Minutes 1951/02/0522A _ a Gilroy,California February 5,1951. This regular monthly meeting of the Co=aon Council is called to order «`by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Pre ent:Councilmen George M.IAa.son,J.H.'Ventworth,James B.Thomas, Dale b.f�niels,Garl W.Pate. Absent:Councilman David V,Stout. Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of January 2nd and the 12 2 4 regular adjourned meeting of January 8,1951 are read and approved. A Notice of Hearing in the matter of the application of the Gilroy Telephone Company for an order authorizing increases and charges in rates for exchange telephone service from the Public Utilities Com,.ission stating that the date of hearing would be February 14, 1951,2:00 P.IVI.,City Hall,Gilroy,California.Included with the notice is a Report on Results of Operation of Gilroy Telephone Company, year 1949 and twelve months ending November 30,1950,etc. Lotion by Councilman Daniels, seconded by Councilman I.ason and carried that the City Attorney be given the Report oil Results of Operation of Gilroy Telephone Company and instructed to appear to represent the city at the hearing,February 14,1951 and that he be instructed to request the Public Utilities Commission that the city's franchise tax be based on all revenue collected by the company inside the corporate limits of the city in view of the company's request for increased rates. A communication is read from I-Irs.Phyllis Peterman,secretary- treasurer,Board of Trustees,Gilroy Public Library, asking that IIrs.Jack +.Ronald be appointed to membership on the board to replace Mr.Ed.Green,deceased. The Mayor requests time to consider the recommendation. A communication is read from the Bank of America stating that interest on the city's inactive account would be increased from 1% to 1-,I.%o if the city would be willing to provide 90 days notice of withdrawal instead of the 30 days notice now in effect. This matter is referred to the Finance Committee for investigation. A communication is read from the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific stating that an engineer from the board has recent- ly completed an inspection and grading of the fire protection - facilities of the city and enclosed a copy of the report of inspection and grading along with recommendations for improvement. This communication and report are ordered filed. A communication is read from Gentry,Inc. requesting thirty days extension of time to use the city garbage dump for plant waste as the weather had not permitted them to prepadre the proper garbage disposal pit on the Hirasaki lands a,. gortiba of which they have leased. Lotion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman 'uentworth and carried that Gentry,Incporporated be allowed an extension of 30 days from February 6,1951, to use the city garbage dump for 225 disposing of industrial wastes. A communication is read from Church of Christ requesting a Use Permit to establish a church at the southwest corner of Eigelberry and Seventh streets. Rev.LeRoy lViley,minister, now appears before the Council and pre- sents a petition signed by twenty property owners and residents residing in the immediate area of Seventh and Eigelberry streets, stating that thsyhave no objection to establishing a church on property located at 109 S.Eigelberry Street. Rev.Niley states that it is the hope of the church to build a building for use of the church some time in the future on the property. I,Iotion by Councilman Daniels, seconded by Councilman ' °t*entworth and carried that the application for a use Permit from the Church of Christ be referred to the Gilroy City Planning Commission. A request is presented from the '_Some Gas and Appliance Company asking that city water service be extended to property on North M.- onterey Road next to the harm Supply Company Store outside the city limits. Lotion by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that the request of the Norte Gas and Appliance Company for extension of city water service outside the city limits be denied,as.Other , applicati6ns had been denied since establish- ing of the policy of no further water extensions outside the city limits. Reoort of water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department brpresentdd:shoW n g samples satisfactory. This report is ordered filed. A petition signed by twenty- t'nree city employees requesting a -30.00 per month increase in salary is presented and read. The chairman of the Finance Committee reports that the committee met with city department heads to discuss salaries but the committee was unable to make a decision. It is unanimously agreed that the Council woould meet Thursday night,hebruary 8th to discuss the matter of salary increases for city employees. A map of Tract No.725,Rea Subdivision N6.3 is presented for approval. It is unanimously agreed to refer the map and the proposed agreement to the Gilroy City Planning Commission. ORDINAT,TCE X0.492 is presented and read. ,otion by Councilman Ventworth,seconded by Councilman Daniels that flRDINAT:TCE 10.492 be adopted. 122(3 ORDINANCE NO.4 92 AN ORDINANCE A!1E1TDI1tG O11DIMNCE NO.422,CO1.fi:I0 v'LY laO' "U AS THE "ZONING ORDINANC$" BY REZONING TERRITORY THEREIN LOCATED ALONG TIE. SOUTHERLY SIDE OF FIRST STREET BET ' + EN RO SANNA AND HAMM STREETS FRV ZONE "B" DISTRICT AND PLACING THE SAT. =E IN ZONE "C -1" DISTRICT. VoYe on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.492: AYES: Councilmen George 11.1.1ason,J.H.' entworth,James B.Thomas, Dale D.Daniels,Carl 7.Pate. NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilman David V.Stout. i The proposed ordinance rezoning from Zone "E" to Zone "D" certain property bounded on the north by the city limits on the east by Monterey Street,on the south btt Be -Ge Manufacturing Company and Howson Brothers and on the Viest by Miller's Slough, is presented and read. Totion by Councilman ventworth,seconded by Councilman 11ason and carried that the matter of hearing on the rezoning ftom Zone -, "Ell, ,to Zone "DI1,thdt certain tract of land bounded on the north by the City Limits of Gilroy,on the East by Monterey Street,on the South by Be -Ge Manufacturing Company and Howson Brothers, and on the Test by Killer's Slough,excluding that portion of said premises already in "D" district, be continued to March 5,1951 at 8 o *clock P.M.in the City Clerkts office,City Ha11)Gilroy,California. I,lotion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councillman t'entworth and carried that the sum of $9,207.17 be transferred from the Water Fund to the General Fund said money to be used to pay a new Austin - aastern Motor Sweeper. The Report od the Building Inspector is presented and read.,. :._Motion_:'by Councilman Daniels,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the report of the Building Inspector be accepted as read and placed on file. An alcholic beverage license application for an Off Sale Beer and Wine by Masaru and Shigeko Kunimura,143 S.ITonterey Street, is pre- sented. No objection is made. A communication signed by G.B.Carr,representing the city employees stating the the city employees had voted 27 to 4 to request that all city employees be enrolled under the Old Age and Survivors Insurance program, is presented and read. It is agreed to discuss this matter at the meeting to be held Thursday night,February 8th. Reports of the city officers are presented and read. Itilotion by Councilman lVentworth, seconded by Councilman Pate and i carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and and placed on file. Mlotion by Councilman Mason, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. City Clerk f