Minutes 1945/03/05
March 5,1945.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order
by His Honor by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias.
Present: Counc ilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,J .H. Wentworth,
Henry J.Schilling. Absent:Councilmen Nat Heiner,David V.Stout.
Minutes of the meetings 0 f February 5th and 19th are read and app-
A communication is read from Crow's Nurseries asking if the city
intended to spray the sycamore trees this year. It is unanimously
agreed not to spray the trees this year.
The change 0 f payment of the franchd>se tax by the Cpast Count ies
Gas and Electric Company from a fiscal year basis to a calendar year
basis is discussed. The City Attorney states thatl*.~',haf1~:app.rdlY:eo.:Lille
oha:ng'L.inLt1me at, pa~In4tnt. ''',.;;
- ..
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City Engineer W.J.Hannd now reports on a sewage meeting held in
San .Jose stating that the $10,000.00 set aside by the county for
a survey of the sewage disposal problem was for use of the cities in
northern part of the county where the problem is acute. He also stated
that there was a possibility that the engineer hired by the county
would make a survey of the local cannery waste problem.
The Comprehensive Liability Policy is now disoussed the City Attorney
,stat 1ng t hat he was not satisfied with a clause in the rider of the
policy that the premiums as set forth "are estimated premiums". The
city attorney is instruoted to contact the insurance agent and have
the clause ohanged to read th~t the premium. as stated are flat premiums.
The Mayor now discusses the ~r~ppsed alley from 7th to 8th stree~,
between Eigleberry and Church streets,stating that Mr.Oliveria had
called ,on him to further discuss the ma tter. It is -unanimously agreed
that if a signed deed from Mr. Oliveria was not p rese'nted at the next
regular meeting of the Counoil the city would proveed with the con-
struotion of the alley.
. .
It is ~greed that the Traffic Officer should be on duty two nights
per week,temporarily, and use the police department's car to patrbl
M9ntere~ Street and stop speeders.The Traffio Officer is also in-
structed to assist the local undertakers in directing traffic during
A transfer of an On Sale Distilled SpIrits and an On Sale Beer and
, .
Wine license from Shirley Roth,23 a.Monterey Street to Ottauio
Pieracoi and Rocoo Silbio, d.b.a.Bi~bots Place, 23 S.Monterey Street,
is presented. No objection is made.
Mr.Wm.Werner now appears before the Council to urge the Council to
suggest to the Southern Pacific Company the landscaping of the grounds
in the vioinity of the depot when the paving prokram is discussed.
The Clekk is instruoted to 'write to J..J.Jordan,!up~ri.ntendent of
the Southern Paoifio Company, asking that the grounds around the
station be landscaped and stating that the Council would be pleased
te meet with him.
The matter of the purchase of a compressor is discussed. This matter
is turned over to the' Street Committee ~or further investigation.
Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Schilling and
carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on the Treasurer.
Reports of the ci ty officers are presented and rea9~
Motion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the rep>ol'ts of the city officers be aocepted as read and
ordered placed on file.
The Mayor states that he has received a communication from the
Federal government requesting t hat a 10 cal oommi ttee be formed to handle
all ceremonies in oonneotion with Viotory Day. The Mayor reoeives the
unanimous oonsent of the Council to appoint a camnittee for this purpose.
Adjourned subjeot to the
call of the chair.
q~~. ~~.