Minutes 1950/02/27 1142 Gilroy, California February 27,1950 . Thi s regular ad journed meeting of the COIIlJlon Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor Geozge C.Milias. Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens, David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. Absent:Councilman James B.Thomas. The Mayor announces that a petition for annexation of the terr- . . . itory lying south of the south line of Third Street ,east of the west line of Castlewood Park,north of the south line of Fifth street and west of the west line of Princevalle Street, has been presented and the. Clerk is instructed to read the petit ion. Mr. Justin Byers now appears before the Council to discuss the peli tion for annexation and states that the people residing in the area are most interested in how much it will cost them for annex- ation. Mr.Kenneth Peterson also appears before the Council and re- iterates what Mr.Byers has stated with reference to the people res- iding in the area wanting to know the co st of annexat ion. Motion by Councilman Daniels ,seconded by Councilman Mason and , carried that the Chief Administrative Officer work with the City Engineer to secure the approximate cost to each property owner for annexation of the territory lying south of the south line of Third Street ,east of the west line of Castlewood Park,north of the south line of Fifth Street and west of the west line of Princevalle Street and that this information be ready for a public meeting to be held in the City Hall building on MondaY,March 13,1950 at 8 o'clock P.M. 1143 The Mayor now discusses the necessity of spraying the ornamental trees in the parking areas throughout the city. Mr.Harold Crow of the Forestry Board advises the Council that the trees should be spray- ed this year and gives information as to time for spraying the various kinds of trees. Mr.Arthur Appell,Deputy County Horticultural ComrnissioDBIl', also answers questions asked by the Council with reference to spraying. r'" The City Clerk is instructed to contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to ascertain the name of a man who does spraying for the County. The City Attorney presents a deed from J.Kenneth McAlpine to the City of Gilroy for a sixteen foot strip of property lymng along the nort h line of the I'ilcAlpine Subdi vis ion in Block 3 & 4 t:, North, Range 1 East,said sixteen foot strip now being an easement that connects with an alley dedicated for public use. After discussion on the subject it is unanimously agreed that Mr. McAlpine should dedicate twenty feet ( a standard width for alleys in the City) for alley purposes and 1het0t.tycAt't..ne.J7{i$..ttl.l5,~'C'tod t~ advise Mr.MoAlplne.of the Councils action. BRDINANCE NO.476 is presented and read. ~..,.., I k..... It is unanimously agreed that the following corrections be made: in lines2 and three of Section 5;line 29 of Section 10;lines 25 and 84 of Section 12 (e). Ilotion by Councilman Stevens,seconded by Councilman Daniels that ORDINill~CE NO.476 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO.476 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE OFFI CE OF CHIEF ADlilINISTHATIVE OFFICER OF THE CITY OF GILROY,FIXING HIS DUTIES ,AND GENERALLY SETTING FORm THE DUTIES OF BOARDS, COMM:ISSIONS, AND COMl\IITTESS OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AND FURTHER DEFINING THE DUTIES OF VARIOUS OFFICIALS AND ElvIPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF GILROY,PROVIDING FOR THE AUTHOR ITY TO BE E:XERCISED BY TF...E CHIEF ADIHNISTRATIVE OFFICER WITH RELATION TO THE BOARDS, COliIMISSIONS AIm COMMITTEES, AND ESTABLISHING THE BOARD OF AUDITORIUM TRUSTEES. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.476: AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,H.H.Wentworth,Ray L.Stevens,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. r- . : I -""~ NOES: Councilmen None .ABSENT: CouncilInan James B.Thomas. A cOITmlunication is read from The New Car Dealers Association of Gilroy, California requesting use of the Vfueeler Auditorium fOF a spring showing of 1950 automobiles,dates the auditorium would be available and the amount of rent. Motion by Councilman Daniels ,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried 1144 that the New Car Dealers Association of GilroY,California be granted the use of ~~eeler Auditorium-on April 2lst,22nd and 23rd,1950, for their spring automobile show, that the rental fee for the three days be $90.00 and that the Clerk advise the association that they would be responsible for any damage to the floors or the building which occurs during their use of the building. Councilman Mason discusses the proposition made by the Bank of America to pay l% interest on $20,000.00 of surplus money in the Reserve and Water Funds,said money to be calleable on sixty days notice. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that the sum of $10,000.00 be taken from the Water Fund and $10,000.00 be taken from the Reserve Fund and deposited in the Bank of America,Gilroy Branch, at 1% interest the $20,000.00,or any part thereo~,to be calleable by the city with sixty days notice to the bank. The matter of redecorating the Clerk's office and Council chambers is discussed and the Purchasing Agent is directed to secure bids for this work and also to ascertain the cost of a ventilating system for the room. Adjourned subject to the call o~ the chair. (Y.~.~ City Cle k ,