Minutes 1947/08/14
Gilroy, California
August 14,1947
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council was oalled
to order by his Honor, Ma~r George C.Milias:
Present: Councilmen George M.Mason, Nat Heiner, J.B.Wentworth and
Ray L.Stevens.
Absent: Counoilmen George A.Martin and James B.Thomas.
This being the time speoified in the legal notice published in the
Gilroy Dispatoh calling for bids for construction of ourbs and gutters
on Princevalle, Carmel, Eigelberry, Forrest, Third, Sixth and Ninth
streets. The Mayor now calls for the opening of the bids which were as
George C.Renz $17,799.80
William Radtke & Son 14,923.30
Granite Construction Co. 13,684.00
The bids are now referred to the City Attorney for his approval as
to form.
The Mayor now discusses the City budget as prepared by the City
Clerk and also the tax rate for the fiscal year 1947-1948. Motion by
Counoilman Nat Heiner, seconded by Councilman Mason, and oarried that
the tax rate for the fiscal year July 1,1947 to June 30,1948 be set at
$1.25 per $100.00 of the assessed valuation, distributed as follows:
Reserve Fund O.O~pO
Park & Reoreation Fund 0~09pO
Total $1.2500
The Mayor now reports on his meeting with the Gilroy Elementary
School Board with reference to site on school property for a new water
well stating that the School Board decided not to grant the City'S re-
quest for a portion of the school property a~ the southeast corner of
Carmel and First Streets; that they did suggest that the Board would be
willing in lieu of this exchange to advance to the City the sum of
$1,000.00 to be used toward the purchase of a site suitable to the
City at another location. The Mayor states that in view of the School
Board's request for the Closing of Second Street from a point approxi-
mately 150 feet west of Hanna Street to the east line of Carmel Street,
said area oontaining .946 acres, be abandoned for the present until the
School Board. is ready to request the closing of Second Street and at
that time to deal with the Board on the basis of fair land value.
The Mayor states that Mr.Harry E.Scholten had visited him voluntarily
and offered to exchange with the City a piece of property known as Lot
12, Block 5 North, Range 7 West, James A Clayton's Addition to the City
of Gilroy for the extension of the City water main, to consist of 4"
cast iron pipe, from a point at the south City limits of Gilroy along
South Monterey Road, a distanoe of approximately 640 feet, to his proper-
General. Fund
Library Fund
Bond Fund #3
Bond Fund #4
Bond Fund #7
ty located on the east side of Monterey Road. Motion by Counoilman
stevens, seconded by Councilman Wentworth, and oarried, that the City
Attorney and the Water Committee meet with Mr.Harry E.Soholten to dis-
cuss and draw up necessary papers for the exchange between Mr.Scholten
and the City of Lot 12, Block 5 North, Range 7 West, for the extension
of the City's water main to his property on South Monterey Road, and
when the papers are oompleted to be returned to the Council for final
The City Attorney reports that all bids as submitted are in order.
Motion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Councilman Mason, and carried,
that the bid of the Granite Construction Company, of Watsonvil1e, Calif-
ornia, for the construction of curbs and gutters on Princevalle, Carmel,
Eigelberry, Forrest, Third, Sixth and Ninth streets, in the sum of
$13,684.00 be accepted as the lowest and best bid, and that the Mayor
and the city Clerk be authorized to sign the contract with the Granite
Construction Company.
Councilman Heiner now discusses the building permit submitted by
Mr.Charles E.Pierce for the repair of his home damaged by fire. The
Mayor suggests, and the Counoil concurs that Mr.Pieroe contact Mr.
B.M.Klink, Deputy County Assessor, to have him make an appraisement of
the property as the damaged home will be when work would be completed,
Mr.Klink to submit his appraisement in writing to the Council.
The Mayor now discusses the sewerage situation with reference to
the Filice and Perrelli Cannery, and asks that the Council ooncur with
him in exacting a definite admission from the Cannery that they will
install a rotary soreen at the Cannery before the next canning season,
and that further effort be made toward the conservation of water at
the Cannery.
A communication is read from the Division of Highways with refer-
ence to payment of the City's portion ($10,250.00) toward the cost of
installation of automatic traffic signals on Monterey street, the
Division of Highways agreeing to wait upon the City's money until such
time as the City receives its money from the sale of $10,000.00 of the
Series G War Bonds, and requesting that a resolution be passed to
provide them this future payment. Resolution No.181 is presented and
read. Motion by Councilman stevens, seconded by Councilman Mason, and
carried, that Resolution No.18l be adopted.
RES 0 L UTI 0 N N o. 181
---------- ---
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of
Gilroy, County of Santa Clar~, State of California, as follows:
vmEREAS, the City of Gilroy is the owner of Series "G" War Savings
Bonds in the prinoipal or face value of Ten Thousand($lO,OOO.OO) Dollars,
WHEREAS, the said City of Gilroy has heretofore directed that the
bonds be sold for the purpose of defraying a portion of the cost of
installing traffic signals on State Highway Route 2 through the said
City of Gilroy, and
WHEREAS, a delay will be occasioned in the premises to cash said
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that when and as the proceeds of
said bonds are availablethe same shall be forwarded to the Division of
Highways of the State of California (2001 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
8, California, District IV) and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that as of the time and place said Ten
Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars is so delivered to the said Division of
Highways, the said City of Gilroy shall forward to the said Division
of Highways an additional sum of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars,
making the total sum so to be delivered to the said Division of High-
ways in the sum of Ten Thousand Two Hundred Fifty ($10,250.00) Dollars.
ADOPTED AND PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy
this 14th day of August, 1947, by the following vote:
Councilmen George M.Mason, Nat Heiner, J.H.Wentworth and
Ray L.Stevens.
ABSENT: Councilmen George A.Martin and James B.Thomas.
_ ayor
/k- (! ll:) :
Approved:' ~ . ~
City Cler .
Adjourned supjeot to the
call of the chair.
City C erk