Minutes 1950/12/18
Gilroy, California
December 18,1950.
In the absence of Mayor George C.Milias the City Clerk calls this
regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council to order.
Present: Counc ilmen George M.L1:ason,J. H. Yientworth ,James B. Thomas,
David V.Stout,Carl W.Pate. Absent: Councilman Dale D.Daniels.
The Clerk now calls for nominations for the office of Mayor Pro-tem.
Moti on by Counc ilman Stout, seo onded by Oounc ilman Wentworth and
carried that Councilman George M.Mason be Mayor pro-tern.
The Mayor pro-tem announces that this is the time specified in a
legal notice calling for bids for comprehensive liability insUEanoe
and automobile insurance.
The Clerk now reads a letter from Mr.August Piedmont,a local in-
surance agent, statintj that changes in the specificat ions contai.ged
in the notice calling for bids had made it necessary for him to ask
that the opening of bids be postponed to future date.
The City Attorney states that the insurance companies had refused
to bid on the specifications as presented on account of the non-owner-
ship provisions in the specifications and other provisions and he
recommends that bids be readvertised.
Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Pate and oarried
for insurance
that in the new specifications/to be advertised that it not be required
that the agent represen~]~ bidding company for any specified length
of time and that bids for oomprehensive liability insurance and auto-
mobile insurance be made. in one bid and as an alternate that two bids
be submitted-one for comprehensive liability insurance and one ~or
automobile insurance; that said bids be opened at 8 o'clock P.M. on
Tuesday ,January 2J.~1951.
RESOLUTION NO.252 is presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Thomas that
RESOLUTION NO.252 be adopted:
. I
VffiEREAS, proceedings have been snstituted before the Planning
Cororrission to the City of Gilrot to rezone a portion of the property
located on the South side of First Street between Hanna and Rosanna
Streets, and ~e City Planning Commission has recommended the rezoning
of said property from "B't District to "Cl't District, and
YaEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Gilroy in oonaid6riD80
the said matter has determined that all of the said area between Hanna
Street and Rosanna Street, located along the Southerly sldeoof First
Street, should be rezoned and placed in said "01" District, except
that portion thereof now in "C" District; the rezoned area to extend
south 150 feet from the Southerly line of First Street, and
VlliEREAS, the ordinances of the City of Gilroy require that the
said proposed rezoning be referred to the City Planning Commission of
the City of Gilroy,
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the reclassification and re-
zoning of the said area extending from Rosanna Street to Hanna Street
along the said line of First Street and extending South at a uniform
distance of 150 feet from the said line of First Street as proposed,
excepting that portion thereof now in "Crt District, be referred to
the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy for its report and
recomLlendation thereupon.
ADOPTED AlfD PASSED this 18th day of December,1950, by the following
Councilmen George IJ.!..Mason,J.H. Wentworth ,James
David V.Stout,Carl W.Pate.
Councilmen None
Councilman Dale D.Daniels.
B. Thomas ,
(5. ~. ~*
City Cler
Mayor Pro-tern
" .-' A communicat ion is presented from the League of California Cities
I '
! requesting that the city be represented at a League conference in
Sacramento on Civilian Defense on January 4th and 5th,1951.
IJotion by Councilman Pate ,seconded by Councilman Thomas and carried
that the Mayor select two representatives to attend the League of Calif-
ornia Cities Conference on Civilian Defense in Sacramento,January 4th
and 5th,1951; and that the representatives be allowed two nites travelling
Councilman Stout discusses the condition of the roof of the City Hall
building stat ing that the walkwa YE around 'the tower is in need of imm-
ediate repairs and that the balance of the roof of the building should
be repainted.
The City Purchasing Agent presents two bids he had received for the
work stating that the bid of Ray J.Whelan was the lowest bid.
Motion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Stout and carried
that the roof around the tower of the City Hall building (deck)be re-
roofed ani the balcne of the roof of the building be resurfaced for
the sum of $614.00 and that a contract be entered into with Hay J.Vfuelan~
to do this work.
Councilman Wentworth discusses the condition of the present street
sweeper and states that he,Councilmen Thomas and Pate went to Hollister
to look at the speeper recently purchased by that city.
IJotion by Councilman Wen~worth9seconded by Councilman Stout and carried
that the city advertise for bids for one Austin Western Model 40 Sweeper,
or similar, equipped with a leaf broom.
Councilman Stout discusses moving the present corporation yard from
Sixth street to the Old Septic tank property on East Street. It is
unanimously agreed that the area of the Old Septic tank property be (lee e
checked and a tentative layout for the necessary buildings be made.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
City Clerk