Minutes 1950/09/06 r I i I 1195 Gilroy. Calif'o rnia_ September 6,1950. In the absence of His Honor Mayor George C.Milias the City Clerk calls this regular monthly meeting o-r the Common Council to order. Present:Councilmen J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas,Dav1d V.Stout, D~et~oRaRie~8dgar+-~~P~t~1 .~s:ft6g8~~c~1mA8uR8~iMlnMs~~and carried th~~ OouncIlman 1.~n~ior!R ~e jgyor pra-~em. MInutes of the regular monthly meeting of August 7th and regular adjourned meetings of' August 17th,August 28th are read and approved. , A communication is read from the Community Concert Series request- the dates ot October 26,1950,February 14,1951 and Maroh 13,1951 f'or use of' Wheeler Auditorium. Motion by Counoilman Thomas,seconded by Counoilman Daniels and carried that the Community Concert Series be granted tree use ot Wheeler Auditorium on October 26,1950,February 14,1951 and March 13, 1951, tor t he ir annual oonoert series. ' 1196 A communication is read from the Health Department relative to an investigation of unlicensed and diseased dogs belonging to a Mr.Bounds, ~46i North Eigelberry Street and requesting that the Poundmaster pick up such animals. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman Thomas and carried that Mr.Bounds residing at 446i North Eigelberry Street, be advised of the report of the Health Department with reference to his un- licensed and diseased 40gs and that he be asked to keep the dogs confined and to treat 'hem for the disease or have the poundmaster piCk up the dogs. ~Fl I ........ A oommunication is read from the 1950 Admission Day Celebration Committee inviting the Mayor and members of the Council to part- icipate in the Admission Day parade in San Francisco,Saturday, September 9,1950. This letter is referred to the Mayor. The annual audit report and letter of transmittal from Logan and Frazer,city auditors, is presented and the letter of trans- mi ttal read. Motion by Councilman Daniels ,seconded by Councilman Stout aDd carried that the annual audit report of Logan and Frazer,cert- ified publio accountants, city auditors, be accepted. A communioat ion is read from Lo'an and Frazer submi tt ing anct offer to audit the oity's books and accounts for the fisoal year 1950-1951 for the sum of $300.00. "" ...J Mot ion by Counoilman Stout,seconded by Counoilman Thomas and carried that the offer of Logan and Frazer to audit the oity's books and accounts for the fiscal year 1950-1951 tor the sum of $300.00 be accpeted with audits to be made quarterly and a tinal audit report to the submitted at the end of the fiscal year. A communication is read from the Honorable Earl Warren,~Governor of the State of California, advising of steps and aotion ~lI1as been taken with reference to 01 viI defense and requesting that the Council take aotion to apoint an offic1al representative of the oity with whom the state Distaster Counoil Exec.'lve Seore- tary oan oorrespond and the appointment of a qualified person to aid in develp'ng and emergency medial progrsm. In a broohure "Disatser PreparBgness Planning in California" a model ordinanoe for citys to ~allo.edH setting up their civil defense program is presented and on advise from the City Attorney it is unanim.usly agreed to turn thos model ordinance over to the Ordiname Committee .""""\ i I ...... for study and recommendation. ".. , ..,,~.J 119'7 The report "Jthe.eBn~li1~ngi'In.sg8Btor for the month of August is presented and read and ordered filed. Transfer of an Off Sale Beer and Wine license from Andrew Trinchero to Cecil L.and Lawrence Unruh,281 First Street, is presented and read. No objection is made. ORDINANCE NO.486 is presented and read. Motion by Counoilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Daniels that ORDINANCE NO.486 be adopted. (Q;RDINA.NCE NO.486 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO.486 AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.422,KNOWN AS THE "ZONING" ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF GILROY,PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENr OF RESTRIm'ED "01" OR RESTRICTED BUSINESS DISTRICTS AND THAT "01" DIgrRICTS SHALL HAVE THE SAME YARDS AS "C" DISTRIC'.re WITH CERTAIN EXCEPrIONS,AND ELIMINATING PARAGRAPHS 2 AND 4 OF SUBDIVISION (0) OF SAID SECTION 7* AS ADDED TO ORDINANCE NO.422 BY SAID ORDINANCE NO.468. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDlNAIDE NO.486: AYES: Councilmen J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas,Dav1d V.Stout, Dale D.Daniels ,Carl W.Pate. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Counc ilman George M.Masoj.. ORDINANCE NO.487 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman Stout *nat ORDINANCE NO.487 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 487 ORDINANCE NO.487 AMENDIW ORDINANCE NO.438 REGULATING mE SALE, INSTALLATION ,lIAINTENANCE .AND REPAIR OF APPLIANCES BY ABDIHl THERETO SECTIONS 2A TO 2M INCLUSIVE,AND SECTION 6,OF TEl! "STANDARD GAS CODE" AS AMENDED OCTOBER 11,1940. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.487: AYES: Counoilmen J.H.Wentworth,Jarnes B.Thomas,David V.Stout, Dale D.Daniels,Carl W.Pate. NOES:: : Counc ilmen None ABSENT: Councilman George M.Mason. The matter of the lease of the State of California on \Vheeler Auditorium which is up for renewal the City Attorney advises that a communication from the Adjutant General advises that due to the present military situation the local National Guard Company will have to use the building Mondays and Friday nights, as provided in the previous lease. The City Attorney advises that a provision in the present lease automatically renews the lease for 5 years. The matter 0 f Fredrickson and Watson Cons truct ion Company hauling materials for raod work south of Gilroy over the ~ity streets is d1s cussed. A letter sent to the company July 21,1950 relative to use of certain streets, the oiling of' certain streets and watering of other streets during their operations is I.'read. 1198 Motion by Councilman Stout ,sec onded by Counci lman Pate am. carried that Fredriokson and Watson Construction Company be advised by letter to disoontinue the use of Ninth Street for their hauling mperations and to follow the streets originally agreed upon when their operations started; that they are expeoted to maihtain the streets they are;:; using by watering and that they will be expeoted to sign an agreement with the oity that when their hauling operations are oompleted they (V.o...~ . will 11] 01f.r;tfH\c.<.:: i~ repair the streets damaged by their hauling oper- ations and that a copy of this letter be forwarded to the Division of Highways. Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Counoilman Daniels and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Reports of the City offioers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Daniels, seconded by Councilman Stout that the reports be acoepted as read and placed on file. Motion by Councilman stout,seoonded Vy Councilman Daniels and carried that the hearing on the annexat ion of the Renz Ranoh Traot be postponed to Monday,November 6,1950 at 8 o'clock P.M. in the Common Councilroom, City Hall,Gilroy,California. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.~.~ City Cler' .