Minutes 1949/06/17 1099 Gilroy, California June 1'7,1949. This regular adjourned meeting 0 t the Common Couna il is calle" 'to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.B.Wentworth,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. Absent:Councilmen Ray L.Stevens,James B.Thomas. The Mayor announces 'that the purpose ot this meeting is to hear the report ot Mr.R.C.Stookman,oonsulting engineer, on the oondition ot the sewage disposal plant and his estimate ot oost to to make the recommended additions and alterat ions to the plant to meet the require- ment ot the state Board ot Health. Mr.ltockman now appears betore the Council ani presents his pre- liminary report on Sewage treatment plant revisiona The report shows an estimated cost or $52,8'7'7.00. Mot ion by Councilman Daniels, seoncded by Councilman Wen twort h and carried that the City Clerk be 8l;thorized to act ~OI" the city as executive officer in all matters pertaining to alterations and additions to the sewage disposal plant. Motion by Councilman Mason,seoonded by Councilman Daniels tha" the City Clerk a8 exeoutive o~f1cer be euthorized to act on behalf f .t"l ot the city am make application tor a p81'mit to the State Department . . -,_' I, ot Public Health tor additona and alterations to the sewage disposal plant. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. rg,G.-~ City CIer