Minutes 1944/04/11
April 11,1944.
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias,Jr.
Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,James Battersby,Nat He1ner,J.H.
Wentworth. Absent:Councilmen George A.Martin,David V.Stout.
Communioations are read from .Jack E.Murdock,Presldent,Campbell
Chamber of Commerce, David F.B.therford,Campbell,Ca11fornia,g1viDg
information in regard to Mr.Clarence T..Johnson, who bad made
application to hold evangelestic meetings in this clty.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Mason and
carrled that Mr.Clarence T..Johnson be granted permission to erect
a tent in whioh to hold evangelestio meetlngs.
Councilman Mason discusses a request ter an additional tire hydrant
to be plaoed at Fourth and Prlnoevalle streets and another at 6th
and Dowdy or Carmel streets, the plaoing ot the latter to depend
on the property .pone used for the erection of the proposed new
defense housing project.
By unanimous oonsent the Water Oommittee 15 instruoted to prooeed
in the matter ot plaolng of the tire hydrants.
The layor nOli disousses the plumbing and e le ctrlOlal work to be
plaoed in the proposed new detense housing project as set forth
in the War Production Board regulations.
The City Inspector 1s instruoted to write 8 letter to the Federal
Housing Administration,Regional Office, stating that many homes
had been built here under the Federal Housing Administration and
that all were required to tollow the Unifor.&aBuilding Code and
the Standard Electrlcal and Plumbing Codes, as adopted by the
City, and lhat the C9unol1 does not reel it would be right to
allow a let down in requirements of lhese oodes as 1t is believed
that the"s,t-up as set forth in the War Production Board regulations
would oause trouble within two years.
The Mayor now disousses that matter of merohant patrol or the
addition of another offioer to the Polioe.Department.
Mr.Phil Ferrls now appears betore the Council to discuss the
matter of a merchants patrol.
The Mayor now disousses the speeding of trucks through the oity
and it ls unanimously agreed t bat the Traffic Officer be instruc'ied
to slow the truoks down to 25 miles per hour within the oity limits.
It is unanlmously agreed that one Night Officer shall aot as a
toot patrolman and try ill doors at business establishments once
eaoh night and to patrol during t he night from Second Street. to
Tenth Street, the other Night Officer to patrol in the police
department car, that the Night Officer working the short shift
do the toot patrol work and the Night Offioer having the long shitt
to patrol in the police oar and that the foot patrol work be
alternated between the two Night Officers.
Adjourned subjeot to the
eall of the ohair.
Cl ty Clerk.