Minutes 1950/07/03
I '
July 3,1950
This regular monthl,. meet1ng ot the CODlllon Counc1l 18 oalled to order
by His Bohor Mayor George C.M1l1as.
Present:Couno1lmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Dav1d V.Stout,Dale D.
Carl W.Pate.
Dan1elal Absent:Counc1lman James B.Thomas.
Minutes ot the regular monthly meet1ng ot June 5th and the regular
adjourned meet1ng ot June l2th,1950 are read and approved.
A communicat10n 1s read trom the Publio Utilit1es Commission aoknow-
ledging reoe1pt ot a letter advising them that all work as reoommended
in their .x ra1lroad oross1ng survsy had been oompleted. Th1s oamnun-
'cation is ordered tiled.
A oommunioation is read trom the Southern Pac1t1o Company protesting
against the provision ot Ordinance No.4eo prohibiting the blocking ot
orossings with1n the city limits tor a longer period t~an tive minutes.
This commun1cation is ordered tiled.
A communication is read tram the Division ot Highways advising the
Council of the proceedure used in detemining the number 0 t inhabitants
residing 1n the Seoond Western Addition and stating that the total number
determined is 270 and that this figure will be used in de terming the
City's gasoline tax allocation tor the fisoal year. This oommunioation
I :
.. ordered tiled.
A oommunication is read1'x trom the Eleotrioal Produots Corpora"ion
reJa ti ve to certain changes that oan be made in the "GILROY" s1gna
to br1ng the oos" ot the signs to $14.00 per no".
Mot 10n by Counoilman Stout ,seoonded by Couno 1lman Daniels and oarri ad
thattbe agreement with the Eleotrioal Products Corporation tor $14.00
permol1th tor a peri04 ot three years,:tor the "GILROY" s1gn8 be aooepted
and signed by the City Clerk on behalf of the oity.
The monthly report ot the Building Inspeotor is presented and read
and oxdered placed on tile.
A report of water samples taken during the month of lIa)teby the Santa
Clara County Health Department is presented ani xead. The reports in-
dicated con,amination and Councilman Mason states that as soon as this
report was received chlorination was stepped up.
Application tor an Oft Sale General by J.C. and Mabel O.Bray, 40
Old Gilroy Street,transterred from P.C.Robey,1873 W.San Carlos Street,
San Jose ,Calif. ,is presented. No objection is made. An application
for an Oft Sale Beer & Wine license from Sateway Stores,Inc.,252 N.
Monterey Street, is presented. No objection is made.
The City Marshal now appears betore the Council to tiscuss the
distribution ot handbills by .he Clerk's union in front of the Sate-
way Store, the Marshal stat 1ng t hat he was endeavoring ftK to entorce
the ordinance against handbills to keep the streets olean. Mr. Lozaro,
representing the Clerk's union, now appears betore the Council to
explain that the handbills are handed to willing persons. Mr.Lozaro
admi tted that they had :railed to obta in the permit tor distribution
as required by the ordinance but that they have now made the app-
lication and had done everything requried by the ordinance.
It is unanimously agreed that the Clerk's union be granted per-
mission to pas out theirhandbil~s.
The City Attorney now reads a portion ot a letter received trom
Attorney John J.Jones,representing Mr.Stoops who had previuualy
made application ~ to the city tor a three inch service :from
the city water main outside the city limits opposite the end of
Morey Avenue on Hecker Pass Highway. The City Attorney states that
he advised Mr.Jones that he did not believe that/Council would
ohange its decision not to supply Mr.Stoops with water as he re-
Counoilman Daniels discusses the speeding of trucks and caraa on
North Monterey Street and Councilman Stout discusses the matter ot :J
vehicles parking on the sidewalk in front ot the Willows Restaurant.
The Chiet Administrative Otticer is instructed to ascertain the
location ot the speed limit markings on the pavement on North Mon-
terey Street; aud the City Marshal is requested totake charge ot
the matter ot parking on the sidewalk in tront ot the Willows Res-
r' ~
Councilman Stout reports on the meeting held with the Parks and Rec-
reation Commission stating that the Commission has asked tor $1700.00
to purchase equipment to be placed on school pr~erty.
The Recreation Committee recommends that authority be granted to the
Parks and Recreation Commission to purchase the _qaipment requested to
the amount ot $1700.00. The recommendationa of the Recreation Committee
is unanimlusly accepted by the Council.
RESOLUTION NO.241 is presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seconded by Cou~cllman Mason that
RESOLUTION NO.24l be adopted.
WHEREAS, a memorandum of agre8ment has been presented to be
entered into with the State ot California in accordance with a
project statement subm1tted ~ by the City of Gilroy tor expend-
iture of the gas tax allocation to cities for the tiscal year
1951, and
WHEREAS, the Common Council has heard read said agreement
in full and is ~amiliar with the contents thereot;
THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common, Council ot the City
ot Gilroy that said projeot statement be and is hereby adopted
as the budget of proposed expenditures of gas tax allooation to
ci ties, and said agreement be and the same is hereby approved
and the Mayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign the same
on behalf ot said oity, said agreement to be binding upon the
City upon its execution by the authorized officials ot the State.
ADOPTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of July,1950 by the tollow~ng
AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout,
Dale D.Daniels Carl W.Pate.
NOES: Councilmen None
ABSENT: Councilman James B.Thmaas
City ark
AP~ ,OVl!:1l:, /0
__ l:. rr;~,
The Mayor now discusses a reoent conversation he had with Col.lno.
H.Ske.gs of the Division of Highways with reterence to the proposed
widening at Monterey Street. The states that Col.Skeggs would like
to meet with the Council to discuss this matter. It is unanimously
agreed that the Mayor arrange a date for a meeting with GaI.Skaggs.
Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Counoilman Daniels and carried
that Byron Brown be appointed Right ot Way Agent for the city tor the
Second Western Addition.
The matter ot the annexation of thr Renz Ranch Tract is disoussed
in the light of the policy adopted by the Council in Resolutions 239
and 240. Mr.George Renz,owner of the traoi, now appears before the
Council to discuss the annexat ion.
Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Counoilman stout and carried
that the hearing on the annexation of the Benz Ranoh Traot be post-
poned to September 5,1950.
Councilman Stout requests permission to absent himself <<rom the
state trom Ju17 20th to August 1,1950.
Motion by Councilman Daniels,seoonded by Counoilman Mason and oarried
that Councilman Stout be granted permission to absent himself from the
State from JUly 20,1950 to August 1,1950.
The City Marshal now appears before the Counoil to disouss a ohange
in uniform for the Traffio Offioers during the sumner months.
The City Attorney is instructed to draw up an amendment to the ord-
inance presec1bing/uniform for the polioe department to prov1de for
a lighter weight uniform during the summer months.
Reports of the City Offioers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Stout,seoonded by CouncUman Pate and carried
that reports of the City Offioers be accepted as read and placed on
Motion by Councilman 8aniels,seconded by Counoilman Mason and carried
that bills a8 presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the
Adjourned subject to the
oall of the cha 1r.
City ~ler
Gilroy, Ca11forn1a
July 7,1950
This soheduled meeting of the Board of Equalization tor taxes' 1s
beld on the above date.
Present:Councilman Carl W.Pate.
No person appears to complain about their assessment.
City Clerk