Minutes 1947/03/13
Gilroy, California
March 13,1947.
This regumr adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias.
Present:Couuci~en George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,Ray
L.Stevens,.Tames B.Thomas. Absent: Councilmen .T.ll.Wentworth.
The Mayor announces that the purpose 0 f thEis meeting' is to discuss
increases in salaries for several city employees.
Counc ilman LIason, chairman of the Finance Committee, now presents
and reads the list of increases in salari es reconunended by his
IJlotion by Counc ilman He iner, seconded by Counc ilman Has on and
oarried that the folloWUng employees salaries be increased,per month,
effective as of March 1,1947: Chas.Shields from $206.00 to ~221.00;
Carl .T.Weppener from ~233.50 to $258.50; Ercole Silacci-from ~217.00
to $232.00; Harold Sturla from $217.00 to ;~232.00; Dan Lemos from
$217.00 to $232.00; .Tohn Fillyaw from $217.00 to $232.00; James
Sturla from ~~233.50 to ~p248.50; Mike Martin from 4~195.00 to ~210.00;
.Toe Sartor from ~n95.00 to $210.00; Louis Scolari from ~195.00 to
~~210.00; l.iodesto Ramezane frcm $134.50 to ;~149.50; Helen Bettencourt
from $20.00 to ;~25.00; Irvine Otto from $217.00 to ~;232.00;Gabriel
,Filice from $195.00 to $210.00; .Tames S.Byers from $75.00 to $100.00.
Councilman Heiner asksfor a leave of absence for a period of 60
days cOL1mencing April 1,1947.
Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Mason and
carried that Counoilman Heiner be granted a leave or absence for
60 days to travel outside the State, ~ammenoing April 1,1947.
The Oity Engineer now presents now presents a post war const-
ruction budget for city streets.
It is unanimously agreed that the budget include the construction
of a new water well and repairs and replacements to the city's
outfall sewer line.
A comnunication is read from ~tr.H.B.nong,superintendent of schools
relative to the ciyy's request that the Gilroy Elementary School
District donate a portion of their property at Carmel and First
streets as a site for a new water well.
It is unanimously agieed that the Oity Engineers budget for
street work be turned over to the Street Committee for investig-
ation and recommendations.
Applications for taxicab stand spots are now presented and read.
It is unanimously agreed that a loading and unloading zone be
painted on curb in front of the Greyhound Bus Depot for use of all
taxioabs and others.
After SOfie discussion the City Attorney was instructed to draw up
a resolution designating the following parking spaces for the three
taxicab operators: Steve's Taxi-(l) in front of Ray's Lunch,26 S.Mon- .
terey S:I7reet, (2) inside the sidewall,:: line to the north of the driveway
at the Greyhound Bus Depot. (3) first parking zone south the of the
unloading zone at the Greyhound Bus Depot. Bill's Taxi-(l)second
parking space north of the driveway at the Greyhound Bus Depot,(2)
in front of Bimbo's Cllib, 23 South I,:onterey Street, (3) Vlest Sixth
Street at corner of Llonterey Street, next to Ililias Hotel. Woodworth's
Taxi Service-(l)front of the United Cigar Store,23 North I,Ionterey
Street, (2) first parking space north of the north line of the Swi'ss
Hotel,South .onterey Street, (3) first parking space north 0 f the
driveway at the Greyhound Bus Depot.
rI'he matter of the complaint of E..T.Haughton against Byers Bros.
is discussed and the City Attorney states that he will investigate'
the matter.
Adjourned subject to
the call 0 f the cha ire
G.Q .~~
Ci ty Cl.Eerk