Minutes 1950/09/13 1198 Gilroy, Cali fornia September 13,1950 In the absence of His Honor Mayor George C.Milias the City Clerk calls this regu]a r adjourned meetinl o~ the Common Counc il to order. Present:Counailmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout, Dale D.Daniels,Carl W.Pate. Absent:Counailman James B.Thomas. Motion by Councilman Daniels ,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that Councilman George M.Mason be Mayor pro-tem. The Mayor pro-tem announces that this is the t 1me speci~ied in a legal notice ~or opening o~ bids for the imprOJVement of Carmel Street from First Street to Fifth Street; Third Street from Hanna Street to Miller Avenue ~nd Chestnut Street tram Old Gilroy Street to Miller Slough. Three bids trom the improvement ot Carmel Street are presented: Fredriokson & Watson Construction Company-$3,4l2.50; Granite Const- ruction Company-$4,485.00; John Paroline-$4,452.50. Three bids are presented f.., the improvement of Third Street and Chestnut Street-Granite Construction Company-$5,2'1S.00;Fredriokson 1199 &. Watson Construction company-$6,383.50jJohn Paroline-$6,796.25. The City Attorney informs the Council that the Granite Construction Company's bid bond is in the amount of $500.00 and should be $527.00 to comply with im tructions in the advertisement calling for 10% of the amount of the bid. Motion by Councilman Dani.la,seconded by Counoilman Wentworth and oarried that the Granite Construction Company,Watsonville,California, be awarded the contraot for the improvement ot Third Street from Hanna :Street to JI.1.llar Avenue and Chestnut Street from Old Gilroy St~eet to Miller Slought on their bid of $5,278.00,subject to the tiling by the Granite Construction Company of a 8U~tt.!'n':t bond approved by the City Attorney. Motion by Councilman Stout ,seconded by Councilman Daniels and carried that Fredrickson & Watson Construction Company,873-8lst Avenue,Oakland,Californ1a, be awarded the oontract to improve Carmel Street from First Street to :J'1fih.r-Street on their bid of $3,412.50, said bid being the lowest and best bid. It is unanimously agreed to hold the bonds of Fredrickson & Watson Construction Company submitted with their bid for improvement and Third Street of Chestnut Street/and the bonds of John Paroline 1i'I1bm:.t't.ed;,~:JlLth hi s bid for the improvement 0 f Carmel Street and Third Street and and Granite Construction Company for Carmel Street, Chestnut Street/until the lowest bidders on these two jobs had signed the necessary documents. and at the end. of the ten day pe riod the City Clerk return the bonds to these bidders. The City Engineer is instructed to contact the Division of Highways to ascertain it the money saved on the two jobs could be used on force acoount to improve Third Street fran Hanna to Rosanna Street; Sixth Street from Rosanna Street to Church Street and Forest Street tran' Sixth Street to Old Gilroy Streetj also, to contact Fredrick- son &. Watson Construction Company to ascertain if they would sell the c1 ty the plant mix and lay the material on these streets for the same price they quot eel in their bid for improvement of' Carme 1 Street, namely $5.25 per ton. It is unamimously agreed that valley gutters be used at all inter- sections on the s~.eets to be improved under the contracts awarded to Fredrickson &. Watson Construction Company and Granite Construction Compan y. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.~~ Ci ty Clerlt