Minutes 1944/03/06
March 6,1944.
This regular rQonthly meeting of the COTIlnon Counc il is called to
order by Eis Eonor r:::ayor George C.Milias ,.Jr.
Present:Councilmen George A.Martin,George I'.l.Uason,.Jarnes Battersby,
Nat Fe iner,J.E. Wentworth,David V.stout. l>.bsent: COUIlC ilmen None.
[,:inutes of the meetings of February 7th and 24th, 1944 are read
and approved.
A cOlTI:':unicat ion is read from Mr.L.G. Loupe, Executor of the
Estate of Carrie Rea, Deceased, presenting the city with a check
in the am:JUnt of .~500.00, thereby by carrying out the v.ish, ,~; of
the late Miss.Carrie Rea.
A cOill2unication is read from Loren L.Bush, Third Regional
Protect ion Officer, invi tinT c i viIi an dte'fe nse 0 ffi e ie-I e. nd city
officials to attend a neeting in ;";'an E'ranciseo,J:Jlarch 7th,1944.
An amended agreerJ.ent fron the Electrieail. Products Corpo rat ion
renewing the maintenanc e of two "GILROY" signs is pI:' esent ed and
~otion by Councilman ~entwo~h, seconded by Councilman Mason
and carried that the gift of ~500.00 from the hstate of Carrie
Rea be placed in the city's gift fund.
t1otion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Heiner and
carried that the amended agreement of the Electrical Products
Corporation to maintain the ~wo "GILBOY." signs for ~10.50 per
month be accepted and the clerk instructed to sign the agreement.
Coune ilman Wentworthl\ the matter of psEinting the faces of the
City RaIl clock. This matter is placed in the hands of the
Buildings and Grounds Committee to ascertain costs and avail-
ibility of materials and report to the Council.
NIr.Phil Ferr is, manager of the Southern Pacific r,1111ing Company,
now appears before the Council to discuss the present Lerchant
The matter of employing a man for patrol work is turned over to
the Chamber of Commerce, the I'.lerchants COY!1.ildlttee of this body to
canvass the merchants in order to get their reaction to the hiring
of such a man, the comrnittee to report its recommendations to the
IvIotion by Gouncilman Stout, seconded by Counc ilman B6ttersby and
carried that a General Municipal Election be held on Monday, 1my
1,1944, that State and County precincts 1,2,3 and? be consolidated
into one precinct to be known as Precinct "A" and the poling place
for this precinct be the Fire House located on }I"iftl.h Street, between
Monterey street and Eigleberry Street; that State and County ~recincts
4,5 and 6 be consolidated into one precinct to be known as Precinct
"B" and the poling place for this precinct be located at 66 North
Monterey Street and known as the Hospitality House, located on the
East side of North Monterey Street between Sixth Street and Martin
Street and that poling places for said election be opened at 7
o'clock A.M. and closed at 7 o'clock P.M., Monday, May 1,1944.
Motion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Counc ilrnan Stout and
carried that the following named election officers be appointed for
the General Municipal Election to be held Monday, May 1,1944 and
the Clerk instructed to make the necessary notice calling the
election and notify the appointed Inspectors for this election:
Name of Precinct "Aft-Board of Election: Inspector,Elsie Cotta;
Judges-Lila Ramezane and Mrs.Harry Eustice; Clerks-1tts.I.Chabot
and Mary Howorth; alternate-Edith Ayer; name of Precinct "B"-
Board of Election: Inspector,Nina Avery; .Judges-Mamie Sgheiza and
Mildred Fredrickson; Clerks-Leola Griffin and Fanny L.Ma~uilk1n;
alternate-Elsie Schieler; that the members of these election boards
receive $6.00 each for their services.
The Mayor now Presents the estimate of Mr.George C.Renz,contractor,
to pJa ce the Wheeler Auditorium in first class condition, the
estimate being $3,500.00, the Mayor stating that these figures have
been presented to the Adjut ant General of t he State of California ,at
whose request the bid was asked for.
Reports of city officers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Heiner and
carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and
placed 0 n file.
Motion by Councilman Battersby, seconded by Councilman Heiner and
ca~ried that the salary of the City Marshal be increased from $185.00
per month to $210.00 per month and the salary of the City Clerk be
increased from $185.00 per month to $210.00 per month, effective
as of .June 1,1944 and to remaln1ileffe'et .from..JuI;le.,1,1944 to .June
Motion by Councilman Battersby, seconded by Councilman Wentworth
and carried that bills as ~esented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the ~reasurer.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
Ci ty Clerk.