Minutes 1950/02/06 11138 Gilroy,California February 6,1950. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,R.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens, James B.Thomas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. Absent:Councilmen:None. Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of January 3rd and the regular adjourned meeting of January l6th,1950 are read and approved. A request by the local chapter of the Red Cross to place paper collars on electroliers on Monterey Street during the coming cam- pa ign for funds, is presented by the City Clerk. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the local chapter of the American Red Bross be granted permission to place paper collars on electroliers on Monterpy Street prior to and during the coming campaign for funds. The Poundmasters reportsfor December,1949 and January 1950 are read and ordered placed on file. The annual report of the Gilroy Telephone Company showing the amount of franchdse tax-$1106.?9- due is presented and read. The Clerk states that he has received the amount of tax due. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman stevens and carried that the report of the Gilroy Telephone Company on the franchise tax be accepted and placed on file. A communication,signed by six property owners residing on the west side of Forest Street between Swanston Lane and Leavesley Road, statiDgwhau they 'expected in the way of compensation for their land for the proposed widening of Forest Street, is pre- sented and read. After some discussion of the contents of this communication it .. is unanimously agreed to refer the communication to the sewer and water committees for investigation and report. A petition,signed by property owners residing on the west SiS8 of Hanna Street between First Street and Second Street ,requesting the opening of a twenty foot a~ley from First to Second street, between lIanna Street and the property of the Gilroy Elementary School District, is presented and read. This petition is referred 1139 to the Street Committee for investigation and report. A communication is read from the Gilroy High School requesting free use of Wheeler Auditorim February 28th for a variety show to be given by the music department. Motion by Councilman Stout ,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that the Gilroy High School music department be granted free use of Wheeler Auditorium,February 28th, for their annual variety show. A renewal and service agreement from Electrical Products Corporation for the two "GILROY" signs is presented with a notation that the montm~y rental would be increased to $17.50. After some discussion as tojthe type of signsnow in place it is unanimously agreed that more modern signs would be desirable and the investigation of this matter is placed in the hands of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Mr.R.C.Stockman,consulting sanitary engineer for the proposed enlargement of the sewage disposal plant, now appears before the Council and states that the Department of Finance of the State of California has approved applications for state funds for the proposed work and suggests that bids be called for immediately as the elapsed time between advertising and awarding would bring the sta~ting date for actual construction to approximate ly April 1st. 121::;!. Motion by Councilman Stevens, seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for en- largement and improvement of the sewage disposal plant,bids to be opened Monday,March 6,1950 at 8 o'clock P.M.,in the City Clerk's office,City Hall,Gilroy, California and t hat the prevailing wagas scale as fixed by the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County,now in effect,be the prevailing wage scale for this project. Application for an On Sale Beer license by Irmandade Festa Do Divino Espirito Santo,I.D.E.S.Hall; an On Sale Beer license by Martin Martinez,131 S.Monterey Street; an On Sale Beer license by fIW""'*, I Shirley Roth,285 S.Monterey Street and a transfer of an On Sale I ~c... General license from Rocco Silbio & Ottavio Pieracci to Rocco Silbio, d.b.a. Bimbo's Club,23 S.Monterey Street, are presented. No objection is made. Mr.Raymond Kiplinger now appears before the Council and states that he has a friend who wishes to locate an<< industry in Gilroy and requests a letter,signed by the Mayor, inviting the industry to locate here. Upon the suggestion of Councilman Stout it is unanimously agreed that a letter be written, as suggested by Mr.Kiplinger, to his friend 1140 Mr.Ward Reid,Ottowa,Kansas, inviting him to establish his industry in this city. The 1,[ayor discusses the balances in the Water am Reserve funds and suggests that $10,000.00 from each fund be invested in apgeptable bonds. Councilman Mason maR8sa motion that $10,000.00 of Water Fund Money and $10,000.00 of Reserve Fund money be invested in acceptable bonds. This motion was then wi thdrawn \then the ehi;e~'ri.dllltn:hstrative Officer .. ....I stated that he had been in conference with local banks relative to i~vesting these funds and that it was possible that the banks could offer\;:...:more fn:terest for the money than could be obtained through the purchase of Treasury Certificates, which bad been suggested. It is unanimously agreed that the matter of tnvesting these funds be placed in the hands of the Finance Coramittee for investigation. The matter of a part time Building Inspector is discussed and Councilman Mason suggests that Byron Brown be appointed to this position to include plumbing and electrical inspector. The Mayor now compliments Fire Chief Jack Ramezane for the fine job he has done as Building Inspector stating that Mr.Ramezane had filled this position at the request of the Council but that .. it was conflicting with his other duties. Motion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that Byron Brown be appolrtted Building Inspector,Plumbing Inspector and Electrical Inspector effective as of February 1,1950 at a salary of $200.00 per month for the balance of the present ...... fiscal year and that the salary of Fire Chief Jack Ramezane remain as at present. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that ~aek Melody be appointed Poundmaster for the period December 1,1949 to December,1,1950 under the same terms as the agreement effective at the present time the salary to be the same as at present ,namely, $100.00 per month. Councilman Stout discusses the manner in whch renting of the auditorium is handled at present and suggests that certain changes be made. ~ ..J Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Stevens and carried that the ftent~ng offl'heeler'Auditbr!itUIl be handled by the Clerk's office and the Clerk's office authorized to collect the full amount of rent if rented wi thin the montlID and if rented for a subsequent month the rent must be paid thirty days in advance 1141 of the actual date of the engagement and that the auditorium shall not be rented for more than two successive occasions to one organ- ization or person at anyone time. The matter of repairing of the plaster on the southwest wall c:' InsidetJietear:entrance~Wheeler Auditorium is placed in the hands of the Buildings and Grounds chairman to discuss with Mr.George C. Renz and if Mr.Renz does not understand that he is to do this work it should be done by the city. The matter of the unfinished barracks building located on the north side of Eighth Street between Church and Rosanna st~ets, property of Mrs.Catherine R.Ryan, is now discussed. The Clerk is and read instructed to produce/the letter written August 8th,1949 to 1~s. Ryan advising her that the Council agreed to grant her six months extension as requested in her letter presented and read at the Council meeting of August 1,1949, the date for completion of the work being set for February 1,1950. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Stevens and carried tha~ the unfinished building, property of Mrs. Catherine R.Ryan, located on the north side of Eighth Street between Church I~"-""t Street and Rosanna Street, be ordered to be removed from the prop- ...,,J erty and the City Attorney me instructed to proceed with the necessary legal work in connection therewith. Mr.Ed.Pellin now appears before the Council to discuss the re- fusal of the Building fnsepctor to issue him a building permit to build a dwelling on his property on S.Rosanna Street,}~.Pellin stating that the Inspector refused the permit because the dwelling would be over or too near a storm sewer line.Ltt.Pellin stated that he knew of two instances where dwellings were built over ihis storm sewer line. This matter is placed in the hands of the Building Inspector for investigation. Mr.Walter Hanna,Jr. of the City Engineers office mow appears before the Council to report on the school he attended at Los Angeles which I....". was conducted by the Division of Highways and the Bureau of Public Roads. Mr.Hanna urged t hat the matter of set-back lines and a master street plan be called to the attention of the Planning Commission. The Clerk is instructed to advise the Planning Cor~llission of Mr. Hanna's recmamendation. It is unanimously agreed that the Council meetxx Monday,February 27th, to discuss the Administrative Code. 1142 The parking ordinances of the city are now discussed and it is revealed that there are conflicts in these ordinances and that some- thing should be done about the parking of trucks and other vehicles on the streets over night. Thec:matter of a new ordinance is referred to the ordinance cOmDlitee to draw up a tentative ordinance for pt." esentat ion to the Counc il f at' discussion. Reports of the City officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Stevens and carried that the reports of city off~cers be accepted as read and placed on file. Motion by Councilman Stout, seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. C3.Cl. ~ A City Clerk .