Minutes 1949/02/07 1065 Gilroy, California February 7,1949 This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas,David V,Stout,Dale D.Daniels. :Minutes of the meetings of January 3rd,11th,17th and 24th,1949 are read and approved. A communication is read from the Gilroy Garbage Disposal Service stating that one of the partners is selling out his interest to a Mr.Acker. This matter is referred to the City Attorney. A comr~unication is read from the League of California Cities stating that Assembly Bill No.17l9 had been introduced into the legislature which would transfer all unprogrammed money remaining in the $90,000,000. fund to the State's General Fund. The Clerk is instructed to advise the league that thhis city is opposed to this transfer and outline the plan for use of the city's share of the money; also, that Assemblyman Thompson and Senator Salsman be advised of the city's attitude on this bill. A COI,rrtlunicat ion is read from the Gilroy High School requesting per- mission for free use of wneeler Auditorium on Marhc 1st for ajR band concert and on April 28th for a choir concert. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Thomas and carried that the Gilroy High School be granted free use of Wheeler Auditorium on MarCh 1st for a band 00 ncert and on A?ril 28th for a choir concert. A corurrunication is read from the Gilroy Com~unity Concert Association requesting use of Wheeler Auditorium on February 10th,March 15th and May 17th. The matter of rent for the concert association is referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for discussion. A cO:.JIIlunication is read from the Board of Directorsof the Gilroy Fire Department asking that the present fire limits be extended to the north and south city limits.'I'his.:matrber;isreferred to the Fire Committee for~study and action. A communication is read from Logan and Frazer,city auditors,stating that they have examined the city's booksof account and records for the quarter ended December 31,1948 and have found everything in good order. This cOIllImni cation is ordered filed. The annual reports on franchise taxes due the city from the Coast Counties ~as and Electric Company and the Gilroy TelePhone Company are presented and read. 1066 Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the annual report of the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company showing a franchise tax payment of $4,391.66 and the Gilroy Telephone Company tax payment of $1,044.2~ be accepted. A Report,Ffndings and Recoramendations from the Gilroy City Planning Commission granting the First Baptist Church of Gilroy a Use Permit to erect a churoh building on Lots 1 and 2,Block 1 Sout~ Range 5 West, is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Daniels ,seconded by Councilman Stout and ~ ... carried that the recommendations of the Gilroy City Planning Comm- ission granting the First Baptist Churhh of Gilroy a Use Permit to erect a church building on Lots 1 and 2,Block 1 South,Range 5 West, be accepted and the Use Permit be granted. A COIn:.l1Unication is read from the A. \V. Brown insurance agencies relative to public liability and property damage insurance. Tijis matter is referred to the Finance Committee. A report of water samples taken January 19th by the Santa Clara County Health Department is presented and read and ordered filed. A report from the Poundmaster for the month of Decernber,1948 is presented and read and ordered placed on file. ~ ~ Applicat ion for transfer of anlOn Sale Beer and Wine License from Albino Berri and ZelIa Rea,d.b.a.Rea's Hotel,85 S.Monterey Street, to Albino Berri and C.DeCarli and application for an OK Sale Beer License for Mary Dignan,d.b.a.The Cannery Cafe,140 Lewis Street and application for an On Sale Beer and Wine License on transfer from Chas.Bedal to David,Josephine and Priscilla Davila, d.b.a. Dave's Cafe, 99 S.Monterey Street, are presented. No ob- jection is made to the transfer from Berri and Rea to Berri and DeCarli and original application for the Cannery Cafe. The Clerk is instructed to write to the State Board of Equalization and p~_ test the granting of the license to Dave's Cafe on the grounds that the building has been condemned. Mr.Jerome Chappell, chairman of the Gilroy Recreation Commission ~ ~.J now appearsbefore the Council to present the Commission's budget for the fiscal year 1949-l950,and presents a copy of the prpposed budget to each member of the Council. Bids to furnish the city with 1000 yards of oeBBk run gravel as required are now presented. and read. Western Tile and Supply Co. bids $1.00 per yards plus sales tax. Brem Bros. bids $.75 per cubic yar~ 1067 Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that the bid of Brem Bros. of $.75 per cubic yard~ for 1000 yards of creek run gravel to be delivered as required, be accepted as the lowest and best bid. I.1r.Robert Mason,Santa Clara County Communications Officer, now appears '." before the Council to discuss a radio maintenance agreement between the City of Gilroy and the County 0 f Santa Clara. An Agreement between the City 0 f Gilroy am the County of Santa Clara on the installation and maintenance of radio equipment is now presented and read. City Marshal A.G.Goodrich now appears before the Council and states that the transmitting equipment of station K ROB can be moved from its present location to his office and be put into operation immediat- ely and that the K ROB equipment should be under the city's control. Traffic Officer James Sturla now appears before the Council to re- quest permission to make arraIljement for the annual banquet and theatre party for the local telephone company operators. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Thomas Bnd carried that the telephone operators be g~ven their annual banquet and theatre party and that Traffic Officer Sturla make all arrangements. ~ The City Attorney advises the Council that the Forest Street sur- facing job by the Granite Construction Company does not conform to specifications and that no money should be paid the company. The City Attorney is instructed to advise the Granite Construction Company that the city will not pay any money on the contract until the contract is completed according to specifications. The Mayor now discusses the proposal that the City lamds outside the city mtmits be included in the Loma Prieta Soil Conservation District as requested by members of the conservation district. Motion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that the City Clerk be given the authority to sign the petition for the Lorna Prieta Soil Conservation District for city lands lying out- side the city limits. The Mayor now reports on his recent conference with Col.Jno.H.Skeggs, Division Engineer,Division of Highways, relative to the widening of Monterey Street. It was suggested that the city proceed with the engineering work ou, the city's part of the widening project at once and when completed the highwayz engineers would check the work. Motion by Councilman stout,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that the City Engineer proceed at once with plans and estimates 1068( for \ the city's share of the proposed Monterey Street widening. The matter of street improvement work for the coming year is dis- cussed and it is unanimously agreed that the Council meet February 21,1949, at 7:30 P.M. to disouss this matter. Councilman Mason presents the bill of the 6hamber of Co~~erce for ChristmaIis. liggting the bill exceeding the amount voted by the Council by $27.50. Motion by Councilman Thamas,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that the additional amount of $27.50 be granted to the Chamber of Commerce to defray expense of Christmas lighting. - i>_,,,~' Motion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that .Toe Sartor salary be<; set at $225.00 perrnmontb, effective January 1,1949. Motion by Councilman Stout,seco~d by Councilman Mason and carried that the allo1mnce of $50.00 per month to Traffic Officer James Sturla for use of his car be discontinued as o~ February 1,1949. A bill for sobriety examdftations from Dr.D.L.Morse is turned over to the City Marshal fo r investigat ion. .., Motion by Councilman Thomas ,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that checks for $50.00 each be made to the city police officers and one for $75.00 for the City Marshal to assist them - ",.,y;t:~ in paying for their new uniforms. The City Marshal suggests that an ordinance licensing bicycles is badly needed. The Clerk iB instructed to write the Leagae of California Cities for model ordinances. Mr.Edward r1itchell appears before the Council to discuss the license now charged for auctioneers. This matter is referred to the otiinance committee for study. Reports or' t he City Officers are prese nted and read. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Stevens and carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and placed on file. - ~,lot ion by Counc ilman Thomas, seoonded by Councilman S\;evens and carried that bill as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. The Mayor now asks that the Council convene in executive session. .- I The City Marshal now discusses the radio station and the establish- of the city's own station without the county hookup. The Marshal also states that his office does not receive the all ppoints bulletin any more and the Clerk is instructed to write to 106B Sheriff Howard Hornbuckle to ascertain if this service can be re- sumed. County Communications Officer Robert Mason is now called before the "" Council to ans~r quest ions with reference to the propo]sed..,agreement between the City of Gilroy and the County of Santa Clara far the operation of station K ROB. " Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman SDevens and carried that the city enter into an agreement with the County of Santa Clara with:referertce to installation and maintenance o~ radio equipment, as presented. Adjourned subject to the call of the cha ir. G.Q:~ City Clerk $