Minutes 1947/06/17 ., gIn Gilroy ,CalifornIa June 17,1947. This regu]a r adjourned meeting' ii called to order by His ~onor Mayor George C.Milias. Present: Councilmen George MlMason,Nat Relner,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas. Absenti Counoilmen George A.Martin,J.H.Wentworth. The Mayor mow ealls for bids for the eleetriet7 ~ise.c.!...:',,::6~'i~ A bid from the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company tor tbe electricity franchise,acoompanied by a oertified check in the amount .. of $50.00, is p~..ented and read. The Mayor now asks i<< there are any other bids or bidders present. No other bids being on the Clerk's desk and no one being present offering to bid on the electrio franchise the Mayor now calls for bids on the gas franchise. A bid from the Coast Counties Gas and Eleotric Company for the electrioity franchise, aecampanied by a certified cheok in the amGunt 920 ot $50.00 is now presented and read. The Mayor now asks if there are any other bids or bidders peresant. No other bids being on the Clerk's desk and no one 1s:'u:! present offering to bid on the gas franohise. The following Resolution is now presented and read. Motion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Thomas that the folowing Besolut ion be adoptecl: -=tI J 7 '1 A RESOLUTION STRClKING OFF, SELLING AND AWARDING TO COAST COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY,A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS ,.4. F.RANCHISE TO USE THE PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF GILROY FOR THE. PURl POSE OF CONSTRUCTING,MAINTAININi AND USING .AN ELECTRIC TRANa1ISSION SYSTEM .AND OTHER ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS,APPLIANCES AND APPARATUS FOR THE SALE A1TD DISTRIBUT ION OF ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT ,HEAT, POWER .ArID LAWFUL PURPOSES. WHEREAS COAST COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY,a Calif- ornia Corporation, filed in the 0 ffice of the Common Oounoil of the City of Gilroy on the 5th day of May,1947, its application for the franchise above desoribed; and WHEREAS this Counoil on the 5th day of May,1947, adopted a resolution declaring its intention of granting said franchise upon the terms and oonditions set forth in said resolution;and VffiEREAS due notice of sale of said franchise has been published in the manner and for the time preseribed by law and the aforesaid resolution;snd WHEREAS this Common Counoil at the time specified in said resolution and in the said notice,namely, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. 6n the 16th day of June,1947, met in open session for the purpose of opening and acting upon any bids that might be filed pursuant to said notioe;and WHEREAS said Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company before the time appointed for the opening of said bids,had filed herein its sealed oash bid for said franchise whereby it offered for said franc hise the sum of :''1. f':;~ ''r'J ""1--'''::'8 lawful money of the united States of America,and said sealed cash bid was acoompanied by check of said Coast Counties Gas and Eleotric Company payable to the City of Gilroyfor the full amount of said bid,and VmEREAS no other higher bid was filed or made for said franchise; Now,Therefore, be it RESOLVED: By the Mayor am Common Couno il of the Cit.y of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara,8tate of California, that the afore- said franohise be, and the same is hereby struok off, sold and awarded. to said Coast Counties Gas and Electrio Company,it successors and assigns for the sum of i. law- ful money of the United States of America, upon the terms and con- ditions set forth in said bid,said notice and said resolut10n,to all of which reference is hereby made for a more partioular statement of said terms and c ondi Mons. Adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of G11roy,State of California,on the 17th day of .June,1947, by the following vote: . AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,Ray L.Stevens, .James B.Thomas NOES: Councilmen None ABSENt': Councilmen George A.Martin,J.H. Wentworth. 921 /~~'? ?7:}.-L;... Mayor ~lthe~citY/Of Gilroy ATTEST: ~.(A.~ City lerk of the City of Gilroy The following resolution is now presented and read. ,,,..,.',""'1 I I I W Motion by Counoilman Heiner,seoonded by Counoilman Mason that the following Resolution be adopted;f-- ) '11 8 I , RESOLUTION STR1KING OlttSELLING AND IIARDING TO COAST COUNTIES GAS. AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS ,A FRANCHISE TO USE THE PUBLIC STREETS ,HIGHWAYS AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF GILROY FOR THE PUR- POSE OF CONSTRUCTING,MAINTAINING AND USING A GAS TRANSMISSION SYSTEM AND OTHER GAS CO~ DUCTORS,APPLIANCES AND APPARATUS FOR THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF GAS FOR LIGHT,HEAT,POWER AND ALL LAWFUL PURPOSES. ~~REAS COAST COU~~IES GAS AIID ELECTRIC C01WANY,a Calif- ornia corporation, filed in the office of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy on the 5th day of May,1947, its application for the franchise above described; and VffiEREAS this Counoil on the5th day of 1~y,1947,adopted a resolution declaring its intention of granting said franchise upon the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution; and WHEREAS due notice of sale of said franchise has been published in the manner and for the time presoribed by law and the aforesaid resolution;and - WHEREAS this Common Council at the time specified in said resolution and in the said notioe,namely, at the hour of 8:0. o'cloak P.M. on the 16th day of June,1947,met in open seasion for the purpose of opening and acting upon any bods that might be filed pursuant to said notiV8jand WHEREAS said Coast Counties Gas and Eleotric Company before the time appointed for the opening of said bids,had filed herein its sealed cash bid for said franchise whereby it offered for said fran- chise the sum of lawful money of the United States of America,and said sealed cash bid was aocompanied by oheck of said Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company payable to the City of Gilroy for the full amount of said b'd,and \mEBEAS no other higher bid was filed or made for said franchise; Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED: By the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara, State of California, that the afore- said franchise be, and the same is hereby struck off,sold and awarded to the said Coast Counties Gas and Eleotric Company,its successors \?0ooooO and assigns for the sum of in lawtul money of the United States of Amerioa, upon the terms and conditions set forth in said b_d,said notice and said resolution,to all of which reference is hereby made for a more partioular statement ot said terms and conditions. Adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy,State of California, on the 17th day of June ,1947 , by the following vote: AlES: Councilmen George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas. NOES: Councilmen None 922 ABSE1~: Counoilmen George A.Martin,J.H.Wentworth. .-/y 7rl / iA/f1- '-" " r~ . MayoJl'of the 6i ty of Gilroy ATTEST: cB.~.~ City Clerk of the City of Gilroy. '\ A Franchise Bond in the amount of ;wl,OOO.OO ,epaya:lb~ to the City of Gilroy, covering the electric tranchise is now presented and approved by the City Attorney. mheifollpw:i.:ng;.ResrolutI'.on is now prese nted and read. Motion by Counoilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman Mason that the following Resolution be adopted: )Ie \,1'1'" C; RESOLUTION APPROVING TEE BOND OF COAST COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY,A CORPORATION,EXECUTED AND DELIVERED IN CONSIDERATION OF THE GRANTING OF A FRANCHISE STRUCK OFF AND AWARDED ON THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF .TIJNE,1$P. WHEREAS on the 17th day of .June ,1947, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of Llalifornia, struck off, sold and.uarded to Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company, a corporation its suocessors and assigns, the right ,pri velege and franchise to use the pUblic streets ,highways and alleys 0 f the City of Gilroy, for the purpose of construot lng, maintaining and using an~ electric transmission system for the sale and distribution of electricity, for light,power and all lawful purposes and any of them, for the term ot twenty-five (25) years;and WHEREAS said Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company,pur- suant to law and the provisions of the resolution of intention adopted by said Mayor and City Council on the 5th day of 1~y,1947, has duly exeouted and delivered to said Mayor and City Council a bond in the penal sum ot One Thousand Dollars (#1,000.00) bearing the sate ot 15th day of .June,1947, in accordance with the conditions prescribed by law and by said resolution of intention; and WHEREAS upon investigation and considerat ion it appears to the satisfaction of the said Mayor and City Council that said 1lon4i-lis;'3lin.Lprope:rkfo:r.tti ahd that sajd1'band has~been.duly executed~y said Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company. Now ,Therefore , be it RESOLVED: By the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara,State of California,that the said bond be and it is hereby accepted and approved. (" .~ "( ~" ,.'. -,; Adopted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara,State of California, on the 17th day of June, 1947, by the following vote: .~ I ~ .. ..",/ :--- Councilmen George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas. .. Counc ilme n None AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen George ~Martin,J.H.Wentworth. ~J~ Me" rof the City of Gilroy ATTES'l' : a ~-~-~ City Clerk of the ity of Gilroy . I 928 A Franohise Bond in the amount of $1,000.00, payable to the City of Gilroy, oovering the gas franchise, is now presented and approved by the City Sttorney. The following Resolution is now presented and read. Motion by Councilman Stevens ,seconded by Councilman Thomas that the following Resolution be adopted: 1 '111fY - RESOLUTION APPROVING THE BOND OF COAST COUNTIE3 GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY.A CORPORATION,EXECUTED AND DELIVERED IN CO NSIDERAT ION OF THE GRANTING OF A FRANCHISE STRUCK OFF AND AWARDED ON THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF JUNE,1947. VlliEREAS on the 17th day of June,1947, the Mayor and City Counoil of the City of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara,State of Calif- ornia,struok off,sold and awarded to Coast Counties Gas and Eleotric Company,a corporation its successors and assigns,the right,privilege and franchise to use the public streets,highways and alleys of the City of Gilroy,for the purpose of constructing , maintaining and usin<< a gastransmission system for the sale and distribution of gas, for heat,power and all lawful purposes and any of them for the term of twenty-five (25) years; and ......,~ "",~,:;;;... vmEREAS said Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company,pur- suant to law and the provisions of the resolution of intention adopted by said Mayor and City Council on the 5th day of 1~y,194?, has duly exeouted amd delivered to said Mayor and City Council a bond in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) bearing the date of 15th day of June ,1947, in acoordance with the c ond itions prescribed by law and by said resolution of intention; and \"iHEREAS upon the investigation and 0 onsideration it appears to the satisfaction of the said Mayor and City Council that said bond is in proper form and that said bond has been duly executed by said Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company. Now, Therefore, be it ...... RESOLVED: By the Mayor and City Counc il of the City of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara,State of California,that the said bond be and it is hereby accepted and approved. Adopted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gilroy, County 0 f Santa Clara ,State of California, on the 17th day of June, 1947, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas. NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen George A.M~~tin,J.H. Wentworth. /~!l~ Mayor of t:e / Ci ty of' Gilroy IIF"".~ ATTEST: (1G.'~ Ci ty Clerk of th City at Gilroy A supplementary agreement to install 50 modern electroliers on ~ilonterey Street, between 1eavos1ey Road and Seventh Street and to X remove present eleotroliers and place them at designated places - and to change the brackets on certain intersection lights is ~e- sented and read and the Clekr is instructed to sign the agreement on the part of the City. 924 ORDINANCE NO._53 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Stevens that ORDINANCE NO.453 be adopted: ORDINANCE NO.453 AN ORDIlfANCE SRAJiTING TO COAST COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC DOMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO USE THE PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF GILROY, COUNTY OF SAlfU CLA.R&, STATE OF CAUFORNIA,FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING,MAINTAINING AND USING A GAS TRANSMISSION SYSTEM FOR THE SALE AND DSSTRIBUTION OF GAS FOR LIGHT .HEAT,POWER AJID ALL lAWFUL PURPOSES. IIlIIIIIl Vote on the motion to adopted mDINANCE NO.453: .... AlES: Counoilmen George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas. NOES: Counoilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen George A.Martin,J.H.Wentworth. ORDINANCE NO.454 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman He iner,seconded by Councilman Mason that BRDINANCE NO.454 be adopted: ORDINANCE NO .454 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO COAST COUNTIES GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS,A FRANCHISE TO USE '1HE PUBLIC STREETS, HIGIDVAYS AND AILEYS OF THE CITY 0 F GILR OY, COUNTY 0 F SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA,FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING,MAINTAINING AND USING AN ELECTRIC TRANffiftISSION SYSTEM FOR THE SALE AND DIST- RIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT ,HEAT ,POWER AND ALL LAWFUL PURPOSES. ... Vate on the motion to adopt. ORDINANCE NO.454. .... AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,Nat Heiner,Ray L.Stevens.James B.Thomas. NOES; Councilmen None AB3ENr: Councilmen George A.Martin,J.H. Wentworth. A map of the tentative plan for Looust Farm Acres ,portion at Lot 56.Map NO.2,Catherine Dunne Ranoh, said property bordering on the Uvas Creek a short distanoe above the city dam, is presented. Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that the Clerk bex instructed to write a letter to the Santa Clara County Planning Commission expressing the city's disapproval at the establishing of LbeustnFarm Aores sub-division at the site proposed on the map , due 't'octJ;le possibility of poll- IIIIIIII , ution of the Uvas Creek from sewerage from the homes that would be ...... erected in this subdivision. The Clerk is instructed to request the County Health Officer and the City Inspeotor to visit the premises on South Rosanna st~eet in the rear of the Ceoil Moore property to make an 1aspeotion on a complaint made to the Mayor. A notice of calim tor injuries signed by Annie Cameron is presented and read. .... g')r" _.'t) Motion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman stevens and carried that the Travellers Insurance Company be sent a copy ot the olaim and a letter, by registered mail, stating that the claim of Annie Cameron had been filed with the city. Adjourned subject to the oall or the chair. e,~,~ City Cler ..