Minutes 1945/11/05
I';ovenber 5,1945.
This regular monthly meetine of the COLllnon Council is called to
order by Fis Honor Uayor I}eorge C.l,iilias.
Present:Councilmen G80rge A.I.lertin,Georce 1,~.I':ason,lJat lieiner,J.H.
j-,ent1,'.-orth,David V.Stout. ,Absent:Councilmen Eenr'J' J.Schilling.
Einutes of the meetings of October 1st and 25th are read ahd
A com,nuEicat ion is read from Logan and Frazer, city auditors,
stating that they had examined the cit:."s booksand records for the
quarter,July 1,1945 to September 30,1945, and found them in good
A communi cat ion is read from the Gilroy CODllJ1Unity and C,'iar Chest
requesting a donation of ~200.00.
A cormnunication is read from ri.b.Darley & Company stating that
quotation req1lest on sigas could not be complied with due to the
fact tha~ the factory would not accept orders for special signs at
this time.
A report is read from the Division of Eighways listine: expendi tures
on state High'ways and Streets of Maj or Importance for the IE riod
July 1,1944 to July 1,1945.
A card of thanks is read from th e Low Dan family.
A communication is read from Harry Bianda ofi'erine; to re-lease
? aores of Sewer Farm land,prevoulsy under lease to him, for a
period of three years at an annual rent of $20.00 per acre.
Il0tion by Councilman ~''-entViorth,seconded by Councilman Heiner and
carried that seven acres,known as Plot 3, Diagram of Gilroy Sewer
Farm, be leased to Harry lUanda, for a period of three years,
cOl'JIlencing l~ovePlber 1,1945 and ending October 31,1948,for an
annual rent of $20.00 per acre,payable in advance.
M:otion by Gounc ilman Stout, seconded by Counc ilraan Eartin and
carried that the S11m of $200.00 be donated to the Gilroy COTi1Fluni ty
and War Chest.
The City .Attorney states that he now has the'necessaty information
to proceed with the sale of delinquent property, The LIayor instr-t.lcts
the Finance Committee to meet with the City Attorney to discuss this
matter and make necessary preparations to proceed with selling
delinqu~nt property.
Counci Iman Stout lliscusses the parking of trucks at the inter-
section of Leavesley Road and Monterey Street stating that the
operators of these vehicles are parking in the red zone. The
Mayor states that he will instruct the officers to watch this
situation and tag trucks that park in this marked off area.
Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by 'Councilman Heiner and
carried that the City Clerk be instructed to purchase 10-
$1,000.00 Series"G" Victory Bonds,durinG the coming campaign,
from Water Fund monies.
Mr.~illiam Werner now appears before the Council to discuss the
condition of the traffic stripe on Hecker Pass Highway and increasilllgG
the number of days here for the Drivers License examiner. The Clerk
is instructed to write to the Division of Highways with reference to
the traffic stripe and to the Division of Drivers' Licenses with
reference to additional time here for the examiner.
Reports of the city officers are presented and read.
Motion by C011ncilman Sttout,secorided by Councilman Martin and
carried that the reports of City Officers be accepted as read and
placed on fi Ie.
Ivlot ion by Counc ilrnan Stout, see onded by Counc ilman Mart in and
carried that bills as presented be allowed and'~arrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
Adjourned subject to the
the call of the chair.