Minutes 1949/08/19
Gilroy, California
August 19,1949
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.M11ias.
Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,
Dale D.Daniels. Absent:Counoilmen James B.Thomas,Dav1d V.Stout.
The Mayor states t hat the purpose of this meeting is to open bids
for the improvement of certain Major City Streets.
The Clerk ias now instructed to proceed with the opening ot the
Three bids are presented and read:John B.Paroline,Mo~anHill,Calif.,
$6,990.00; Granite Construction Company,Watsonville,Cali~.-ta,69l.30;
Geo.Augusta, Sa11nas,Ca11t.-$6,532.00. These bids are now referred to
the City Engineer and City Attorney tor cheek.
Motion by Councilman Daniels ,seconded by Counoilman Wentworth and
carried that the bid ot Geo.Augusta,Salinas,Calif. in the amount ot
~6,532.00 for the grading and surfacing of Alexander Street from Old
Gilroy Street to Ninth Street, Ninth Street from Monterey Street to
Alexander Street, Hanna Street from Si xth Street to Seventh Street;
Sixth Street from Forest Street to Miller Slough bridge and Carmel
Street from Fifth Street to Sixth Street, be accepted as the lowest
and best bid and that the contract with Geo.Augusta be executed and
the City Clerk instructed to notifY the successful bidder by mail.
The Mayor now discusses the parking problem in front of and in the
vicinity of the post offioe of west Sixth Street. It is unanimously
agreed t hat ten m1.n_:te parking on both sides of Sixth street from
the alley to Eigelberry Street should be established and that the
proper signsbe procured and ~eeted providing for 10 minite park-
ing between the hours of 9 A.M. and 6 P.M.,Sundays and holidays
The matter of double parking of truvks and other vehicles on
Monterey S~reet is discussed. The Clerk is instructed to notifY
the Marshal to have the traffic officer issue tickets tor double
parking on Monterey Street the only execptions to be in front of
business establishments that have no rear entrance.
Councilman Daniels discusses the condition of the awning in
front of the Chamber o~ Commerce of~ice. The matter of repair or
replacement of this awning is referred to the Buildings and Grounds
Committee for action.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
(3, CA. ~_
Cit~ Clerk