonds be of the type known as Series "G"; that sald bonds
be in denominations of the faoe value each of $l,OOO.OO;that the
City Clerk is/authorized to make this purchase on .January 18,1944.
Reports of the ci ty offioers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seconded by Councilman Heiner and
oarried that the reports of oity officers be acoepted as read and
ordered plaoed on file.
Motion by Counoilman Battersby, seconded by Counoilman Martin and
carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
Adjourned subject to the
oalloof the chair.
Ci ty Clerk