Minutes 1947/08/04 1 930 Gilroy, California August 4,1947 This regular monthly meeting of the Common Counoil is called to order by his honor, Mayor George C.Milias. Present: Councilmen George A.Martin, George M.Mason, Nat Heiner, A.H.Wentworth, Ray L.Stevens and James B.Thomas. The minutes of the meeting of July 7,1947 and July 28,1947, and the minutes of the Board of Equalization meetings of July 2,1947, July 9,1947 and July 16,1947 were read and approved. The annual audit report of Logan and Frazer, City auditors, for the fiscal year July 1,1946 to June 30,1947 was presented and read. A communication,signed by Harry C.Scholten, oalling the Council's attention to ground squirrels in the block between 1st and 2nd streets . bounded by Carmel and Princevalle Street was read. A communication from the Santa Clara County Planning Commission stating that the petition for subdivision of Locust Farm Aores has been denied, was read. A communioation signed by property owners residing on Old Gilroy street aSking that the dirt shoulders on both sides of Old Gilroy street be oiled at no expense to the property owners was read. 931 A communioation from the.Paoifio Telephone and Telegraph Company with referenoe to toll pole No.1026 located on Howson Bros.property on the west side of North Monterey Street was read. A communication from Logan and Frazer offering to audit the City's books and accounts for the fiscal year. 1947 and 1948 under the same ",,~... oonditions as of the previous year, viz., quarterly audits and a final audit report at the end of the fisoal year, for the sum of $300.00 was - read. A communioation from the Gilroy Chamber of Commeroe requesting stop ,signs be plaoed at certain interseotions in the vicinity of the Jordan sohool was read. ",",.,--':'" The annual report of the Gilroy Free Publio Library for the fisoal year July 1,1946 to June 30,1947 was presented and read. Motion by Councilman Martin, seoonded by Counoilman Mason, and carried that the annual report of the Gilroy Free PUblic Library be aooepted and the Clerk instructed to write a letter to the Board thanking them for the exoellent manner in whioh the affairs of the Library have been oarried on. It was unanimously agreed that the Clerk write a letter to Howson ~ Bros. stating that a letter had been reoeived from the Pacifio Telephone and Telegraph Company with referenoe to the pole looated in the center of Miller Slough on ~heir property, and that under the circumstances the Council feels that they can do nothing further in the matter. Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Martin, and carried that the annual audit report for the fisoal year 1946 and 1947 as presented by Logan and Frazer, City auditors, be accepted as read and placed on file. Motion of Counoilman Martin, seoonded by Counoilman Mason, and oarried that the offer of Logan and Frazer to audit the city's books and aocounts for the fiscal year 1947 and 1948 under the same conditions ~... as the previous fisoal year for the sum of $300.00 be acoepted. "".",," It is unanimoUSly agreed to refer the letter of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce, with referenoe to stop signals, to the Street Committee to be used in conjunction with their present survey of stop signals throughout the City. The Clerk is instruoted to forward a copy of the letter from the property owners on Old Gilroy Street along with a request from the city askang that the State do this work without expense to the owners 932 of the property, to the Division of Highways. The letter from the Santa Clara County Planning Commission is ordered filed. The Superintendent of Streets is instruoted to contact the County squirrel eradication service with reference to the Soholten letter. The Mayor now discusses the traffic situation on Monterey Street. The Council is unanimous in the opinion that traffio officers should make a speoial effort to slow down the truck traffic on Monterey Street. The Clerk is instructed to write a letter to the Division of High- ways requesting that atruck route sign routing valley truck traffic over Leasvesley Road and Ferguson Roadbe placed near the north City limits and that an additional truck route sign be placed at the inter- section of Ferguson Road and Pacheco Pass Road directing northbound truck traffio over the Leavesley Road and Ferguson Road. The application for transfer of an On-Sale Beer and Wine license from William and Catherine Economou to William Eoonomou, 530 North Monterey Street; transfer of an On-Sale Beer license from Julius C. Bray to Edward L.Mitchell, 30 Old Gilroy Street; transfer of an On- Sale Beer and Wine license from Fred J.Rea to George M.Milias and John Radin, 115 South Monterey street and the transfer of an Off-Sale General license from Henrietta Blackburn and J.B.Goodwin to Edna and J.B.Goodwin, 21 South Monterey Street, are presented. No objection is made. lIIIII .. lIIIII .... The City Attorney reports that the leases to Henry Allemand and Gentry, Inc., are now in the hands of the Lessees. It is unanimously agreed that investigation be made of water used by the Granite Construction Company in the improvement "of Leavesley and Ferguson Roads. The Mayor disousses the condition of the streets in the Gurries and Howson additions and states that these streets should be put in oondition for future work and the dust situation be taken care of at ~ the present time. .... Mr.Ed Hanna now appears before the Council and states that it is practically impossible to secure the neoessary gravel,for street work, from the Granite Construction Company. The Clerk is instructed to write to the Central Supply Company and ascertain the possibility of securing 400 tons of the gravel for street work. The Clerk now presents the figures of the 1947-1948 assessment . 933 roll showing a net assessed valuation on the secured roll of $2,942,462.00 and an estimated public utilities assessment of $443,000.00, making a total of $3,385,462.00. Motion by Counoilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman stevens, and oarried that the assessment roll for 1947-1948 as presented by the Clerk be accepted. Motion by Councilman Martin, seoonded by Councilman Heiner, and carried that the schedule for occasional day laborers hired by the City be set at $1.00 per hour effective June 1,1947. Reports of the City officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Stevens, seconded by Councilman Heiner, and carried that reports of the City offioers be acoepted as read and placed on file. Motion by Counoilman Heiner, seoonded by Councilman Martin, and car~ied that bills as presented be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasury. The Mayor reports that the Council will meet with the Gilroy Elementary School trustees and the District Attorney's office to disouss the exohange of property on August 11,1947 at 4 P.M. in the Gilroy High School. Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Mason, and carried that Councilman Martin be granted a leave of absence to leave the State for a period of thirty days starting August 7,1947. The Council unanimously agrees that the City Clerk be given the authority to employ the servioes of Claire B.Williams, for part time employment, at any time he sees fit. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ~'01.~ City Cler, .