Minutes 1947/05/05
Gilroy, California
May 5,1947.
This regular monthly meeting of the Cammon Counoil 'S called to
order by His Honor Mayor Gearge C.Milias.
Present: Councilmen George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,
J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas. Absent:Councilmen
Minutes ot the meetings of April 7th,14th and 2lst,1947 are
read and approved.
A communioation is read from Logan & Frazer,city auditors,
stating that they had completed the audit of the oity's books and
reoords to M.arch ~lst and found all in good order.
A communication is read from the Gilroy Elementary Sohool Board
stating that upon advise of the District Attorney and the School-
house Planning Commiss1on it would not be possible to give the
oity any of the land along the south side of First Street belong-
ing to the sohool district, as a site for a new water well.
A oommunication is read from the Division of Highways stating
that they were proceeding with plans and speoifications for the
progressive signal system as recommended by them and reviewed
the methoa of financing the cost ot signals and installation
and stating further that the work should be completed about December
A communication is read from the State Compensation Insurance Fund
with referenoe to compensation insuranoe for paid employees of the
Parks and Recreation Commission, stating that these employees would
be fully covered.
,A report dated April 18,1947 from the Santa Clara County Health
Department stated that water samples taken April 9,1947 were sat-
iSfaotory. The report is ordered filed.
A petition signed by thirty-two residents and property owners
residing in the vicinity of First and Eigleberry streets,protesting
against the use of a lot on the sOlJth side r1 First Street between
Monterey and Eigleberry streets, as the site for the carnival during
the ooming Gilroy Gymkhana and & Horse Show, is presented and read.
Mr.Ernest HaIT186n't'one 0 f the petit ioners ,now appears before the
Counoil to discuss the petition.
It is unanimouSly agreed that Mr.J.W.Jepsen,chairman of the
Concessions Committee of the Gilroy Gymkhana & Horse Show, should
be infonned of the protest and asked to seek another location for
the carnival.
The petition is now ordered filed.
The letter from the State Compensation Insurance Fund is or6ered
The matter of the letter from the Gilroy Elementary Sohools with
reference to a site for the new oity water well is discussed and it
is unanimously agreed that the City Attorney write to the sohool
board and oal1 their attention to the fact that they had requested
the closing of Seoond Street from Hanna Street to Car.mel Street and
that the request for a<j1te for the new water well on the sohool
property could be cons~dered an exchange.
The communication from Logan & Frazer is ordered filed.
, I
!.J CITY OF BILROY", is now p resented and read.
Motion by Counoilman Stevens,seconded by Counoilman Martin and
carried that the "Notice Ordering That Certain Improvements Shall Be
Made In The City of Gilroy" , be passed, published and posted.
A Resolution of Intention and Notioe of Sale of Franchise is now
presented and read.
In the matter of the Application of)
Coast Counties Gas and Electric ~
Company, a corporation, )
for and electrio franchise )
COAST COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC C01WANY, a corporation,having here-
tofore, by petition in writing field with the Mayor and Common Counoil
of the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara,State of California,on
the 5th day o'E J!Iq,19-47 ,~-." ,made its"spplieat10n:to.'sald'lMayor aa
~QlDJD.()n iCQ~nc1.~ t.9~an. e!~ctrie' trEJ,nOh1se"and 2J~1i1d"aPPXDcatiQn'ooming
on reS1J.~~r1,y ')Q bQ beard andeonsidred this :;5th'day, otMa,y, 1947 ,at a
regular meeting of said Mayor and Common Council, and good cause
appearing theretor, upon motion of Counoilman Heiner,seconded by
Councilman Martin: .
grant said franohise and that the charaoter of said franchise pur-
ported to be granted and the terms for which it is granted and the
oonditions and rest~iotions of said franohise are set forth in the
notice of sale attaohed hereto and made a part hereof and marked
Exhibi t B. ii'
It is further RESOLVED, ORDERED, DECLAREI) AND STATED that Monday, the
16th day ot June,1947,up to 8 o'olook P.M. of said day,be and the same
is hereby fixed as the hour and day up to whioh tenders will be rec-
eived tor said franchise at the office of the City Clerk ot said City
of Gilroy in the City Hall and that the City Clerk of said City be
and he is hereby direoted to advertise the tact that said applioation
tor franchise has been made to said Mayor and Common Council,together
with a statement that it is proposed to grant said franchise upon the
aforesaid terms and subject to the aforesaid conditions and restriot-
ions by publishing in the Gilroy Evening Dispatoh, a daily newspaper
of general ciroulation published in the City of GilroYjand the said
advertisement be published for ten (10) successive days or as often
as said paper is published during said periodjthat the full publio-
ation t hereof be oomplete in not less than twenty (20) nor more than
thirty (30) days before the said 16th day of June,1947, the day fixed
up to which tenders will be receivedjthat such advert1se~nt state
the character ot the franchise herein proposed to be granted,and that
said advertisement and notice to pe given by said clerk pursuant to
this order and resolution shall be in substantially the form ot the
said Bxhibit B.
Adopted by the Mayor and Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy,
County of Santa Clara ,State of Califor1l1.a, on the 5th day of May,
1947,by the following vote:
AYES: Counci~n George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,
J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas
NOES: Counc iIman None
ABSENT: Councilman None.
It (l ~~,
;;;:; of the City ot Gilroy
City Clerk ot the City of Gi~roy
Exhibit "B"
In the Matter of the Application of) ~
for an electric franchise )
Notioe is hereby given that Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company,
a oorporation,has filed with the Mayor and Common Counoil of the City
of Gilroy its application for a franchise for its~lt,its successors
and assigns,to use the publio streets,highways and alleys of said
munioipality for the purpose of oonstructing,maintaining and usinC an
electric transmission system, for the purpose of selling and distributing
electricity for light,heat,power and all lawful purposes,and any of
them to said City of Gilroy ani its inhabitants all as appears in said
application and the reoords of said Mayor and Common Council,reference
to which is hereby made for greater particularity.
Notice is further given that on the 16th day of June,1947, at the
hour ot 8:00 o'clook P.M. ot said day or as soon thereafter as the
matter can be heard in the council chamber of said Mayor and said
Common Council situated in the City Hall in said City of Gilroy,the
said Mayor and said Common Counoil will sell the right,privelege and
franchise as previously set forth in said application to the highest
oash bidder. Said franchise proposed to be sold w'll be generally as
set forth in said aP91ication except that the same shall include the
following provisions:
Said franchise will be for a term of twenty-five (25) years from
and after the date of its ..ard.
Whenever grantee ,its successors or assigns,shall disturb any of the
streets for any p~}:tbe8purposes aforesaid,it ot 'hey shall restore
the same to good order and oondition as soon as praBticable without
unneoessary delay,and failing to do so, the Common Counoil of said
City of Gilroy shall have the right to fix a reasonable time wi thin
which such repairs and restoration of steeets shall be completed,and
upon failure of suoh repairs being made by said grantee,its sucoessors
and assigns,the said Common Council shall cause suoh repairs to be made
at the expense of Baid grantee,its suocessors and assigns.
Said franchise shall be effective within the corporate limits of
the City of Gilroy as now existing and as the same may be extended
during the lite of the franchise.
The grantee from time to time shall supply 'he City of Gilroy with
a map showing the prinoipal transmission and distribution lines used
under said franchise.
In consideration of the right and privelege granted, the City of
Gilroy shall have, and the grantee shall permit and yield to it
during the life of said franchise the right and privelege to plaoe,
where aerial oonstruction exiKts, a fixture on the tops ot poles
erected and maintained under said franchise,to which may be attaohed
wires not exceeding four,free of charge to said City ot Gilroy,to be
used for low tension polio"fire signal,and communioations purposes;
provided,however,that the proposed use by said City will not in the
opinion of grantee endanger or impair the servioe and property ot
grantee,and further prOVided that said City of Gilroy shall in its
use and maintenance ot suoh fixtures or wires oomply with the reason-
able plans aM rules of said grantee and provided further, that the
said City of Gilroy will care for its own wires and fixtures at its
own risk and expense and will save the grantee harmless for any acci-
dents caused by same. '
In the event the grantee installs any underground duot systems for
electric distribution purposes under said franchise,the grantee will
install a separate duct 0* section at no oost to the City of Gilroy
for its use to carry signal wires.
In case of street improvement involving change or set baok of ourb
line,grantee shall move or replace its pOles within the newly esta~
l1shed ourb line without cost to the City of Gilroy.
Notice is hereby given that ,ealed cash bids will be received up to
and at said hour of hearing in said council chamber ot said Mayor and
Common Council situated in the City Hall in the City of Gilroy. And
notice is further given that the successful bidder,bis successors or
assigns, must during the life of said franchise pay to the said City
of Gilroy two per cent (2~) of the gross annual receipts of said
grantee,arising from the sale of electricity within the limits of the
City of Gilroy,provided,however,that the amount so paid shall in no
event be less than two per cent (2~) of the gross annual reoeipts
arising from the grantee's use,o,eration or possession of said fran-
chise. No per centage shall be paid for the first five years suooeeding
the date of said franohise,but thereafter such percentage shall be
payable annuallyjand in the event said payment is not made said fran-
chise shall be for"itedjprovided,however,that it the franohise be a
renewal of a right already in existenoe the payment ot said percentage
of gross receipts to the City of Gilroy shall begin at oncejprovided,
further , that if an when any existing electric operator or sucoessor
in said city shall operate under the franohise ,then the said payment
of two per oent (2%) shall begin at once.
The issuance of said franchise shall be conditioned that the bidder
shall file a bond running to said municipality,with at least two good
and sufficient sureties to be approved by said Mayor and Common Counoil
in the penal sum of $1,000. conditioned that such bidder shall well and
truly observe,fulfill and perform each and every term and condition of
such franohise,and that in oase of any breaoh of such bond,the whole
amount of the penal sum therein named shall be taken and deemed to be
liquidated damages,and shall be recoverable from the principal and
sureties upon said bond. Said bond shall be filed with the Mayor and
Common Council within five days after such franchise is awarded,and
upon the filing and approval of such bond,the said franohise shall,
by said Mayor and Common Counoil,be granted by ordinance to the person,
firm or corpo ration to whom it has bee n struck of, sold, or awarded, and
in case that said bond shall not be so filed,the award or such franchise
shall be set aside,and any-money paid therefor sballbe forfeited,and
said franchise shall,in the discretion of said Mayor and Common Council,
be readvertised,and again offered for sale in the same manner,and under
the same restriotions as hereinbefore provided.
The Common Counoil reserves the right to acoept or rejeot any or all
This notice is given and advertised pursuant to resolution adopted
by the Mayor and Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy the 5th day of ~
May, 1947.
. Q~.~
Ci ty Clerk of the City of Gilroy.
A Resolution of Intention and Notice of 8ale of Franchise is now
presented and read.
In the Matter of the Application of)
COMPANY,a oorporation, )
for a gas franchise )
tOfore, by a petition in writing field with the Mayor and Common
Counoil of the City Of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara,Sate of Calif-
ornia,on the 5th day of May, 1947 ,made its application to said Mayor
and Common Council for a gas tranchise,and said applioation coming
regularly to be heard and oonsidered on this 5th day of May,1947,
at a regular meeting of said Mayor and Common Council,and good cause
appearing therefor, upon motion of Counoilman Martin, seconded by Couno-
ilman Mason:
It 1s RESOLVED, ORDERED ,DECLARED and STATED that it is proposed to
grant said franchise and that the character of said franohise pur-
ported to be granted and the terms for which it is granted and the
conditions and restrictions of said franchise are set forth in the
notice of sale,attaohed hereto and made a part hereof and marked
Exhibit B.
It is further RESOLVED,ORDERED,DECLARED and STATED that Monday
the 16th day of June,1947, up to 8:00 o'clock P.M. of said day,be
and the same is hereby fixed as the hour and day up to which tenders
will be reoeived for said franchise at the office of the City Clerk
of said City of Gilroy in the City Hall and that the City Clerk of
said City be and he is hereby directed to advertise the fact that
said application for franchise has been made to said Mayor and Common
Counoil,together with a statement that it is proposed to grant said
franchise upon the aforesaid terms and subjeot to the aforesaid con-
ditions and restriotions by pUblishing in the Gilrqy Evening Dispatoh,
a daily newspaper of general circulationpublished in the City of Gilroy~
that said advertisement be published for ten .10) suooessive days or
as often as said paper is published during said period;that the full
publication thereof be complete in not less than twenty (20) nor more
than thirty (30) days before the said 16th dayso' June,1947,the day
fixed up to whioh tenders will be receivedjthat suoh advertisement
state the charaoter of the franchise herein proposed,to be granted,
and that said advertisement and notice to be given by said clerk
pursuant to this order and resolution shall be in substantially the
form of thet',said Exhibit B.
Adopted by the Mayor and Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy,
County of Santa Clara,State'of California,on the 5th day of May,
1947,by the following vote:
AYES: Councilman George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,
J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas
NOES: Councilman None
ABSENT: Couno ilman None
I .
r; ?-7.'~ -
'-:/ ,~
City of Gilroy
Oi ty Cler of the City of Gilroy
Exhi1ait "Bn
In the Matter of the Applioation
COMPANY,a oorporation,
for a gas franohise
a oorporation,has filed with the Mayor ani Common Council ot the City
ot Gilroy its oertain application for a franchise for itself,its
sucoessors and assigns, to use the public streets,h1ghways and alleys
of said m.ttoipality for the purpose of constructing,mainta1ning and
using a gas transmission system for the purpose of selling and dist-
ributing gas for light,heat,power, and all lawful purposes,and any
of them to said City ot Gilroy and its inhabitants,all as appears in
. said application and the reoords of said Mayor and Common Council,
reference to which is hereby made for greater particularity.
Notice is further given that on the 16th day of June,1947,at the
hour of 8:00 o'olook P.M. of said day or assoon thereafter as the
matter can be heard in the council chamber of said Mayor and said
Common Counoil situated in the City Hall in said City of Gilroy,the
said Mayor and said Common Council will sell said right,privelege and
franchise as previQusly set forth in said application to the highest
oash bidder. Said franchise proposed to be s old will \Jengeniflrlly as
set forth in said application except that the same shall include the
following prOVisions:
Said franchise will be for a term of twenty-five (25) years from
and after date ot its award.
'fuenever grantee,its sucoessors or assigns,shall disturb any ot
the streets for any of the purposes aforesaid,it or they shall restore
the same to good order and condition as soon as parabtioable without
unneoessary delay,and tailing to do so, the Common Council ot said
City of Gilroy shall have the right to fix a resaonable time within
which suoh repairs and restoration of streets shall be completed,and
upon failure of suoh repairs being made by said grantee,its suooessors
and assigns,the said Common Council shall cause suoh repairs to be made
at the expense of said grantee,its suocessors and assigns.
Said franohise shall be effective within the corporate limits of
the City of Gilroy as now existing and as the same may be extended
during the life of the franchise.
The grantee from time to time shall aupply the City of Gilroy with
a map showing the prinvlpal transmission and distribution lines used
under said franchise.
In oase of any change in grade of any stree" the grantee will
lower its gas facilities thereto as necessary without cost to the
City of Gilroy.
Notice is hereby given that sealed cash bids will be reoeived up
to and at said hour of hearing in said council ohamber of said Mayor
and Common Counoil situated in the City Hall in the City of Gilroy.
And notice is further given that the suooessful b1dder',his suocessors
and assigns, must during yhe life of said franchise pay to the said
City of Gilroy two per cent (2%)Of the gross annual receipts of said
grantee arising tram the sale of gas within the limits ot the City of
Gilroy,provided,further,however, that the amount so paid shall in no
event be less than two per cent (2%) ot the gross annual reoeipts
arising from the grantee's use operation or possession of said fran-
No percentage shall be paid for the first five years succeeding the
date of said tranohise,but thereafter such percentage sball be payable
annuallYiand in the event said payment is not made said franchise shall
be forfeitediprovided,however,that if the franchise be a renewal ot a
right already in existence the payment ot said percentage ot gross
receipts to the City ot Gilroy shall begin at once,prov1ded,turther
that if and when any existing gas operator or sucoessor in said city
shall operate under the franchise,then the said payment of two per
oent (2%) shall begin at once.
The issuance of said franchise shall be conditioned that the bid-
der shall file a bond running to said munioipality,with at least two
good and suffioient su~eties to be approved by said Mayor and Common
Council in the penal sum of $1,000. conditioned that such bidder shall
well and truly observe, fulfill and perform eac h and every term and
condition of suoh franchise,and that in case of any breach of such bond
the whole aInGunt of the penal sum therein shall be taken and deemed to II
be liquidated damages,and shall be recoverable from the principal and
sureties upon said bond. Said bond shall be filed with the Mayor and
Common Counoil within five (5) days after such franchise is awarded,
and upon filing and approval of such bond,the said franchise shall,
by said Mayor and Common Counoil be granted by ord inance to the person,...
firm or corporation to whom its has been struok off ,sold,or "W1f8rded, .j
and in ease that said bond shall not be so filed, the award of such
franohise shall be set aside,and any money paid therefor shall be
forfeited, and said franchise shall,in the discretion ot saoa Mayor
and Common Council,be readvertised,and again offered for sale in
the same manner,and under the same restrictions as hereinabove
The Common Council reserves the right to accept or rejeot any or
all bids.
This notice is given and advertised pursuant to resolution adopted
by the Mayor and Common Council pt the City of Gilroy the 5th day of
City Clerk of the City of Gilroy.
A communication fram Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company rel-
11 t L'1fJ
atlve to certian wording in the gas and electrio applications is now
presented and read.
Application for Franchise to Sell and Distribute Biecandoity for
Light,Heat,Power and Lawful Purposes and the suggested ordinanoe
granting the :franc hise are now presented and read.
Mr.Frank Thomas,District Manager of the Coast Counties Gas and
Eleotric Company,now appears before the Council to read a communic-
ation contaantgg fUrther details of what the oompany proposes to do
1. they are the suooessful bidders for the franchises-the purchase
and installing of aawceleotroliers on Monterey Street and installing
the old eleotroliers on side streets and other proposals. It is
unanimously agreed that the letter should be rewritten and one point
RESOLUTION NO.169 is now presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seconded by Councilman Stevens *hat
~SOLUTION NO.169 be adopted:
1. WHEREAS, the State of California under Chapter 20,Statutes of
1946 (First Extra Sess1on),as amended,has appropriated tunds for
allo'tment to provide for financial assistance to Local Agencies,
defined therein as counties,oities and eounties and olties,so
that they may engage 1n a large public works oonstruotion program
in order to prevent and alleviate unemployment; and
2. WHEREAS,the aforesaid Act in Seotion 23 authorizes a Local
Agenoy to assign the tunds alloaated to it thereunder,Qr any portion
thereot,to any other Local Agenoy or to any governmental unit or
distriot in this State; and
5. "o]ltEREAS,the City of Gilroy desires to make an assignment to
I '
the Division 01 Highways of the Department of Publio Works of the
State o~ California,and has had allocated to it by said aot ani
uount which oontains sufficient balanoe to permit the assignment tlrrr:-ef'o
ther.... of the sum hereinafter mentioned; .
4. NOWTHEREJroRE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Gilroy hereby
assigns the sum of Ten Thousand. Dollars ($10,000.00) from the :tunds
allooated to it under said aot,to the Divison of Highways ot the
Department of Publio Works ot the State 0 f Ca11forniafar the sole
use of the assignee in conneotion with the installation of Traffic
Control Lights and appurtenances thereto at tour interseotions on
State Highways Route 2 in sai4 City of GilroY;8uch assigned :tunds
to be used tor the uses and purposes presoribed by the aforesaid
Act; and
5. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that certified copies of this Resolution
shall be filed with the Assignee.,The State Controller,the State
Director of Finance, and the State Allocation Board.
ADOPTED AND PASSED this 5th day of May,1947, by the following vote:
AYES: Councilman George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,J.H.
Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,lames B.Thomas. ~
NOES: Councilman None
.ABSENT: Counc lman None
City Clerk
RESOLUTION NO.170 is now presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Heiner that
RESOLUTION NO.170 be adopted.
1. WBEREAS,the State of Calitornia,under~pter 47, Statutesot
1944, (4th Extra Session) has appropriated funds for allotment to
Local Agencies ,defined therein as cities ,oounties or cities and Of)
counties tor the purpose ot defraying not to exoeed one-halt ot the
cost ot preparing engineering field surveys,engineering or arohit-
eotural designs and working and detailed drawings and specifications
and for the purpose of paying one-halt or less ot the cost ot acq-
uisition of right-ot-way and sites,for postwar public works projects
in which these is a state interest (as qualified by the Act) all as
set forth in said Act; and
2. WHEREAS, the aforesaid Act authorizes a Local Agency to assign
the money allooated to it thereunder,or any portion thereot,to any
other Local Agenoy,or to any governmental unit or district in this
State; and
3. WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy has had allocated to it by said Act
an allooation for Plan Preparation which contains a sufficient
balance to permit the assignment 'thereb:mn of Two Hundred and F1fty
and NO/lOO Dollard ($250.00) for the Division of Highways of the
Department of Public Works ot the State of Ca11fornia,and it is
desired to make such an assignment;
4. NOW THEREFORE BE rr RESOLVED, that the City 01' Gilroy hereby
assigns to the Division of Highways 01' the Departmen't ot Public
Works ot the State of California tran the aforesai4 allocat ion for
Plans Preparation the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty and No/100-
Dollars (1250.00) for t he sole use of the assignee in connection
w1 th the installation 01' Traffic Control Ligbts and appurtenances
thereto at tour intersections on State Highway Route 2 in said City
of Gilroy; such assigned funds to be for the uses and purposes of
the aforesaid Aotjand
5. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified oopies of this Resolution
shall be tiled with the Assignee,the State Controller ,the State
Director of Finance,and the Postwar Public Works Review Board.
ADCDPTED AND PAllED this 5th day of May,1947 by the following vote:
Councilman George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,
J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Seevens,James B.Thomas
Councilman None
Councilman None
/ (!~~~
Signed ' ,.- ~
Geor C.Milias ,Mayor
Attest: 8.~
P.A.Cox,Cit Clerk
Mrs.Jessie Silaooi now appears before the Council to diseuss the
parking spaoe tor JUdl'sakn at 23 South Monterey Street. Ii is
brought out that the spaoe as now markBd off takes up practically
all the spaoe in front of the De Luxe Barber Shop. It is unanimously
agreed to move this parking space five feet north.
The Mayor states that Night Ottioer John Fillyaw has made a
request to be transferred trom the Police Department to the Street ~
Department;that he will relieve the other night officers on their ..
nights off and be avaliable for extra police work.
It is unanimously ag~eed that the requested transfer be made.
The matter 0 f the proposed alley in Block 3 & 4 North,Range 1
East is discussed and the .Ci ty Attorney advises that every thing
is in 0 rder.
RESOLUTIONS NO. 171,172,173,174,175.176,177 and 178 are now
presented and read;
Motion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Counoilman Heiner that
RESOLUTIONS No.171 to 178 1nclusiye, be adopted:
Roll call on this motion:
Counc ilman George A.Mart1n,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,
J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas.
Counoilmen None
Councilmen None.
?~ cP ~
/ Mayo r
City Clerk.
Applications for transfer of Off Sale Beer and Wine from Cipriano
Martin,3l9 S.Monterey Street to Pedro G1m6nez Sanohez,3l9 S.Monterey
Street and transfer of an On Sale Beer license fram C1priano Martin
3ID9 S.Monterey ~t., to Pedro Gim1nez Sanchez,309 S.Monterey Stre~t,
are presented. No objeotion is made.
Mr.Frank Leef,coordinator for the Recreation Commission now appears
before the Counoil and .s~8that the Counoil secure a special officer ~
for the ball park during the night baseball season. Constable Carl ..
Schulz is suggested and with the unanimous consent of the council
the Mayor stated that .e would disouss the matter with Schulz.
Mr.Leet asks the Counoil' s oonsent to use Wheeler Auditorium one
day each week for a dancing class to be conducted under the auspioies
ot the Recreation Commission with an instructor from San Jose,the
instruotor to pe paid $1.00 per lesson by those who attend. Mr.
is instructed obtain more information.
Mr.Leef ale8 ask that water be piped to the high sohool baseball
diamond IODated on the high sohool. The school authorities agreed
to removal of pipe located at the site of the former army barraoks
to the sigh sohool property and the Council agrees that the water
be piped to the baseball diamond and no taps made on this line to
water other school property.
Mr.John Kallas representing the Latin-Amerioan Club, now appears
before the Council to request renting Wheeler AUditorium for dances
every other Saturday night during the months of June ,July and August.
No objection is made.
Motion by Councilman Stevens,seoonded by Counoilman Heiner and
carried that a donation of $50.00 be made to t~e Gilroy Volunteer
Fire Department.
Councilman Stevens discusses the matter of shrubber,y at the
Southwest coraer ot Fifth and Eigleberry streets,obstruoting the
view of motorists. Counoi1mam Martin agrees to discuss this matter
with Mr.H.E.Robinson.
The Clerk advises the Council that he has received a telephone
oall from Irs.Blanche Wright,sister of Miss.AnDie Cameron who was
injured in a fall at the street orossing opposite Lewis Street,
and that Mrs.Wright,on behalf of her sister, had asked ,r the oity
oarried Liability insurance. The Cletk i8 instructed to advise Mrs.
Wright,by letter, that the city has an ordinanoe governing the time
in whieh oalims can be filed and also to advise Mr.August Piedmont,
agent, for the insuranoe company oarrying the Liability insurance."
The Clerk is instruoted to write to Mr.Mattis of the Division of
Highways, requesting that he make arnangements for a meeting with
the City Engineer and Counoilman Martin to discuss the crossing
on North Monterey Street opposite Lewis Street.
The Mayor states that he has a petition signed by several residents
residing on Railroad Street,between Martin and Lewis Streets,asking
the Council to have the owners of the old Gilroy Commeroial Company
disoontinue the storage of hay in their warehouse. It is agreed that
Councilman He1ner,ohair.man of the Fire Committee, should discuss this
matter with Norman and Ralph Ross,present occupants of the property.
Counoilman Thomas requests permission to have a letter written to
the Union Oil Company stating that the new ordinanoe governing the
storage of gasoline will prohibit,in thetuture, the storage of
gasoline under sidewalks.
Mr.Ed.Hanna now presents the map otTract No.40l, MoAlpine Sub-
dlvision,located 'n Blook 3 and 4 North,Range 1 East.
Motion by Councilman Thomas,seoonded by Councilman Heiner and carried
that the map of Tract No.401, MoAlpine Subdivision, be aocepted.
Reports of thecity offioers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Heiner,seoonded by Counoilman Thomas and oarried
that the reports of oity offioers be acoepted as read and plaoed on
Motion by Counoilman Heiner,seconded by Counoilman Martin and
carried that bills as Jresented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
Adjourned subjeotto the
oall of the ohair.