Minutes 1947/07/28
JUly 28ri1947.
This regular ad1j.:ourned meeting of the Common Counoil is called to
order by His Honr Mayor George C.Milias.
Present: Councilmen George A.lvlartin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner, .T.H.
Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,.Tames B.Thomas.
The Mayor stat es that this meet ing is called to disouss ways and means
of exped iting the propee~ installation 0 f traffic signals on Monterey
A co~~unioation is read from the Division of Highways stating that
plans and specifications for the installation of traffic signals on
Monterey Street at Fourth,Fifth,Sixth and Old Gilroy Streets had been
completed and had been forwarded to the main office in Sacramento.
In view of a preliminary repo rt made to the City Engineer by a rep-
resentative of the Division of Sanitary Engineering with respeot to
the city's sewage disposal plant the matter of approp%tating the
more than $10,000. necessary to matah state gas tax money tor the
traffic signals is discussed.
Motion by Counoilman Wentworth,seconded by Oouncilman stevens ~toarried
that/ ci ty sell ~,no', <<(']i~l:ft;rw~~dM..q":[~, 19!c)nd'9'.~;tMlffttlOM" to' b~ 'tts~
tit E,'f:f:1:i.ah~~C"tbe 11lns:_l1rat10Dl~:t &lJlt?omrrtd;:q' .~t:Ci~:,~:tJgli4a.si4.tJ.j~h;;le
~:lJ..tthfSi::rthlda.ri&30:L.dJGtlrdW cS'tre&t:s:stbid 1ilm;:! ;~he ~::;a1x,y.J.Eng.:tne6:t1 In~1;i:t'y
tli4""tD::I, Vi:1.s:u.n ::'Of HfghWlay.s' :::that; :t'hte atOOurit~.,()t tthonej:t 3rS".~..:avai.la.~l&'y
aD!: pj(JdeEidi}'8, 't;b iide:} JtV'1tll tlle;tc a ll:tng: ()1'.o7 1:j,td$'-'; ~i b V~', ~, :~,d r'.n,' - ':~. C.l C o;d
~":"'Dhe 1~May01:r!.lIidwIJ1:1s'wss_ .the urgenoy tor a new water well.
It is unand'.mously agreed that the Water Connnittee contact the City
Engineer and draw up plans and specifications for a new water well.
The matter of oonstruction of curbs and gutters on Carmel Street
and Eigleberry street is discussed and the City Engineer is directed
to prooeed with the neoessary advert ising calling for bids to construot
curbs and gutters on these streets.
Adjourned subjeot to the
call of the chair.
Ci t Y Clerk