Minutes 1950/12/13 !215 . L Gilroy, California, December 13,1950 This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council walilaTh.ledatClaod order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas, David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels,Carl W.Pate.Absent:Councilmen~None. l_~ 1216 The Mayor states that the purpose of this meeting ill to hear proponents and opponeaus to the rezoning from "E" Zone to "D" Zone :all that certain tract of land bounded on the north by the Northerly City Limits of the City 0 f Gilroy, on the East by lJlonterey Street, on the South by the . .;~ l.~ :. C; \., ,1, premises of Be-Ge Manufacturing Company and Howson Bros, and on the west by Miller's Slough;excluding that portion of said premises already in "D" .Zone. ""'I I Mr.Frank Perrelli,nepresenting theo owners of a portion of the prop- I ....J erty requested to be rezoned, now appears before the Council to speak in favor of the rezoning. Mr. John Triola,owner of Bell and Griffin Trucking Company, now appears before the Council to speak in favor of the rezoning. Mr.Willard Frost,a resident of Welburn Avenue, now appears before the Council and states that he is not in favor of giving any of his land for the widening of the street from 30 feet to 60 feet as re- commended by the Planning Commission. Another property owner appears before the Council and states that she would only be willing to give ten feet of her property for street. widening instead of fifteen feet as had been suggested and she also eejected to the fact that the , trucks would be travelling up and down the street where a considerable "'~ I \ ....... number of childred play. Counoilman Stout.,states,that;Mr.Aloert Gurries,ownerlB: of a portion Avenue, of the property on the south side of Walburnf t, is out of the city on business and that upon his return he would discuss with him the possi bili ty of giving some land for the purpose 0 f widening the street. Mot ion by Councilman Daniels, seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that the hearing on the Filice and Perrelli Canning Company petition for rezoning a certain property on Welburn Avenue from Zone "En to Zone "D" be continued to February 5,1951 at 8 o'clock P.M., '1~ "f] ~-, '" The Mayor now states that the report of findings and recommendations of the Gilroy Cit y Planning Commission rec armnends that a P9rti9n~ of the property,of w. .r~Hanna_located. ontthe '~south side of. First,Street!,,:bethen- t Hanna Sjlre'et. and:' Rosanna Street be rezoned from Zone "B" to Zone "Cl". '''- Thil..Mayor how, a~ks.of.~tpel!:'e'.is any:6ne..present who desires to dis- cuss the rezoning of this property as recommended by the Planning Commission. Mr.Walter Haana,Jr. now ap~ars urge the rezoning of this property. The Council now discusses the recommendations of the Planning Comm- ission and it is ubanimously agreed that all of the property on the south side of First Street between Hanna Street and Rosanna Street --4 1217 except that part already in Zome "Crt should be placed on Zone "Cl". . ON NO.252 ~ROPOSING THE REZONINq OF PROPERTY LOCATE SOUTH SIDE OF FIRST STREET BETV~EN ROSA]ITfA AND ~"-'# Vil1ereas, proc edings have been instituted before the lanning Commission of the Ci Gilroy to rezone a portion of e pDoperty located on the South s e of First Street between Hann ahd Rosanna Streets ,'a.nd~ the City PI ning Commission has recomm ded the rezoning of said property from ttB" istrict to rtCl" Distric , and WBEREAS, the Common C ncil of the CiYl of ~lroy in considering the said matter has determine that ~l of ~e id area between Hanna Street and Rosanna Street, loca d~~~(~ utherly side of First Street, should be rezoned and pl ea i ~CV"Cl" District, except ,that portion thereof now in~~l ric; e rezoned area to extend south 150 feet from the Sou ly li 0 First Street, and VlliEREAS, the ordinance of the y of Gilroy require that the said proposed rezoning be feferred t tti City Planning Commission of the C i t Y 0 f G i lr oy , NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOL ~ that th reclassification and rezoning of the said area exte ~ng from Rosa a Street to Hanna Street along the said line of First reet and extend South at a uniform distance of 150 feet from t said line of First 'treet as proposed, excepting that portion th eof now in "C" lIlistrict, be referred to the ~ City Planning Commissio of the City of Gilroy for i report and rec- ommendation thereupon. ADOPTED AND P ED this 13th day of December,1950, by the following AYES: Co cilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James D vid V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels,Carl W.Pate. ounc i lme n None Councilmen None. vote: ",.c,,41 Mayor City Clerk M:otion by Councilman Hason,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried that the hearing on the rezoning of property of W.J. Hanna located on the South side of First Street between Hanna Street and Rosanna Street, be continued to February 5,1951 at 8 o'clock P.M. The Mayor now reports on his recent conference with Colonel John H. Skeggs,Assistant Engineer,Division of Highways, on the proposed widening of l.1onterey Street stating that City Engineer W.J. Hanna and Walter Hanna, Jr. accompanied hiL1 and were present at this meeting. The Mayor states that all of the previous understandingson this matter were confirmed and I ; ""',.....,4 that with the approval of financing of the pDOject by the State IIighwaYE Commission the work WGuld probably be started in the Spring of 1952. onDINANCE NO.491 is presented and read. llotion by Councilman Stout ,seconded by Councilman Daniels that ORDINANCE NO.491 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 491 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILHOY DvlPOSING A LICENSE TAX FOR THE PRIVELEGE OF SELLING TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY AT RETAIL , 1218 PROVIDING FUR PEBHITS FOR RETAlLERS,PHOVIDING FOR THE COLLECTING AND PAYING OF SUCH TAX,AND PHESCHIBING PEN- ALTIES }TOl~ VIOLATIONS OJ? THE PHOVIS IONS HEREOF. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.491: ArlS: Councilmen George Iil.Hason,.T.H. \Ventworth,.Tames B.Thomas, David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels,Carl ~.Pate. NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen None. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.CA.~ City Clerk _.