Minutes 1945/06/04
June 4,1946.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is aalled to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias.
Present:Counci~men George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,
J.E.~entworth,David V.Stout. Absent:Counoilman Henry J.Sch1lling.
Minutes of the meetings of May 7th and 10th,1945 are read and
A communication is read from the Portuguese Society of Gilroy
requesting permission to hold their annual parade on June 10th.
A cO~Dunication is reed from th6 St~tetnepartment of Immigration
and TIous ing stat ing that a pe'presen tative would call at the Clerk's
office in the near future in regard to the Southern Pacific Hotel.
Motion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the Portuguese Society of Gilroy be granted pe rmiss10n
to hold their annual parade June 10th.
Mo~6'Y\ ~ .
Councilman;presents a list of uncollectible water accounte.
1110tion by Counc ilman Stout, seconded by Counc ilman Iv'Ias on and carried
that the accounts uncollectible presented by the chai rman of the
~ater Committe in the amount of $26.00, be written off.
Unoolleotable Aooounts
June 30, 1945.
Nr. .
I., A.
1 - 9 Munoz, DOmingo
1 - ,11 Gonzales, S.
1 - 17 ~~d,!ng, Arnold
1 - 19 Baum, Capt. W.J.
1 ;., 23, Sanohez, Joe
1 - 26, Lemos, L. C.
,1 - 29 Chastain, John
1 - 31 Elmer's Welding
247 N. Eigleberry st.
Eas t .Eighth St.
37 Martin St.
272 N. Eigleberry St.
8th & Chesnut Sts.
483 East Sixth St.
20 N. Dowdy St.
29 Lewis St.
The Mayor now instructs the chairman of the several committees of
the Council to ascertain from the employees 0 f the ir departments, the,
vacation dates of each employee, the list to be submitted to the City
Clerk for posting.
Councilman Wentworth discusses the request of the C.B.Gentry Company
to excavate a sump for garbage on the city's sewer fan1 property.
Mr.Harlow Bennett,manager of the Gentry Company now appears before
the Council to diseuse this matter.
It is unanimously deci ded to place thEi s, .mat.ter, in the;hands',of:,the
Sewer..'C6mmittee andthEwCi ty Inspector for investigation and report
to the Council. After a decision has been made the City Attorney
will draw up the necessary agreement.
Councilman Stout discusses the matter of the clerk in the Juctice
Court reoeiving additional compensation of $85.00 per month for her
work in the Police Court.
It is unanimously agreed to postpone action on this matter until
the budget for the next fiscal year is discussed.
Mr.Jack Howson of Howson Brother" local contractors , now appears
before the Council to discuss a restriction of $5,000.00 for improve-
ments ,placed on property owned by James A.Clayton and Company located
on Dowdy and Carmel streets, south 0 f Sixth Street, and requests the
Council to intercede for them and request the owners to lower the
restriction to $4,000.00.
Motion by Jouncilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Martin and carried
that the Cle:tk be instructed to write to James A.Clayton and Company
requesting that they lower the restriction on improvements from
$5,000.00 to $4,000.00, said improvements not to include curbs,side-
walks and gutters.
The Clerk now presents the matter of adjustment of delinquent taxes
on the property of Andrew and Ella McGraw, described as: Rea Sub.,
East i of Lots 9 & 10,Block 3, South'Range 2 West.
Mot ion by Councilman Stout ,seconded by Counc ilman Mart in a nd carried
that the Clekk be empowe~ed to adjust the delinquent taxes on the
property of Andrew and Ella McGraw for the years 1935-1936 to 1939-
1940, inclusive , the total amount of adjustment to be the sum of $25.00.
City Engineer W..J . Hanna now presents the grade map for the Gurries
The matter of extending Broadway Street,west of Hanna street is
discussed and it is unanimously agreed that parties interested in
this extension contact Mr.Robert Benson,one of the owners of the
property within the right-of-way, in regard to ,dedicating the necessary
land for the street and the Clerk is instructed to advise those in-,
terested that if and when the property along this proposed street is
improved the street will be opened.
Reports of the City Officers are presented and read.
Motion by Counc i,man Stout, s~conded ,by Counc i~nan Mason and carried
that the reports of the city officers be ,ccepted as read and pm.ced
on file.
Motion by Councilman Stout, seconded by ,Councilman M.artin and
carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on the City Treasurer.
Adjourned s ubjeot to the
call of the chair.
Ci ty Clerk.