Minutes 1944/11/06
1 770
Gilroy, California.
November 6,1944.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by his Honor Mayor George C.Milias.
Present:Counoilmen George A.Martih, George M.W~son,.J.H.Wentworth,
David V.Stout. Absent: Councilmen Nat Heiner,Renry .J.Schilling.
By unanimous consent the reading of the minutes of the previous
meetings is dispensed with.
A lease between the City of Gilroy and the State of California
covering the Wheeler Audi torium is now presented in its amended
form,the City Attorney stating that he haS approved the lease as to
Motion by Counoilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Martin that the
lease between the City of Gilroy and the State of California covering
the Wheeler Civic Auditorium, be adopted.
Roll callan the motion:
Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,.J.H.Wentwortn,
David V.Stou\.
Councllmen None.
ABSENT: Councilmen Nat Heiner,Henry .J.Sohil11ng.
A lease between the City of Gilroy and the Coast Counties Gas and
Electrio Company covering a parcel of land at the northeast corner
of East and Old Gilroy streets, as amended, 1s now presented and
di scussed.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Stout that
the the lease agreement between the City of Gilroy and the Coast
Counties Gas and Electric Gompany, covering property at, the north-
east corner of East and Old Gilroy streets, as amended, be adopted.
Roll callan the motlon:
Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,.J.H.Wentworth,
David V. St out.
Councilmen None.
ABSENT: Councilmen Nat Heiner,Henry .J.Schilling.
Councilman Mason discusses a request from the Filioe and Perrelli
Canning Company to install a standby water service for the cannery
on Lewis Street.
The Clerk is instructed to advise Mr. Frank Perrelli to make
written application for a permit for standby water service for the
Filice and Perrelli Cannery, stating in the ir application that they
will stand the entire cost of installation,including a 6 inch tee
at the main water line.
Deputy City Clerk Graydon Carr now appears before the Council to
request that the Counoil instruct the City Clerk to withhold hop~ital
dues for several city employees who have joined a group hospltalization
Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried
that the City Clerk be instructed to withhold from the wages of those
city employees who have subscribed to the group hospitalization,a
sta ted aroount of dues for each employee said amount and consent to
withhold to be presented in a written petition signed by the several
Motion by Counoilman Stout,seoonded by Councilman Martin and carried
that the city purchase 5-$1,000.OO,Series "G" War Savings bonds during
the Sixth War Loan Drive, the City Clerk to purchase Bald2bonds with
monies/" the Water Fund, during the drive.
The matter of oiling Do\YdY'-luldt.Carmel;st~,etsand the alleys adjaoent
thereto, from Fifth to Sixth street, is discussed, it being;the:'unan-
imous opinion that the streets and alleys should be thoroughly gravelled
and prepared for oiling at a later date. This matter is placed in the
hands of the Street Committee.
Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried
that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the
the Treasurer.
Adjourned subJact to the
call of the chair.
City Clerk.