Minutes 1947/04/14 1 898 Gilroy, California April 14,1947. This regular adjourned meeting of the COLJInon Council is called to order by TIis Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present: Councilmen George A.IIartin,George LI.LIason,.T.E. ::!entworth, Ray L.Stevens,J"ames B.Thom,as. Absent:Councilnen Hat Heiner. 'rhe LIaoyr announnes that the purpose 0 f this meeting is to discuss the Post TIar Construction budget. A com;unication is read from the Division of Hi[gnmys stating that the final renort of the traffic survey has been presented along TIdth recoYimenda tions for install ation of autom::'1 ti c,- traarfic signals at 4th, 5th, 6th and 01 d Gilroy streets and nethoc1s of financing the purchase and installation. A portion of the traffic slEvey-rec~mlendations,financing,etc.-is read. TJr.Ed.Hanna now ap~ars before the Council to discuss the street re:B'urfacing program' and states t hat scarcity of screenings may delay the street work. The proposed budget for street work,new water well repair to the outfall seller and purchase and install at ion of traffic signals are discusses. It is unanimously agreed that the contract to resurface Carmel street from 6th Street to First Street shiliuld proceed at once and the engineer is instructed to draw up ~mans and specifications and prepare the necessary advertising. It is unanimously agreed that 031,000.00 of city war bond money should be used as city 1Jlatching money with state funds and gas tax r'" I \.-0 r'=.o, - I , I........ 8gB money to carry out the program of resurfacing streets,drilling a new water well and purchasing the necessary purap, repairing the Out- fall sewer line and purchasing and installing automatic traffic signals to be placed as recommended by the Divis ion of Highways. It is unanimous ly agreed that the City Engineer proceed at once to 'iJork UD plans and specifications to.Lcall for bids for purchase and installation of automatice traffic signals. The matter of change in the curbing at Leavesley Road and Monterey Street is left in the hands of the City Engineer to discuss with litt. Mattis of the Division of Highways. },Ir.Hanna states that he has the deeds from property owners along the proposed alley in Block 3 & 4 North,Range 1 East. The matter of, a suit against the city-McAlpine v. s City 0 f Gilroy, is discussed 'and the entire matter is turned over to the city attorney for a decision. Mr.Hugh Hersman now appears before the Council and advises that the easement given by the Southern Pacific Company for a portion of the proposed alley in Block 3 & 4 NorthrnRange 1 East, would not be necessary as he had purchased the property adjoining the pWDposed easement and the alley would now be on his property. ~IT.Hersman asks permission to return the easement papers~to the Southern Pacific Company and requests that the Council instruct the Clerk to write a letter to the company thanking them for their cooperation in this matter. Mr.Hersman's request is unanimously granted. Application for a Building Permit No. NS 588-Gus:,Rennertapplicant- is now presented. After some discussion it is unanimously agreed that the interior of the building can be changed to suit Mr.Rennert but no changes can be made on the front, back or sides of the building. A co~mlunication is read from the Sociedad Funeraria requesting ~rmission to hold a fiesta at I.D.E.S.Hall,May 10th & 11th. Motion by Councilman l;Iartin,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that Sociedad ]uneraria be granted a permit to hold a fiesta at I.D.E.S.Hall,May 10th & Ilth,providing the entire affair is confined to the lot upon ',7hich the LD.E.S.hall is located. A cOTIl'mnication is read from the Union Oil Company of California requesting information on the disposition of the ordinance governing caIE city 0 f gasoline storaGe tankk at service stations. The Clerk is instructed to advise the company that the ordinance should be ready for presentation to the Council,April 21st. i 900 b . t to the Adjourned su Je? call 0 f the chalr. C3~C\..fu City Clerk t