Minutes 1951/08/061264
August 6,1951.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias.
Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas,
Carl W.Pate. Absent:Councilmen David V.Stout,Dale DaDaniels.
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of July 2nd and the reg-
ular adjourned meetingsA July 10th and July 31st are read and
The report oft he Building Inspector for the month of July,1951
is presented and read.
The report of citations and arrests made by the Gilroy Police
Department during the month of July,1951 is presented and read.
An application for a job with the Street Department by Morris
Whiting is presented and read. The application is accompanied by two
recommendations -one from the Street Commissioner of the City of Hollister
and the other from E.R.Hanna,County Surveyor and Road Commissioner of San
Benito County. The application is referred to the Street Committee for
A communication is read from the City Engineer requesting permission
to advertise for bids for work under Project 20,M.C.S.,Sixth Street
' -le
from Church to M�� r Avenue.
Motion by Councilman 'ientworth,seconded by Councilman Mason and
carried that the City Engineer be authorized to advertise for bids
for improvement, of Sixth Street (Project 20,M.C.S.),fram Church Street
to I r Avenue and that bids be opened Wednesday,Augu st 22,1951 at
6 o'clock P.M. in the City Clerk's office,City Hall, Gilroy,California.
A communication is read from Logan and Frazer,certified public
accountants, offering to audit the city books of account and record
for the year commencing July 1,1951 and ending June 30,1952 for the
sum of :300.00.
Motion by Councilman Mason, se co nded by Councilman Wentworth add
carried that Logan and Frazer,certified public acc ountants,American
Trust Building,San Jose,California, be given the contract to audit
the city's books of account and record for the fiscal year 1951 -1952,
for the sum of . $300.00 with the provision that audits be made quarterly
and a final audit report made $it the end of the fiscal year.
A petition signed by property owners residing on Church Street between
Seventh and Eighth streets requesting improvement of the street said
improvement to be similar to that on Eigelberry Street between 7th and
8th streets. This petition is referred to the Street Committee for
investigat ion.
A communication i9igned,. bJ: °Qaorge C.Renz for himself and Righetti Bros.,
and Charles Saufnauer,owners of property located in Block 6 North,Range
5 West, offering to deed to the city a twenty foot alley to be improved
by armor coating, is presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried
that the offer of George C.Renz,Righetti Bros. and Charles Saufnauer,
owners of property located in Block 6 North,Range 5 West, to deed a
twenty foot improved alley described as the northerly 10.00 feet of
Lots 20,21,22,23,24,85,26,27,28 send 29 and the southerly 10.00 feet
of Lot 30 in Block 6 North,Range 5 test, be accepted the owners to
present a good and sufficient deed to the City Attorney for approval
and recommendation to the Council.
A communication is read from Harold Steinmetz,Trustee, requesting that
something be done about the drainage of storm water in the alley in Block
1 North,Range 1 West. This matter is referred to the Street Committee for
Reports of water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Dept.
during the July,1951,showed all samples satisfactory.
A communication is read'from Harold Crow,chairma n of the Forestry O�
Board with reference to the planting of trees in the residential area.
The Clerk is instructed to write to Mr.Crow and ask that his board
submit a list of trees suitable for planting in the residdntial areas
of the city and when the list is received the Ordinance Committee will
be instructed to have an ordinance drawn spe.uifying that the trees
listed by the Forestry Board will be the only trees permitted to be
planted in the parking area in the residential sections of the city.
A communication is read from the Christian Science Committee on
Publication for Northern California stating that they understand that
the city is discussing the fluoridation of city water and they desire
to protest. The Clerk is instructed to advise the writer of the letter
that the 06tncil has never discussed the fluoridation of city water
and that they do not cOntemplate doing anything of this nature.
T°!leltter _af. :.�transmittal :_ftom city auditors Logan and Frazer and the
audit for the fiscal year 1950 -51 is now presented and the letter of
transmittal read.
Motion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried
that the audit report of Logan and Frazer,city auditors, for the fiscal
year 1950 -1951 be accepted and placed on file.
The City Clerk and Ex- officio Assessor now presents,.. the assessment
roll for the fiscal year 1951- 1952,the secured roll showing an increase
in assessed valuation over the previous fiscal year of $558,203.00.
Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Thomas and carried
that the assessment roll for the fiscal year 1951 -1952 as presented by
the City Clerk and Ex- pfficio Assessor,be accepted.
Mr.J.C.Warren now appears before the Council to discuss Christmas
decorations and offers to decorate Mohterey Street for the same price
as last year,name ly $1,000.00.
Motion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried
that the Warren Deoorating Company be given the contract to Orovid6a
and;ere,Qt` 0hristmas decorations on Monterey Street;that Hollenback
Electric be given a contract to provide the li hts • contracts
g , to be
on the same basis as th.631950 contract;that the City Attorney be
instructed to draw up the necessary contracts for both parties.
The Building Inspector now presents two applications for Building
Permits from Foster and Kleiser to erect sign boards on Old Gilroy
Street -south side between Maple and East Street (property of John J.
Sheehy) and on the west side of Monterey Street at Eighth Street(again-
st the building occupied by the Eight and Monterey Wrecking Yard).
Motion by Councilman Tfientworth.seconded by Councilman Thomas and
carried that Foster and Kleiser be granted permits to erect sign boards
on the south side of Old Gilroy Street between Maple and East Streets
(property of John J.Sheehy) and on the west side of Monterey Street
at Eighth Street (against the building occupied by the Eighth and
Monterey Wrecking Yard) both signs to be removed at the request of the
Councilman Pate now discusses the conference held August 1,1951
mi th the County Surveyor and Road Commissioner,Robert Chandler,
John Stelling and Jerome Chappell, with reference to the drainage
on Miller Avenue stating that the estimated cost of providing a pit,
pump and pipe was $9,000.00. Mr.John Stelling presents figures on
estimated run off of storm water for an estimated two hundred acres
located in the area.,_it As unanimously agreed that the Clerk write
to Mr.Chandler advising him that the city was interested in the pvojeet
and would like to have him prepare an estimate of cost for the entire
works ;that upon receipt of this information the Council would then
decide how much of the entire cost of the project tte city dhould
The City Attorney reports that he had received all the papers
back from the Governorts office on rent decontrol and had been advised
that all that was now necessary was to forward to the Rent Decontrol
office in 1lashington,D. C. ,a certified copy of the Resolution passed
and adopted by the Council asking that rents be decontrolled in Gilroy.
RESOLUTION NO.265 is presented and read.
IvIlot ion by Counc ilman,seconded by Councilman Thomas that RESOLUTION
NO.265 be adopted;
WHEREAS, a petition to decontrol rents in the City of Gilroy,County
of Santa C1ara,State of Californ,a copy of which is attached hereto,
was filed with the Common Council of the City of Gilroy on the 7th
day of May,1941; and,
WHEREAS, such petition, on its face, recited facts sufficient to
require the Common Council of the City of Gilroy yo call a public
hearing to consider decontrolling rents; and
vVBEREAS, the attached notice of the date,time,place and purpose
of such hearing was published twice in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch,
1 26
a newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the 19
city of: ,Gilroy, on the 9th and 16th day of May,1951;and
°,HEREAS, at such public hearing all interested persons present were
given a reasonable opportunity to be heard, with the right to be
represented by counsel; and the said hearing was regularly continued
to hay 22,1951, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock P.M.,at which time all
interested persons present were given a reasonable opportunity to be
heard and a portion of said interested persons were represented by
Attorney Robert K.Byers, and evidence in support of said petition was
duly given and no one appeared at with of said Bearings in opposition
to the said petition; and,
WHEREAS, the Common Council of the said City of Gilroy, did at the
conclusion of the said hearing held on the said 22nd day of May.,1951,
regularly continue the hearing until the 29th day of May,1951, at the
hour of 8:00 o *clock P.M. at the same place fixed in the original
notice and no one appearing at the said hearing held on the,29th day
of May,1951, to contest the said petition and the said Common Council
having duly considered all of the evidence presented at such hearings
and taken the same under advisement;and
7EEREAS, rents have been decontrolled in all of the incorporated
areas of Santa Clara County as well as all of the incorporated cities
and downs in the said county with the exception of Alviso and the
City of Gilroy, and it is cormaon knowledge that there is less need
for rent control in the City of Gilroy than in any other portion of
the County except possible the Twon of Alviso;now,therefore,
THE CO18.2IN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY does hereby find and
resolve as follows: That there no longer exists in the said City of
Gilroy such shortage of rental housing accomodations as to require
rent control in such city.
Adopted,signed and approved this 6th day of August,1951, by the
following votes:
AYES: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentwort4Jaraes B.Thomas,
Carl W.Pate
NOES: Councilmen None.
ABSENT: Councilmen David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels.
"-City of G roy
City Clerk, City 6f, Gilroy
The City Attorney ddvises the Council that an election to fill the
vacancy created by the resignation of Councilman Dale D.Daniels is
not necessary unless the Council desires to hold an election. It is
unanimously agreed not to hold an election at this time.
The City Attorney states that he has filed an intervention in the
Uvas Creek water case.
Reports of city officers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and
placed on file.
Motion by Councilman 14ason,sec onded by Councilman Thomas and carried,
that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
City Clerk