Minutes 1950/04/06
Gilroy, Calif.
April 6, 1950.
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Counoil is oalled to
order by his Honor, Mayor George C. Milias.
Present: Counoilmen J.R. Wentworth, Ray L. Stevens, J.B. Thomas,
Dale D. Daniels, George M. Mason and David V. Stout.
The Mayor states that he wishes to fill vacancies on the Library
1" Board, the Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission.
The Mayor, with the approval of the Common Counoil appoints Mrs. H.C.
Weaville on the Library Board to fill the vacanoy caused by the resign-
ation of Mrs. Head.
The Mayor, with the approval of the Common Counoil appoints Mrs. Ansel
Buletti and Mr.Owen Van Buskirk on the Recreation Commission to replace
Mr. Jerome Chappell and Mr. James Jepsen whose terms have expired.
Motion by Oounoilma.n Stout, seoo~ded by Councilman Stevens and carried
that Mr. Smith Howard be appointed on the Planning Commission to re-
plaoe Mr. Jerome Chappell whose term had expired.
The Mayor states that this being the time for hearing of protests
from property owners residing in territory designated as the second
Western Addition to the City of Gilroy, protesting annexation to the
Oity of Gilroy., the Common Council is ready to reoeive suoh protests.
A written protest from Mrs. Gl.~s Downhour and Jessie Downhour,
owners of a paroel of land in the territory proposed to be annexed,
is read.
No other written protests are received.
Resolution No. 232, a Resolution of Intention to oall a Speoial
Eleotion 1n the Territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Gilroy
is read for the benifit of those who are present and who reside 1n said
territory. Resolution No. 233 is presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Stout, seoond by Council man Stevens that
RESOLUTION NO. 233 be adopted.
:aSD Jdlll ADOP'ED th::ll:T: =-l::~'
1950 by the follow1ng
- AYES: Oounoilmen,J.H. Wentworth, Ray L. ite":ens, J.B. Thomas, DeJe
B. Daniele, Geo. M. Macon, Davld V. StO'lt.
~ NOES: Oounoilmen None
~ ABiENT: Counoilmen~~.
'-A ttoot:
r:.. i.u r:!'~..A-
A meeting of the Common Counoil io aehoauled
OrdInance pertaInIng to annexatIon
for monday, ApPI1 10, 1950-
of tern?1 toPy to the 01 ty ..
-to study an
(of Gilroy.
Adjoupned subJeot
taf the ~~-
to oall
R ! SOL UTI 0 N N o. 233
WHEREAS, there has heretofore been published in the Gilroy
Evening Dispatch, a newspaper printed and published in the City
of Gilroy, a municipal corporation in the County of Santa Clara,
State of California, in accordance with the provisions of the
of the Annexation Act of 1913 (Sections 35100 to J5l57, inclus-
ive of the Government Code of California), a notice of intention
to circulate a petition for the annexation to the City of Gilroy
of the following described territory, oontiguous to the corporate
limits of the said City of Gilroy, to-wit:
"BEING a part of Ranch Lots 16 and 20 as shown on Map
No. 7 accompanying the report of the Referees in the
Las Animas Partition Suit, Aotion No. 55J6, had in
the Superior Court of the State of California, in and
for the County of Santa Clara, and more particularly
described as follows:
BEGINNING at the interseotion of the westerly line
of Princevalle Street with the Southerly line of
Third Street, being in the present westerly Corporate
Limits of the City of Gilroy, and running thenoe along
the southerly line of Third Street to the Easterly
line of Miller Avenue; thenoe westerly across Miller
Avenue to the point of interseotion of the westerly
line of Miller Avenue with the Southerly line of
Third Street as shown on Map entitled 'Traot No.
506, Ca$tlewood Park Unit No.1', as recorded in
Book 18 at page 40, of Maps, Offioial Reoords of
Santa Clara County; thence along the southerly line
of Third Street N. 890 lJI 30' W. 150.00 feet to the
westerly line of said Castlewood Park; thence along
the Westerly line of Castlewood Park S. 00 461 JO"
w. 928.05 feet to the southerly line of Castlewood
Park; thence along the southerly line of Oastlewood
Park S. 89- 101 JO" E. 150.00 feet to the westerly
line of Miller Avenue; thenoe continuing on same
course 80.00 feet to the easterly line of Miller Avenue;
thence along the easterly line of Miller Avenue S. O~
461 JO" W. to its interseotion with the southerly line of
Fiftp Street; thenoe easterly along the southerly line
of Fifth Street to the westerly line of Prinoevalle
Street; thence northerly along the westerly line of
Prinoevalle Street to the Southerll line of Third
Street and the point of beginning.
AND, WHEREAS, the said notioe was published on the 9th
day of January. 1950, and the affidavit of the publisher of
the said newspaper was filed in the Office of the Clerk of the
City of Gilroy, on 10th day of January. 1950.
thereon have been referred to the County Clerk of the County
of Santa Olara for the purpose of having said signatures
verified and to determine whether said pe'ition has been signed
by at least one-fourth of the qualified electors residing
in the hereinbefore described territory, and the said terri-
tory to be annexed, and
WHEREAS, the said County Olerk has duly examined the
signatures and ~& registration of those whose names are signed
to said petition and has oertified that there were, at the
time of the signing of said petition, 74 qualified
eleotors residing in the said territory, and that the signa-
tures of 39 qualified eleotors are signed
~ -
to said petition, and
WHEREAS, the said petition has been filed in the office of the
City Clerk of the City of Gilroy and the Common Counoil of the said
Oity of Gilroy did heretofore adopt and pass Resolution No. 206
whioh deolared its intention to oall a speoial election to 8Ubiiiit
to the eleotors residing in the territory proposed to be annexed to
the City of Gilroy, the question of whether suoh territory should be
so annexed, and whioh Resolution also oontained a notioe that Thursday,
the 6th day of April, 1950, at the hour of 8:00 o'olook P.M. at the
Council Chambers of the Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy, was fix-
ed at the time and place when and where any person owning real property
within such territory proposed to be annexed, and having any objeotions
. thereto, may appear before the said Oounoil and show cause in writing
why such territory Should not be annexed, and
IHEREAS, the said Resolution No. 206 and the notioe therein oon-
tained were duly published in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch, a newspaper
printed and published in the Oity of Gilroy, California, on the ~
and 29th days of Maroh and 5th day of April, 1950, as required by law,and
WHEREAS, objeotions in writing, to the said annexation, were
filed with the said Oity Counoil, prior to the said time of hearing
whioh objeotions were made by the owners of Qn! separate paroels of
land within the area proposed to be annexed, and
WHEREAS, it appears from the records of the County Assessor of
the County of Santa Clara, State of California, that there are at
least 2i- separate parcels of land within the area proposed to be
annexed, and
r WHEREAS, the Oommon Council of the City of Gilroy has heretofore
and prior to the oommencement of any of the proceedings hereinbefore
mentioned for the annexation of the said territory to the Oity of
Gilroy, consented to the said annexation prooeedings and has hereto-
fore referred the matter of the annexation of such territory to the
City planning Commission of the City of Gilroy and the said Oity Plan-
r ning Commission has made its report recommending the annexation of
said territory,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council
of the City of Gilroy, that the said petition hereinbefore referred
to, for the annexation of the said territory complies with the law
in all respeots; that it has been oirculated in the manner required
bylaw, and that it is signed by more than twenty-five precent of the
qualified electors in the said territory proposed to be annexed to
the City of Gilroy; that the said protests or objections to the said
annexation were made by less than one-half of the owners of the sepa-
rate parcelS of land located within the territory proposed to be
annexed; and
election be and it is hereby called, to be held within the said
territory hereinbefore described on the ~ day of May. 1950, to
determine whether said territory should be annexed to the City of
Gilroy, and that said question be submitted to the qualified electors
residing within such territory at said election; that said election
be held as required by the said Annexation Act of 1913, and that
notice of said election be published in Mor~an Hill Times a newspaper
of general circulation publiShed outside of the City of Gilroy, but in
the Gounty of Santa Clara, at least once a week for the four weeks
prior to the said date of said election as herein fixed; that tor!'the
purpose ot said speoial election, there shall be but one election
precinct within the said area proposed to be annexed to the City ot
Gilroy which precinct shall include the entire area, and the bound-
aries thereof shall be the poundaries of the territory hereinbefore
described, proposed to be annexed to the said City ot Gilroy and said
precinct is hereby established; that the name of the area proposed
to be annexed tor the purposes of the annexation proceeding and the
said election shall be and is hereby designated at "The Second Western
Addition to the City of Gilroy";
That the said notice of said eleotion shall state the date of the
eleotion, state distinctly the propOSition to be submitted, desoribe',
speoifically the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed,
designate the name by which the territory may be indioated upon the
eleotion ballots whioh name shall be that given in the Resolution of
intention to circulate the petition and being the same as hereinbe~
fore set forth, -The Second Western Addition to the City of Gilroy,.
instruct the electors how to vote in the election, and such other
matters as_may be required by the said Annexation Act of 1913 and the
Election Code of the State of California;
That the officers to conduct said election are hereby appointed
and designated as follows:
J.W. Lee
Mrs. Orvalee BeadIer
Mrs Alma Rush
K.L. Peterson
The polling place for such election shall be at Radtke's
at rear of N.W. Corner 0 4th' Princevalle Streets. that
the ity lerk be and he is hereby directed to provide all supplies
that may be necessary to properly and lawfully conduct said special
election; when the polls are closed, the officers of the election
shall count the ballots cast at such special election and count the
votes cast, respectively, for and against the propostiton therein
stated and make return thereof to the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy
in the time, form and manner reqUired by the said Annexation Act of
1913, tor the counting, canvassing and returning of votes cast at
said election;
That the polls will be open and the election held in said poll-
ing place hereinbefore designated in the said territory proposed to be
annexed on the said 12th day of May. 1950. from 7 o'clock AM. of said
day until seven o'clock P.M. of said day when the pOlls will be closed;
that said special election is hereby called and notice thereof shall
be given and the same shall be held and conducted and the votes there-
at canvassed, and the returns thereof made, and the result thereof
ascertained and determined as herein provided, and that in all part-
iculars not prescribed by this Resolution, said election shall be con-
ducted as nearly as pOSSible with the elections Code provisions con-
cerning general elections; the City Clerk shall provide ballots tor
the said election conforming to the annexation Act of 1913 and the
elections Code of the State of California.
1950, by the following vote:
6tlday of
, A.D.,
Councilmen: J. H. Wentworth, Ray L. Stevens, J. B.
Thomas, Dale D. Daniels, George, M. r~son, D. V. Stout.
Councilmen: None
Oouncilmen: None
I ayor.
City lerk
A,meeting of the COmTI10n Council is scheduled for Monday, April 10, 1950 ~.
to study an ordinance pertaining to annexation of territory to the City · I
of Gilroy...J
Adjourned subject to call
of the chair.
11/6 (Ojbl/~/
Dep. City Clerk.