Minutes 1952/02/07
Gilroy, California
February 7,1952.
This regular adjourn~d meeting of the Common Council is called
to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Mi1ias.
Present:Counoilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas,
David V.Stout,Darl W.Pate. Absent:Dauncilman Dale D.Daniels.
Counoilman Mason now presents the proposed specifioations for
a new water well to be drilled on the 47 acres of oity sewer farm
land lying east of the Llagas Creek.
It is unanimously agreed that inspection of the well be moDe
by Councilman IvIason,Henry Allemand and Building Inspector Byron
Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Pate and oarried
that the oity advertise for bids for drilling of a new water well
to be looated on the 47 aores of oity sewer ~arm land lying east of
the Llagas Creek and the specifioations as presented be approved
subject 00 the approval of the City Attorney.
Counoilman Wentworth reports that the Street Committee and the
Finanoe Committee have met and recommend the purohase of l-2 ton
G.M.C.truck from G.N.Brodersen and Son.
Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Counoilman Stout and carried
that in all places in the specifioations for the new water well to
be drilled on the 47 acres of the eity sewer farm land lying east
or the Llagas Creek where the City Engineer is mentioned that City
Building Inspector be substituted.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seoonded by Counoilman Thomas and
carried that the city purchase from G.N.Brodersen and Son 1-2 ton
G.M. c. truek,as specified in their bid dated January 25,1952, for the
sum of $3,466.47.
The Clerk reports that in a telep~one conversation with l~.Frank
Perrelli of Filice and Perrelli Canning Company that the cannery
o'ffioials would prefer a day meeting to disouss the sewage problem.
The Clerk is. instructed to advise the oannery offioials that the
Council prefers a night meeting and t hat the date will be set as soon
as assurance oan be obtained that Mr.R.C.Stockman can va present.
The provisions of Resolution No.240 dealing with subdivisions within
the city limits is discussed it being the oonsensus of opinion that
in addition to streets being graded,gravelled and oiled and curbs,
gutters and sidewalks be installed that all utilities should be
installed by the sutdivider or the developer of the unimproved land.
Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Counoilman Pate and carried
that Resolution No.240 be amended to require,in additionK to Streets
being set to grade,grave1led and oiled and ourbs,gutters and side-
walks installed, that all utilities be installed by the subdivider,if
a subdivision, or,if unimproved land that the developer be required
to instal all utilities.in addition to streets set to grade,gravelled
and oiled and curbs,gutters and sidewalks installed,within the city
limi ts.
Motion by Councilman Stout,seoonded by Counoilman Pate and oarried
that following a meeting of the Police Committee they reoormnend that
there is no other alternative but to uphold the legal right of the
City Marshal to terminate the temporary employment of Polioe Officer
Robert J.Edwards.
Adjourned subject to the
oall of the ohair.
City Clerk