Minutes 1949/09/12
September 12,1949
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Counci~l is oal~ed to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias.
Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Jame~ B.Thomas,
David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels.
Absent:Counoilman Ray L.Stevens.
The Mayor now calls fo~ disoussion of the budget for the fiscal
year 1949-1950. The Oity Clerk submits tenative figures showing
estimated receipts and expenditures and a char't showing the various
ammunts that can be raised by taxes at severai rates.
Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Counoilman Mason and oarried
that the tax rate ~or the fiscal year 1949-1950 be $1.25 per $100.00
of assessed valuation divided as follows:
General Fund
Li brary Fund
1923 Bond Fund
1927 Bond Fund
1940 Bond Fund
Parks & Recreation Fund
Reserve Fund
, r
The Mayor announces that there will be another meeting on Monday
evening,September 19th to discuss the matter of handling o~ dis-
tribution of money and pdthe metho.ds to b~ 'Q.sed.1n makingplirchases
tor the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Daniels and
carried that the certified check of the Granite Construction Company
in the amount o~ $1,000.00 and the bidder's bond and cash in the amount
of $49.00 submitted by John B.Paroline w~Dhrtier bids for resurfacing
Alexander and other streets, be returned.
Mr.John Britzius representing the Gilroy Volunteer Fire Department
now appears before the Council to l!ls~!thlit the city pay for new floor
covering for the fire house meeting room and that some new chairs be
purchased. This matter is referred to the Fire Committee for invest-
igation and report.
The matter of caterpillars infesting elm trees on Fifth Street and
other streets is discussed. The Clerk is instructed to contact Mr.
Arthur Appel,Deputy County Horticultural Commissioner, to det.rmine
what can be done at this time to rid the trees of caterpillars.
Councilman Daniels discusses the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce
to obtain an office of the Division of Registration with full time
personnel far' Gilroy.
~Motion by Councilman Thomas,seoonded by Councilman Stout and carried
that the City Clerk write letters to the Department of Motor Vehicles,
Division of Registration and Assemblyman John Thompson,urgingttae
establishing of a full time office for registration of motor vehicles
in the City of Gilroy.
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Councilman Wentworth discusses the matter of having Geo.Augusta,
contractor presently engaged in resurfacing Alexander amd other streets,
do the resurfacing work on Dowdy Street between Third and Fourth streets
and Dowdy Street between Fifth and Sixth streets, it being understood
that Mr.Augusta had ofi'ered to do this work at the same unit prices
set forth in his contract for resurfacing of Alexander and other streets.
Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried
that the Street Committee prooeed with the resurfacing of Dowdy Street
between Third and Fourth Streets and Dowdy Street betwee Fifth and
Sixth streets and have the necessary contract drBWn up between Geo.
Augusta and the City of Gilroy for this work; said work to be done
under the same unit prices set forth in Geo.Augusta's bid for the re-
surfacing of Alexander and other st~eets.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
~.o... ~
City Clerk