Minutes 1950/07/20 i , 11R3 Gilrol,California Jul,. 20 ,1950 'this regular adjourned mee-ting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present: Councilmen George M.Mason,James B.Thomas,Da.id v.stout,Dale D. Daniels,Carl W.Pate. Absent:councilman J.B.Wentworth. The Mayor states that the purpose of ~is meeting is to discuss the matter of Fredrickson and Watson Construction Company hauling gravel over city streets in the southwest portion of the city,statingthat complaints were being made about dust created a,dthis operation and that trucks were speeding. The Chief Administrative Officer is called upon by the Mayor to relate oomplaints reoeived by him and a general discussion of the matter by council members follOWS. Mr.B.V.Fredriokson rep~,senting Fredriokson and Watson Construotion Company, now appears before the Council and states that the hauling of gravel will be completed this week and that the trucks will then start hau~ing black top paving but there will _ill be one-third of the number of truoks used in this operation as were used in hauling gravel. Mr. Fredrickson agrees that his company will g.ade and oil 2e~ Street from Monterey Street to Rosanna Street and Rosanna Street from Eighth Street to Tenth Street; that this work will be done during the week July 24th to July 29th,1950 and that prior to the ttme ot the oiling these streets will be watered and any other streets that have to be used for any reason will be watered. The C1erk is instruoted to advise Mr.S.Patrick,sub-contraotor in charge ot truoking, that the spped limit for truoks hauling gravel or blaok top paving is 20 mdles per hour, that lTOP signs will be ereoted at 7th & Rosanna Streets and 9th and Rosanna Streets to stop east and west bound traffic before entering Rosanna Street and a STOP sign will be installed at the end of Rosanna Street to atop vehicles before they ~ enter lOth Street; that the City Marshal has been instructed to hire another Traffio Officer, if necessary, to stop trucks from speeding and oareless and reckless driving. 1184 The matter of installing ice vending machines in the fire district is discussed. Mr.Scott of the S.& S. Vending ua:Ch1Be Company now appears before the Counoil to discuss the construction of the vending maohines and states that the City of Los Angeles per.mits the B~ction of these ice vending machines in the principal business sec~ion of Los Angeles. This matter is referred to the Ordinance Committee for study and report at the regular monthly meeting of the Council,August 7,1950. The committee is also requested to study and recommend a license for these vending machines. The matter of set-back for buildings being built in .01" district is discussed. The City Attorney states that the Planning Commission has recommended the same set back tor "01" district as is required 1 ...J i~~"C" district. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Daniels and oarried that a Use Permit be granted to the South Santa Clara Valley Veterans War Memorial District to set their building baok six feet fran the inside line of the sidewalk on Eigelberry Street RESOLUTION NO.242 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seoonded by Councilman stout that ~ RESOLUTION NO.242 be adopted: -J RESOLUTION NO.242 FIXING TnlIE AND PLACE OF HEARING OF REPORT OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY 0 F GlImOY RECOMMENDINl THAT SUBDIVIS IONS (ll) and (c) OF SECTION I. OF ORDINANCE NO.422, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE,OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AS AMENDED BY ORDlliANCE NO.468,BE FURTHER AMENDED. WHEREAS the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy has regularly adopted a Resolution reporting and recommending to the Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy that Subdivision (b) of Section 7. of Ordinance No.422 of the City of Gilroy,known as the "Zoning Ordinance", as set forth in Section 2 of Ordinance No. 468, be amended to read as follows: (b) Yards Required: 1. Same as required in "C" Districts. And that Subdivision (c) of said Section 7i shall be amend- ed to read as follows: (c) Other Regulations: 1. If a "01" district ocoupies both sides of a street which is intersected or intercepted by a street the line of which is the boundary between such "01" distriot and an adjacent resident- ~, ial district, and such "etl" district does not occupy an entire blook faoing such intersecting or intercepting street, then except ,.J upon the securing of a use per.mit~ a provided in Section 12 of this ordinance, no use which is not per.mitted in any residential district shall hereafter be established in such block in suoh "01" district in suoh manner as to front such intersecting or intercepting bound- ary street, hut, except upon the securing of a use permit;.s .Iore- said, any such use shall front onyl on the stree:t which is 1nter- . sected or intercepted by suoh boundary street. 2. No electric sign or other signs shall be plaoed or set above the sidewalk or parking strip extending along the street or in front of the property line in said district. Reference is hereby hadf'to the maps and general zoning ord- inance of t he said City of Gilroy now on file in the office of the City Clerk. And, WHEREAS the said Zoning Ordinance of the City of Gilroy and the laws of the State ofCa l1fornia require that a publio hearing be had upon the said report and recommendation of the said City Planning Commission, and that notice thereof be given, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Monday, the 7th day of August, 1950, at the hour of 8 o'clock P.M. in the Common Councilroom in the City Rall of the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara,State of Cal- ifornia, be and the same is hereby fixed as the time and place of the said hearing and that due and legal notice thereof be given by the City Clerk as required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July,1950,by the following votes: AYES: Councilman George M.Uason,James B.'l'homas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels,Carl W.Pate NOES: Councilmen:None ABSENT: Councilman J.R.Wentworth. 1185. AFPR)}VED : /at; ~dli e ~.: ' Mayor Attest: cj,GL&W City Clerk The matter of lioense for pin ball machines is now disoussed. It is unanimously agreed to refer this matter to the Ord 1nance Comm- ittee to amend the License Ordinance and set a new license fee for pin ball machines. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.u.~ Ci ty Cler .