Minutes 1949/11/14 Gilroy, California November 14,1949 This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called,to .. order by His Honor Vlayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. Absent: Councilman Ray L.Stevens. The Mayor now calls upon Mr.R.C.S~ockman,consulting engineer, to present his report,plans and specifications for t he alteration and enlarging of the sewage disposal plant. +-:1'2 ~l - 1128 Iflotion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that the plans and specifications for the enlargement and alterations to the Gilroy Sewage Disposal plant as presented by Hr.R.C.Stockman, consulting engineer, be accepted and that application be made to the Denartment of Finance for :thELcit~tsshare of the so-called If Christmas Tree Fund" be applied for on a basis to match one-half the cost of the enlargement and alterations to the sewage plant and that the plan,s, specifications and final report be forwarded to the Department of Public Health for approval. hlr.Grsver of the California State Automobile Association now apIB arsb before the Counc il to present and di scuss the "Through Street Surveytf made by him for the automobile association at the request of the city. After considerable discussion it was unanimously agreed to study the survey. The matte r 0 f fast traffi c on Llonterey is discussed and it is unanimously agreed that the Council meet with City l.larshal Goodrich on Llonday,November 21st to discuss this matter. A cO~.unication is read from Edw.Towner requesting permission to use Wheeler Audi toriwn on rrhursday nights for rehearsal for the projected Gilroy Cor;r~1Uni ty Youth Symphony orchestra. The Clerk is insctucted to request Mr. Towner to advise the Counc 11 on the nurflber of nights he wishes to use the auditorium,also, if admission was to be charged to the concerts and hoVi the orchestra was to be financed and hhat method is to be used to compensate him for his services. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G t (A .~ City Clerk ..